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Horror authors that have a surreal decayed atmosphere like him?
Nu-/lit/ hates Thomas Ligotti. There is no author like him, at most some approaches that don't deliver what you really want.
I'd say you try to loosen up with Clive Barker, John Langan and Michael Cisco or go deep in pulp era
Have a look on "Dennis Cooper's blog" and subject search books he lists faves going back several years I'm sure some weirdo horror stuff
I picked up ligotti because someone had given him a beautiful review (specifically on his poem I have a very special plan for this world) and have really enjoyed it. the prose is unmatched, and his ability to craft a world of existential horror and unease is incredible. the only issue i have is with the endings, which destablizes the story because he dives too deep into edginess. I'm still reading songs of a dead dreamer, and also have grimscribe, does he get better with the endings
Robert Aickman
Ramsey Campbell
T.E.D. Klein
Why read this fucking garbage? Thomas Ligotti is a useless nihilist hack who’s a coward and will find himself burning in hell sooner rather than later. He’s ancient so it’s coming soon.

Dues vult!
>Dues vult!
This has to be satire lol
You jest but make a worthy point. What really bothers me is how pessimists like him can never truly stop themselves from feeling superior. "At least pessimists know who they are"
Do they? Doesn't sound nihilistic enough to me. Sounds more like failed optimists, only, you still haven't killed yourself, Thomas.
Lmao, christcucked retard
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There is an entire group of writers inspired by Ligotti that are still homaging him today, for "good or bad". Picture related, just came out last month. Laird Barron wrote a story called "More Dark" once poking fun at the cult of Liggoti (of course, Barron himself should count within that group as well, not sure if it was written to distance himself or not). In my view, the best of the "Liggoti-lites"/Ligotti-darks is Mark Samuels (he died last year though).
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Not that Samuels agreed much with Ligotti's philosophy. Samuels was a Christian. But if you are looking for Ligotti style "decay", check him out.
I don't care for his gay depression shit but what short stories would you recommend? Not a huge horror fan but like some Lovecraft and Poe and Smith.
His short stories are also gay depression shit. They're just horror flavoured
Well, he is a satanisnt doomer and edgytard só we are right in disliking him lol
ligotti is incredible and his nihilistic philosophy acts as a filter for people appreciating him as an author. it's undeniable that he has a unique voice with biting, cynical humor. there is nobody like him and never will be. enjoy him now and appreciate what we have. dustroy trolley
I think Ligotti is a skilled writer, but I don't agree with his vision at all, even in his hypnotic short stories.
Negative Space by B.R. Yeager.

Occasionally cringy and repetitive but perfectly captures an overwhelming surreality and dread. What’s even more fun is that all of the characters seem to ignore these aspects while the reader feels them much more strongly.
God’s will is satire? You’re a fucking joke.

Probably the only intelligent person on this board.

Fuck you, nihilist trash.
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I'm a gay zoomer mexicanx btw. Viva La Raza and Deus Vult!!! I already live in a dark world with existential horror, without the Holy Mother I have to face reality alone
The Holy Mother IS REALITY you stupid cunt
Brian McNaughton and Darrell Schweitzer both wrote novels that are bleak and fucked up. Different from Ligotti, but very fuckin dank. I envy the anon who reads them for the first time, especially McNaughton.
>Probably the only intelligent person on this board.
At least you concede you aren't.
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Boy in Darkness is like if Ligotti wrote a children's fairy tale book. Its insane that more people haven't heard of this. It might be the single best piece of horror ever written.

Also, check out the work Mark Samuels.
The Last Feast of the Harlequins.
>but I don't agree with his vision

Why is this a necessary for people? When did the consumption of art become just confirmation bias?
Did I imply it was necessary?
This was dog shit and barely readable. Nothing like Ligotti.

Proper Recs:
Jon Padgett's The Secret of Ventriloquism for dark dreamlike horror set in contemporary but fake Americana towns and Cisco's Antisocieties for surreal nihilism.
take your hivemind nonsense elsewhere
Without question the worst book I've ever read.
Just read all the guys he mentions in that famous book he has, it's baseless non-sense but you do you
You are literally a brainless cancer killing this board.
confirmed Jon Padgett is fantastic
When did all these religious faggots invade this board?
You’re a fascinating specimen. Were you shaped by trauma, or just underaged? Or perhaps just a dedicated shitposter?
Either way, you’re in for a bad time sticking around on this board. Give yourself a break and touch some green
I tried to give him a read last night. Downloaded Teatro Grottesco and I don't get him. What is peak Ligotti? A collection that is both unsettling and displays his ideas vividly?
I haven’t read him, but I’ve heard Robert Aickman is on his level.
Clive Barker is terrible.
Clive Barker is amazing, be the Abarat series or his straight up disgusting Books of Blood.
As a matter of fact, he is underrated, the guy is leagues ahead of slop like Stephen King and Nail Gaiman or many other modern and popular fiction writers.
Ligotti fan spotted: >>23555373
Okay, maybe I’ll give him another try. I read the first short story from the first book of blood and didn’t enjoy it in the least bit.
He's surprisingly moral and gnostic in his disgusting hedonism. Not the best craftsman, but his ideas and descriptions of the occult are spot on.
Anon, I really love The Books of Blood, but obviously each story is very different from the other and there are differences in quality. In the first volume there is a story with a silly humor that Neil Gaiman would never be able to deliver, another quite dramatic and yet charming, a very fucked up story about a pig, etc.
I would say that the train story and the last one are the weakest in the first volume.
>Not the best craftsman
Do you mind elaborating? Most of the times I read him it was not in English, but translated, and I found his prose to be well above average.
And when compared to so many modern writers, I thought he had a talent for delivering well-constructed plots in a short format.

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