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How does /lit/ justify so much anti-semitism when so many great writers are jewish?

Kafka, Roth, Bellow, etc.
The jews changed public perception to enforce the idea that those writers were great, using literary criticism from writers who were also jewish. I just made this up, but it's true.
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I dont mind jews unless they are israeli
Actually, I think Jews are based.
/pol/tards aren't /lit/ doe
Someone post that excerpt from the Capote interview where he talks about the "Jewish mafia" that controls publishing.
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How can Jews justify so much anti Nazism when great thinkers like Heidegger and Schmitt and Heisenberg and Von Braun were all Nazis? In fact how can we justify hating antisemitism when so many great writers were antisemites?
The trinity only makes sense when you take a cube, illuminate a light, and its shadows hit three wall surfaces, dumbass. Christcuckery is Moloch worship too just like Pisslam and Jewdaism.
Are you retarded? It is clear as the fuckin sun Judaism is Satanic, although Satan is too good an assimilation for this subhuman cult of animals of white people with inferiority complex who wanted to feel special so they “converted “ to some bizarre defunct religion (anyone who read the Talmoud would say Judaism is retarded , and christianity is more similar with stoicism or Buddhism than kikæism).
Jews are morons , and zionist are not humans. The proof they are morons is that they try showing some long dead German thinkers as jewish, and Israeli news outlets spread propaganda to show Israelis are great thinkers and innovators.
Kafka wasn't a full jew, though. And he gave us an insight into the mind of the jewish man: where sexual shame and neurotism manifests itself as grotesque, horrible creatures. After kikes realised he was so famous amongst literary circles they tried to revise his image by making it seem as if he was this sensitive, soulful creature riddled with anxiety at having to face the big bad, evil world (like that fucking madeup story with Kafka and the little girl's doll that still gets shared around); which makes him popular amongst normies. But everyone who reads Kafka and is genuinely interested in his life understands he's nothing more than another deranged, perverted kike... good writer though!
>Kafka wasn't a full jew
People who care about whether a person is jewish or not, that is to say, jews and antisemites, usually use the one drop rule. Though of course jews themselves hold the purebloods in higher regard, but to chuds any degree of jewish ancestry is sufficient to make them consider that person jewish. Just look at GRRM.
Nobody would care about Kafka if he wasn't jewish, nobody would have bothered to astroturf him into relevance.
The antisemitic /lit/posters are by no coincidentally the ones who don't read
>so many great writers are jewish
All from the 20th century when they slowly took over the publishing industry and all propelled by other jews.
>jews take over publishing
>literature completely dies in less than a generation
Eh, probably just pure coincidence.
I don't care about what's their ethnicity as long as they're not woman, Jews are cool
This is one of the worst threads on /lit/ and it's because of the replies. You guys are some of the dumbest losers that ever existed. All of your guys' lives combined won't even be 0.0000001% as meaningful and artistically rich as Kafkas.
You might not care about it, but critics and publishers sure do look out for their kin, you know.
Literature isn't dead. There's a reason why JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyers have sold more than Joyce, Dosto, Hegel, or any other "good" writer. Those retards didn't know how to sell and market their work and now their acolytes are facing the consequences.
>bitter kike responds bitterly
Every single time. Israel will never be a will country, b t w
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Not everyone who disagrees with you is Jewish. Take your meds jackass
Simple. I separate the individual from the horde and art from politics.
Actual Jew writers as in those raised under Judaism are garbage. The best “Jewish” writer was half French and raised Catholic and all his works are heavily indebted to the French literary tradition, like Hugo and Corneille. What that means is your best writer isn’t even culturally Jewish.
Kafta wasnt jewish
the americna right are going through a weird transition phase in regards to antisemitism at the moment. On the one hand they entertain "white replacement" conspiracy theories. On the other hand they support (((trump))) and israel.

its almost like they have no principals and lurch from one incohesive gut reaction to the next.

I'm 100% convinced if they actually read books instead of watching click-bait orientated yootoobers etc the problem would sort itself out
>Couples are most in love in Hungary

Checks out.
It's weird actually. Jews seem to flourish disproportionately in every field except literature. Besides Kafka it's hard to think of any works of historic magnitude written by Jews, while in physics, medicine, and most other arts, a number of Jewish titans immediately come to mind.
>I'm 100% convinced if they actually read books instead of watching click-bait orientated yootoobers etc the problem would sort itself out

sort itself out as in, become more anti-semitic, or less? Or, just have a more coherent position?
You've already been humiliated in another thread and you've already posted this same garbage meme as your argument. If you're not trolling, you're frankly pathetic.
Anti-Semites are retards
Wtf ru talking about
There's a ton of reputable Jewish literary authors
Roth was one of the top novelists of the past 40 years
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>The antisemitic /lit/posters are by no coincidentally the ones who don't read
no, they're onto something
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I hate subhumans more than I hate Jews. I recognise that they are the puppet masters but I respect them as rivals. Like it or not, Jews are crafty and their neuroticism leads to interesting art which I also tend to find relatable. What, am I going to stop watching Jake Gyllenhaal or Woody Allen movies? Stop reading Kafka? Throw out all my X-Men toys from when I was a kid because Lee & Kirby were Jews? Jews are cunts with a very big in-group bias, but I can't bring myself to hate them. Honestly, I've come to the realisation that I hate disgusting, useless people more than I hate evil ones. So while I know what kind of things Soros gets up and that he's sold our futures, I still can't bring myself to hate him as much as I hate the average nigger, because I can respect the fighting spirit.
The best Jewish writers were antisemitic.
See: the Bible
If I wanted to read Sholem Aleichem how difficult would it be to learn Yiddish after studying German?
What are the editions of Sholem Aleichem printed in Germany like? Original text written with the Latin script with lots of glossed vocabulary? A translation?
Oh they're on to something alright. Lmao
Appeal to popularity fallacy. Quantity isn't quality.
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My boomer dad used to be one of those evangelical Christian Zionists that /pol/ would make fun of, but over the last couple of years he has completely changed his opinion on Jews and he says they are Satanic globalists who want to bring the Antichrist into the world.
>Kafka, Roth, Bellow, etc.
None of them are first rate like Milton or Joyce thoughbeit... come to think of it I can't name any great masterpiece produced by Jew. How come?
Stanley Kubrick was good but he was one of those antisemitic Jews like Bobby Fischer.
Is this a bait, I hope.
Milton produced an above average work and nothing else of value.
Yeah, its a bait.
This is a literature board.
>Jewish literary masterpieces: 0
I guess Night was alright.
And they did the same thing with art.
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>How does /lit/ justify so much anti-semitism
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This although many of the frauds have been forgotten
That wasn't even me. You're truly a pathetic dumbass that you think everyone who disagrees with you some established person from before
jews are and were a smarter and more literate population basically forever and people are still mad about that for some reason
Bobby Fischer is aight
>Same shitty meme
>Same type of "argument" that is limited to swearing and using the same words used by the other like a parrot
There is nothing to argue about. No one in this entire thread has any real criticism on Kafka besides, "Blehg he a jew. He a Jewish so bad writer. " Just endless ad hominems from people who don't even read

I was the one who originally posted the image, I've literally never chatted in that thread after posting that
>No one in this entire thread has any real criticism on Kafka
We aren't criticizing him, we are just pointing out he is second-rate. He's not Joyce. He's never written a masterpiece. Him being a jew has nothing to do with his mediocre level.
>Kafka, Bellow
Unreadable and I say this as a philosemite.
>He's never written a masterpiece

Insane statement. Probably your favorite writers of all time think Kafka is one of the best to ever do it too
By all means, which of Kafka's writings do you think hold up to Ulysses or Hamlet? They aren't in the same category, my son.
>He's never written a masterpiece

Insane opinion
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Why do kikes suck their own newborn infant children's mutilated penises and drop white phosphorus on other people's children?
Crazy how the Irish are considered "white" or at least one of the good whites now.
Tradition before you could wash bloodstains out of clothes.

For the second answer efficiency in flushing out targets in areas with a lot of cover.

I mean Semites are barbarians but the germoids are worse.
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>t. Kike cocksucker
if you think this had anything to do with Hitler youre retarded
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>t. chicken-torturer
The God of the Bible was the first redditor
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Bobby was based.
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>How does /lit/ justify so much anti-semitism
Jewish actions and behavior.
He was arrogant, full of pride and thought he was above God. And where is he now? In hell.
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Go back to sucking your children's dicks and torturing chickens to death, foreskinless kike.
Exactly kek
I'm a Methodist, you complete idiot.
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You're a shabbos Goy.
no actually I'm not a semite.
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Hello there, fellow White person.
Of course the based anon making the bots and retards seethe is a methodist. God bless you.
what I want to know is what the fuck you are, some sort of celt? african? american? kinda weird hobby to waste time talking about jews when you could be reproducing or learning.
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I'm a Goy.
He is a larpagan who loves horse cum.
I'm going to assume some sort of american since you're posting reddit memes
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Okay, kike.
so your entire bloodline consist of retards, that's so sad for you
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Books for this feel?
you and the jews are literally made for one another. they need haters, its built into their culture, you need an explanation for why your lot in life turned out to be bad. keep posting.
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Kafka was literally an anti-semite. I understand that the /pol/tard seething is just stupid but its not like a kind of skeptical view of Jewish intellectual style and an unwillingness to be slaves to the image of Jewish victimization cannot coexist with an appreciation for Jewish talent, of which there are many.

I guess the anti-semites you are talking about are just miserable trolls and I don’t mean to defend them
Spinoza and Salinger were Jewish and Proust had a Jewish mother
That's not what's anti-Semitic. Relating a human being to a tick is what is.
You are frankly pathetic, you are literally seething in two different threads about "muh /pol/". Nobody cares. You can always go back.
No this is my first post on the issue. Most likely you are psychologically Jewish because one feels most averse to that which one resembles. Fuck back off to reddit, kike faggot
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It's amazing how you guys are basically doing a bad imitation of the people who call you out. You are basically parrots.
>so many great writers are jewish
less than 5
The only truly great one. Kinda ironic that being jewish made him a self hating schizo, which is what most of his writings are about
There are other masterpieces that aren't as good as Ulysses and Hamlet. Would you say those literary masterpieces are shit just because they're worse when compared to Hamlet? Answer my question, you pompous psycho

The Metamorphosis, most of his short stories, and his letters are all masterfully made, btw
This thread really buckbroken the kikes on /lit/

>>Kafka was literally an anti-semite
so? jews have been riddled with in-fighting for thousands of years, starting with Jewsus.
Im not Jewish. Take your meds
Just a discordfag.
Youre a slave lashing out at your masters kek
I barely know what a discord is. Call your mom
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Best writer this world has ever produced hated kikes. So i choose to do the same.
Cute Reddit lingo.
>has any real criticism on Kafka
This isn't a Kafka criticism thread, kike. KYS
ITT: Butthurt losers who don't read will claim that the Jewish people aren't some of the best writers of history.
>incognito mode
goodness, I'd never heart about this one. Not as bad as the one about babies. Funnier
Are you still crying? Why isn't there a jewish Shakespeare or Homer? Jews wouldn't even get published if they didn't have full control over media outlets.
Just ignore the /pol/tards, they think they are readers because they read 4chan threads and political comics.
you guys got btfo'd

tvch /tv/ 336939. # 337237
The book that sold the more copies was written by jews though
Neither Virgil nor Dante were particularly antisemitic
I'd say it's pretty semitic
Name a gentile author whose work is similar to Kafka’s
Dumbest thing I have ever read. Kafka is a genius.
75% of this board is /pol/
/trannypol/ lost. Accept this. The webring won.
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I would trade any one of them for a female Olympic swimmer.
All universalism and globalization for the plebs has been driven by jews, starting with asynchronicity

>Kurzweil grew up in Queens, New York City. He attended NYC Public Education Kingsbury Elementary School PS188. He was born to secular Jewish parents who had emigrated from Austria just before the onset of World War II. He was exposed via Unitarian Universalism to a diversity of religious faiths during his upbringing.[1][2] His Unitarian church had the philosophy of many paths to the truth: his religious education consisted of studying one religion for six months before moving on to another.[3] His father, Fredric, was a concert pianist, a noted conductor, and a music educator. His mother, Hannah, was a visual artist. He has one sibling, Enid.

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