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Are there any books in which the protagonist realizes he wasted his youth and tries to put his life back together at the age of 25 despite the difficulties? Asking for a friend haha
The Power of Habit. It has a great section on this very concern.
offtopic. take your depressive whining to >>>/adv/
wonderful fool
>wasted youth
There's time to recover but you've got less than 5 years before this statement starts to really ring true
Either provide or don't post
Don't worry as long as you breathe air and you're younger than 30 then you have not wasted your life
Anime, light novels and manga have some of this, but they're all time-travel plots.
Re-life is apparently a good one, but I've never watching/read it.
Probably the Bible.
>at the age of 25
Read Reverend Insanity. The protagonist is slightly older. After several life changing events he completely changes his life and goes on a new adventure.
The Ambassadors
Most people waste their youth. Maybe they learn an instrument, become fluent in a third language, and acquire some qualification to put on their job applications, but rarely much more. Even those who read deeply or become artists rarely get much out of it until later. Love, friends, celebration can be nice but doesn't leave you with as much as you might think. Early adulthood is the best time to build yourself up. Hell, for many, it might be too early, and their 30's would be better. Just do what you know is good and right, don't do what isn't, read and work, and you'll figure the path out yourself.
Why does /lit/ think life ends at 30?
because after 30, society has certain expectations of you.

that small glimmer of hope that "things will get better" is gone and you are forced to face the fact that you are on a certain path that is very different from the one you were promised as a youth.
Loved relife, what a calm and refreshing anime, unexpectedly so.
Things can get better after 30. Men have more time to get their shit together than women.
By 40 its over though.
I would disagree but not full-throatedly. I've known quite a few 40+ who have lived chaotically and then tried to change for the better. It does seem harder though.
It's harder, and it's hard because you have to accept that your past is set in stone. It's hard to get over.
Samuel Butler: the way of all flesh
Somerset Maugham: of human Bondage
Are 2 good ones
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i would kill to go back to 25
it's so sad. i was scrolling through this guys Instagram feed (some very low-key but wealthy music engineer) and was just so filled with envy at his totally mundane life. i mean even when the guy was broke he was still able to make a living with music and live a decent life with this wife. instead i spent my life learning the skills, trying constantly to get clients, dedicating all my energy to a skill that is in a hypercompetitive market and is going to be totally wiped out in 3-5 years. even now with how little people give a shit about music, it's basically over. it's now hitting me all at once that I've wasted so much of my life staring at a screen.
What skill?
As a former gay sissy, I have to say this, The Bible is the best one, now I'm a volcel and just from time to time I still jerk off to Blacked.

Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."
I understand that completely. I fell for the learn2code meme like 15 years ago and tried learning that despite really just hating it. Going to work was hard knowing I would spend time doing something difficult only to be a fuckup anyway. And now I got fired and have to look for a new job and it's so much harder because people just grind leetcode stuff much more and have "passion". And it's the same thing with music, when talking with my uncle, he said I was a good drummer and he even saw me drumming on time. I wanted to learn to play the piano at 6, asked my mom, but my mom didn't give a fuck. (Of course she later took the liberty to complain how I didn't seem to have any hobbies or activities after years ignoring my requests to learn things) When I got my first iPod for my 14th birthday, I ended up asking for an receiving a guitar for christmas, and even though I played everyday, I didn't want to take it too seriously because I didn't want to be poor, so I tried forcing myself into programming. I still love playing music and writing songs and coming up with melodies, even though I suck at it, and I like that I can still achieve something even if I do suck. It's way more fulfilling than solving problems involving banana optimization or whatever.
>As a former gay sissy
Former brown /pol/?
That's pretty much the plot of The Pale King. Though arguably the world DFW is writing about no longer exists.
Philip Larkin said nothing interesting even happened in his life until he was 21.
Zoomers know the 30 year old boomers meme them some form of communicable truth. Eventually the torch will pass and 30 year old zoomers will be meming genA these communicable truths. Also worth noting millennials by the numbers are last men who have been conditioned by birth for americanized slave morality, so be ready at some point for 40 year old boomer memes to start appearing.

The good news in all of this is that it doesn't actually matter what age you are, at least if you are male. If a fair number of 50 and 60 year olds could meme and assuming they actually wanted to they could show up here and wreck all of us in theory.
what would you even do differently? You would probably repeat your mistakes
I...feel the same. I'm envious of regular people, simply because evey step they take isn't painful and embarrassing as it is for me. Every day ends with me recollecting all the ways i've wasted my life and the latest day. I can't even talk to people i know, i can't shake the feeling that they only humor me because they pity me and not because they want to, that there's nothing inherently interesting about me. Not to mention i just plain don't know what to talk about or too afraid to speak my mind. The most worthwhile thoughts i have remain unsaid. Worst of all, nobody respects me and all my efforts to assert myself ends with me getting laughed at and being labelled bully/toxic/whatever. Everyone can just instinctively sniff out the bitch in me. I hate strong people, i truly do.
>there's nothing inherently interesting about me
The majority of people have bland personalities at surface level. That doesn't mean they aren't interesting, just that it may take a deeper personal connection for others to see it. Your issue is that you can't get people to want to get to know you. Maybe that stems from poor socialization skills, poor hygiene or something else. It doesn't mean you're not interesting. I would even say it's harder being uninteresting than the contrary.
Great book. Are you referring to the kid who was trained by Starbucks?
Man, I only decided to get my shit together at 30. I'll be 32 in a few weeks and I still don't feel like I'm too late to most things. You do need to accept you've missed out on a lot of things and you probably won't get to experience those things.
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The only thing repeating here are those digits
It isnt so much that life ends at 30 as much as the fact that if you still dont have your shit sorted out by then you probably never will

nah. there have been many people who really only achieved success and began their real career after 40. anthony bourdain is a prominent example
bourdain is a dead bitch.
This thread hits me on a personal level. I basically spent two years of my life trying to figure out what I wanted to do. But, when I finally figured out, things just got progressively worse. Now I'm 24-years-old, and the only experience I have is a retail job. I can't shake the feeling that I wasted my entire youth.
Vagabond by Takehiko Inoue. It is beautiful and life affirming, and this is one of the central themes. A wonderful movie that deals exactly with this issue is "Ikiru" by Akira Kurosawa. I watched it for the first time completely drunk with bourbon and bawling my eyes out back when I was 16-- it is still the only movie to have ever made my cry. Good luck anon!
Honestly, no work of fiction is gonna help you with this. If anything, entertainment only serves to to distract us or give us the illusion of progress. You could read all of the great novels but in the end your life will be exactly the same save for the fact that you will know more novels. I get the impression a lot of people who are very into art are people who have some sort of feeling of impotence about their lives, and so they consume art as a surrogate for living. This is especially true for people who consume art but do not create it.

If you actually want to better your life, the most important thing is living like a human being and not like some NEET shut it. Get enough sleep and exercise. Eat a balanced diet and drink in moderation if at all. Maintain a clean living space and practice good hygiene. See a doctor and a dentist every year. Get a job even if it just a menial retail job. Go out side and get some sunlight. Spend time around other people and talk to them. Any one of these things will improve your life far more than reading books
guys I need this too but I'm 35

how fucked am I

I was looking really good as a teenager but went crazy in college. As in literal mental illness
Just get at it, man. There's really nothing else to it, your struggle will be yours alone.
>book anime
wrong board faggot
I am against manga on /lit/ but here in this thread people don't really want advice but to have their shitty life situations (which they themselves have created) affirmed by others. So it makes no difference what people recommend, anime or not, nobody is going to read anything posted in this thread.
>Honestly, no work of fiction is gonna help you with this. If anything, entertainment only serves to to distract us or give us the illusion of progress. You could read all of the great novels but in the end your life will be exactly the same save for the fact that you will know more novels. I get the impression a lot of people who are very into art are people who have some sort of feeling of impotence about their lives, and so they consume art as a surrogate for living. This is especially true for people who consume art but do not create it.
This is true.
>projecting this hard
What do you mean?
>but here in this thread people don't really want advice but to have their shitty life situations (which they themselves have created) affirmed by others
Anime, light novels and manga are also worthless drivel written by losers for losers without any meanigful content in them.
How is this projecting?
shut up, manga is literature, deal with it.
Why do you assume people in this thread don't want advice?
Because I can read peoples minds.
I thought the same until I actually read serious literary manga. Read just about anything by the Garo artists and you'll have your mind changed. A good and accessible intro to alt manga is "Slum Wolf" by Tadao Tsuge. It is a collection of short stories centering around the struggles of the Tokyo slums just after the war, before their economic revival. My opinion of manga's capacity for serious literary fiction was more or less solidified when I read "Onwards Towards Our Noble Deaths" by Shigeru Mizuki. It's brilliant. Give it a try anon
I will. Thank your for your recommendations.
is sam hyde correct when he says you have till about 30 to get good at something enough for it to be a skill? I have to find something different from trying and failing to program
There is 10000 hour 'rule'. When you spend practising/learning something for 10000 hours you will become an expert.
Assuming you study every day for 3 hours, it will take about 10 years to become an expert.
It's best to start as early as possible (like when you are 20yo) but you can still do it when you are 30 or even later
i really wish I didn't waste my 20s on trying to be a programmer. I feel even stupider after all these tech layoffs cause I blew threw my savings while trying to find a new job but failed
>Why does /lit/ think life ends at 30?

That strechy yellow dog from adventure time said something like, "20's are for making mistakes, 30's are for fixing those mistakes, and 40 is older than I care to think about." The problem with being 30 is it's the first decade in your life where opportunities really starts drying up and the penalty for making mistakes becomes more debilitating: you're not in school anymore, your parents are probably going to die or be on their way out at this point, and/or maybe you receive your first 'permanent injury'.

Also, like these two Anons said: >>23553264 >>23557875 people who've "failed to launch" in their 30's often stay that way because they're become stuck in their ways. They've grown roots essentially and pulling them out will take either an immense amount of effort on their part, or will come as an act of survival/adaptation in response to something traumatic, unfortunately.
Because we are women (figuratively).
Turn your life over to Christ.

Deus vult!
Are there any boards that aren't 90% demoralization psyops? Asking because this shit is annoying
Good picks

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