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Why are the Stoics so misunderstood? It seems like everyone, from serious philosophers like Nietzsche to Russel, and online "redpill" type bros, all have a caricature of the stoics.
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Stoicism in action.
Stoic anon, it should be worth noting that almost all of the stereotypes regarding stoicism can at some point likely be traced back to something that was said by a famous Stoic. This is not meant to be understood in the sense that all of the stereotypes are now 'true' or what have you, but rather the evolution of these stereotypes over time likely has some origination within the surviving texts of a stoic thinker. At this point I will also point out that as a result it is difficult for stoic purists to point out a 'perfect' stoic, rather the process becomes one in which more widely read or longer practicing ones seek to make these distinctions, there may be a credible basis for the claim, there may not be, I cannot speculate on this. Stoicism itself is probably the most widely incorporated school of thought in history, and the very definition of it has become difficult to properly ascertain as a result. This is further complicated by the appearance of conforming to known stereotypes by its adherents at varying stages of stoicism, and also further complicated by its nearly complete and total subsumption by the self-help industry and books about having a normal life crowd. I would venture to say a vast majority of them probably are not actually interested in acquiring a 'sum total' of stoic philosophy but rather are actually interested in having other people tell them to let go, stick to what they can control, stay calm, and blind unwavering devotion to duty. I will end with a quip about how worrying yourself over this is thoroughly unstoic of you.
>Why are the Stoics so misunderstood?
/lit/ doesn't read.
Zoomers get all their knowledge from broicism Youtubers.
>all have a caricature of the stoics.
Because it works?
The Jews hated Jesus because his philosophies worked without paying for snake oil.
Same deal.
All you need for stoicism is you and the will to do.
All you need to be redpilled is to like comment subscribe all the time to make them richer.
For me stoicism is not to swear, to never reply but yes and no. Not to speak, but when the words and the choosing of the words go in accordance to your personal value. Stoicism is having self-respect. Stoicism is to walk upstraight, to wear a mildly pleasant facial expression, to say no when someone offers you something, not to smoke, to be straightforward. To challenge your authority figures, to not let others oppress you, to lead, to command, to be courageous at the face of danger.
This is just cuckoldism
This. Jesus and the apostles are based; Pythagoras and both Greek and Roman Stoics are based; jews just seethe and the Talmoud is primitive dated bullshit. The Talmoud doesn’t make sense in today’s world, whilst Jesus’ teachings still do (and they have only a difference of 200-400 years)— Jesus and the apostles were smart , and jewish priests were dumb.
Stoicism means controlling your emotions. People think it means not having any, when it really means keeping a handle on them and finding healthy ways to get over stressful times. People misidentified me as stoic because i bottled up emotions then released them later in negative ways. For a while i thought i was stoic because peopele labeled me that. People are retarded.
This is the correct definition of a stoic. It is very difficult to become a Stoic, and even Seneca wasn’t as he wished he was— a complete stoic.
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>Why can't all those poor people, slaves, male virgins, and anyone else is who isn't me (the emperor and richest man in the world) just stop whining and control their damn emotions? It's because they're weak. Anger is the sign of a stupid man. *gets mad at a man for sleeping with his wife and executes him in the most gruesome way possible*.

Damn bro. That's deep.
Nice rhetoric, brobro.
I forgot to add that it's more of an ideal to strive for. I don't think anyone can ever be 100%.
Uncontrolled retarded sperg emotions, yes. Everyone has to control their emotions on some level. If you want to progress effectively through life, you have to learn to manage stressful times. It's easier said than done and it's easier for me to say this now because i'm currently pretty calm. No one is 100% stoic, it's impossible. It's an ideal to strive for and it doesn't mean accepting your position, it means finding ways to deal with it that are healthy, so you don't end up sperging out and making your life even worse. It's not very complicated. Being stoic isn't easy. Rich bratty people freak out over stuff most people would consider ridiculous, so it's not actually easy to be stoic for anyone.
Hahaha another lazy imbecile got filtered . You are trying to sound smart , but are just plain stupid.
Again, i'll add that many poor people from 3rd world countries are more stoic than people from 1st world countries. So the privilege thing is kinda retarded.
Russel Bertrand give some context in regard to this interesting phenomenon; although he criticizes all regimes (Marxism , capitalism, anarcho-syndicalism etc.) except for federalism (he advocated for one-world-government, whic I don’t think would be a good idea , considering AIPC and other malignant demented similar organizations).
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>They're stoic by choice.

Who exactly are they going to bitch to even if they wanted to?
>Who exactly are they going to bitch to even if they wanted to?
American senators, nor the US government don’t even care (you)’re poor and can’t afford education or housing, or sustenance for that matter
>gets mad at a man for sleeping with his wife and executes him in the most gruesome way possible
I thought his cuckoldry was rumour, but now he definitely executed the other man in the most brutal fashion. Sure. Somehow between 16 kids in 30 years, Faustina decided more cock was the answer.

Also, most slaves could buy their contracts. Literal bootstrap stuff.
Because people ignore the meta/physics.

Stoicism is about understanding and following the Divine Will. To live according to nature means exactly that.

Which is why I don't understand self proclaimed atheist Stoics.
Nietzsche understood them well: Stoicism has a strong slave origin and the philosophy is suitable for making good workers only. No great creator ever championed the Stoics above all others, and if you're interested in its meditative aspects, Buddhism is just better at it.
Good post, thank you
>moralfag heraclitean cargo cult

Mostly. Pyhrronists were useful in the development of science at least.
>If you want to progress effectively through life
What does it mean to "progress through life"? Say you were slave in roman times, what would "progressing through life" look like?
>Say you were slave in roman times, what would "progressing through life" look like?
Read up on Horace's father
Hey look a butthurt stoic getting angry over an internet comment
The stoics don't have a metaphysics. They think that God is quite literally a fiery inferno that pervades the universe and that nothing exists that can't be seen or touched.
I'm reading Tom Wolfe's "A Man in Full" atm. It's about a redneck real estate developer who falls on hard times and embraces Stoicism. Hijinks ensue, check it out it is pretty funny, not great literature or anything tho.
I recommend reading Stockdale on Stoicism if you want to hear about a man practically applying the philosophy to help him through truly terrible circumstances.
You still have a chance to make this thread worthwhile OP.
How did Nietzsche misunderstand stoics?
How did Russel?
How do redpill type bros?
What is stoicism and why is it so commonly misunderstood? Until then, you're just another snide faggot who doesn't like it when his ideology manifests in a bad way.
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>tries to conflate retards like Russel with Nietzsche and pretend it isn't intentional
I see through you, you slimy kike.
Nietzsche was not a philosopher, he was a pop dear diarists gamma boy

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