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Let me guess: you "need" more?
Did Jesus poop?
Yes. Apocrypha.
Of course and it’s officially heresy to say he didn’t.
When he comes back will he use three ply or single?
that's the whole point of Jesus
Apocrypha is in the actual 1611 KJV.
Bro, bro listen; there's actually all these lost books bro.
No, I've never read the Bible cover-to-cover but the NEPHILIM bro.
I need a lot of paper to clean things here at home, yes.
I need more Jewish written cope, yes.
What did King James say to the Thessalonians?
"Thou shall go and created multiple sects using this here book. Non shall agree but all shall take a different name for your own particular group. If any in thy group shall disagree, may he proceed to break off from thy stump and create for himself a new group and he too shall claim the TRUTH, may he name his new group as he sees fit, UNDER THE BLOOD RED SUN. Be thou aware that this here King Jaime is meant to scatter and inflate with pride. Yall interpret it as yall's see fit. And be thou aware to bid thy Oveltine and Crustables at Walmart."
The translators knew it wasn't inspired.

>but the NEPHILIM bro.
What happens when "easier-to-read" bibles don't translate words...

>trust the pope and the bishops and the religion experts, chud!!!1!
Go worship your statues of Mary, Cathotranny.
Yes, I need Jews to reinterpret it for millenia and inject their man made fantasy into it on my behalf.
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That's just Roman Catholicism.
what's you favorite verse in the book of King James?
how about King James 3:1-3.804
I Le King James am your one and only man. Ya'll followers of this King's word shall use it as an instrument to shield ya'lls stupidity and shall enforce ya'lls stupidity by wielding these here verses out of context, with no regard for the original audience. Ya'll followers, under the Blood Red Sun remember thy mighty octopus and his King size ink sack. When thou brother thy octopus is threatened he proceeds to discharge his ink sack, thou too when threatened about by your lack of critical thinking and lust for the last word should use this book King James as an ink sack. Be thou firm and squirt out verses with no regard for context. Thou shall act as if thou invented all under thy blood red sun. My sons create for thyselves baby king James' but thou must not name him bronny.
KING JAMES chapter 8:2-8.096

Thou they call ya'll prot tards, remember brothers, The Jim Bob's New Tabernacle Truth Soldiers of the King James Covenant will always gotts your back. Feel free my baby kingsters to eat your McDonalds and educate yall'selves with the WIKIPEDIA.

KING JAMES bless ya'll.
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>ban the bible!
>burn the heretics (Christians) who have one and burn their bibles too!
>let's print a talmud instead!
Popery, not even once.
This is true.
Jesus was a Jew.
God's greatest man was given a Jew, given to gentile and Jew alike. The world conspired to kill him. Millennia later, the world worships him while hating the people from whence he came.
God is the master of all things, not least, irony.
Sheeeeit I lovin Jah!!!
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Oh, this is the same guy, isn't it?

This is the sort of mental illness that comes from false religious systems that have a false gospel that doesn't save, and which claims "Mary" (that's not the Mary of the Bible btw) is a coredemtrix and comediator, and which worships statues of the devil pagan goddess from the book of Jeremiah which they even call by the same name, the queen of heaven.

The Papist schizos are really indiscernible from the atheist schizos, members of that false world religion act exactly like scoffing unbelievers of the world and like other world religions like Islam, the Papists are so full of hate they tortured and murdered millions of Christians.

Matthew 3:9
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Christ-rejecting Pharisee thought is was led to the Babylonian Talmud, and Christ rebuked them harshly for putting man's traditions over God's Word (which is exactly what Roman Catholicism does, put man's traditions and opinions above God's Word). Modern Jews who practice Judaism (Talmudism) don't have the faith of Moses or the prophets, or else they'd have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ: Details in the gospel according to John, such as but not limited to chapter 5.
nice bait lol
KING JAMES 4:5-798.2
"listen ya'll baby kings to ya'lls big King.
Thou shall use historical snippets with no regard for critical thinking. Thou shall disregard the Ws', who, what, why, when. Snippets begotten by thy interweb shall be used as spit wads and as obfuscation to deflect from thous ineptitude. Thou who use interweb snippets in this manner shall be call KILLSLINGERS for thou sling nonsense in thy name of thy King JAMES under the blood red sun. the KING SPAT
You point the finger, yet you sin. All men who sin, which is all men, reject Christ, were complicit in his death, and are complicit in his death as it stands today. None of us are guiltless.
Yet we point and say, it is them, they are the reason why things are this way.
Until each man understands what love really means, Christ lies dead. The Jew, is your brother. Whether or not he sees it, or you see it, is irrelevant.
Same poster
Stop it. Stop it now
What does it mean to accept Christ? What exactly was this Jesus?
King James killed Christians?
Go past Wikipedia while doing your research.
KING JAMES sayeth all yall hear yall I am thy mighty KING and all shall interpret thy words as thou see fit. I, your only King the JAMES command thee to fill thy cup with knowledge from thy wikiweb to interpret my teachings and plot them by thy power of a meme on thy Chan.
Create heathen denominations and use the word of thy only King JAMES to justify the many sects and denominations. Confusion is great saith thy King JAMES.
Have fun and prosper in thy ignorance, cloke thy seething in ya'll ignorance.
"Go forth and create denominations"

What part of the bible is that verse in?
King James be without stain. Kingletts ya'll gather from all corners of the earth and heed the mighty
My Kingletts, ya'll shall multiply across the earth like a Gremlin who has been splashed with water. Ya'll in the name of the only man KING of your loins shall take from the land many names for the multiple sects and denominations you Gremlins will create upon the vast earth under the blood red sun.
Ya'll theological ignorance pleases your KING the James. Always remember Kinglettes, where 20 are gathered then the time for another denomination is upon us.
dont need it at all actually
do not hack my pc
always i repect all my teachers and friends
>That's just Roman Catholicism
No that's all of orthodox Christianity, only a few heretic forms are anti Semitic.
How do """""Christians""""" on 4chan reconcile their participation on this site with the fact that it is antithetical to the teachings of the Bible?
Which ones?
"You are called to be in 4chan, but not of 4chan."
My experience of Catholicism has been pretty positive.
>seminarians float through the parish, all are cool dudes and educated in philosophy
>priest is based African who used to have to run from bandits and shit while serving in his home country
>goofy homeschooling families with 10 kids who teach them all Latin
>people talk about fine points of theology like the filioque
>religious processions through town
>guy who sponsored my confirmation came to my apartment to talk about religion even though he has 7 children to look after
>volunteer at the soup-kitchen with an ex-monk who gives black people mostly brown bread and chocolate (pumpernickel etc) for the lols

I understand why so many chan people have become Catholic.
Incredibly based

Is it a IHS church? We have that one (Jesuit) and regular ones. The Jesuit one seems most based.
jew books of jew faith from a jew cult. No, I don't require anything to do with their practices. I have seen enough of what it has wrought, and am capable to recognize evil for what it is.
Edgy! On 4chan?
Na it's Dominican. But that is another based thing, not only the main priest but everyone who hears confessions etc is educated in philosophy. One father was able to help with scruples by giving me a crash course on Aristotelian psychology and how the thoughts that run through our minds aren't totally under our control.
Ah, due to the Summa Theologia? Thomas Aquinas - the Dominican - based it on Aristotelian thinking I believe.
There’s a lovely YouTube channel by the thomistic institute that delves deeper into Dominican thinking.
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Yes. I need to know what that book teaches.
>I read the bible
The absolute state of cuckchan, at least the /lit/ board on the webring still funny and full of creative writing.

The Catholic Church did, learn to read.
It's not, stop trying to save face for the schizo antiChristian spammers on this board who need a permaban.
Are you bait? If not, honestly, kill yourself.
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I recommend this book to assist.

The Bible is about the mind and meditation.
I could never believe in God but I still somewhat enjoyed the Bible from a literary standpoint. I also genuinely liked it. However at some point I just couldn't shake off I was reading something made by Jews. Every time I open a Bible I think I've got Jewish stuff in my hands. Every page is filled with Jews, talking about Jews, the Jewish this, the Jewish that, how the Jews are the Jews but I'm sort of a Jew too now, thank you Jesus for letting me in the secret club. I imagine I'm supposed to feel about this like blacks when they get wanked off on Twitter by white SJWs. Ayo dayum cracka sez I be not so bad! I fundamentally don't give a shit about goat herders. I do not even like Israel geographically.
I have seen arguments from Christians against Jews, but how the fuck can a Christian even differentiate himself from Jews? Christianity is a semitic religion, half the BIble is literally about Jews and the other half is also about Jews. Why the fuck do I have to give a shit about Jerusalem? I have absolutely 0 sentiment for Jerusalem and all the area surrounding it. Why wasn't Jesus from a nicer country like Japan or something? I definitely care more about Japan than fucking goddamn Israel.
>da j00s
There's really no point in explaining anything to subhuman atheist/socialist trash like you. I bet you don't even know what is the Talmud and it's clear you don't know who is Israel. Ironic you mention SJWs because you retarded socialists who go around kvetching about da j00s are basically SJW retards.

Just another midwit retard who doesn't even format his posts right because he's afraid of being called a newfag. Nobody fucking cares about your retarded blogposting, faggot weab trash.
>*incoherent rage*
are you really denying that the Christian Bible isn't almost entirely about Jews?
my question is simple, why the fuck should I care about Jews and Israel?
Did, King James kill Christians?
If it includes the Deuterocanonical books then no.
>God encarnates into human
>he is a jew
>he tells the jews to stop being jews and instead become christians
>the jews kill him
>he resurrects and de-jewsify the whole world except for the jews
>didn't pick up on a single point in the post
lol, atheists are so dumb.
The relationship between the Jews and God is an allegory for the relationship between Humans and God. God consistently tells the Jews what not to do and yet they still do it. The Jews as a group clearly play a monumental role in the world, and are much more influential than groups such as the Mormons, the Baha'i, or the Druze, not to mention their proximity to the historical crossroads of civilizations. A strong case had to be made a long period of time in order to offer documented credibility to the Messiah. To that end, it would make sense to follow the history of that one group over time as opposed to multiple other groups across the planet, especially if the goal is to prophesize and eventually bring about the Messiah. The group in question would need to understand the importance of the prophecies. When that group then betrays the Messiah, and by extension betrays God, the people of the world will have to choose between following the religious leaders of the group, or the Messiah. If the events of the Bible had taken place in Java, nobody would have heard about it.

Don't get hung up on the "Jew" aspect of the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. View it instead as a metaphor for what humans would do if they had working knowledge of God - that is, they choose selfishness 9 times out of 10 and do evil things to serve their own desires, and ultimately have to come to repentance. When you think about everything that happened to the Jews in the Old Testament, you should stop and consider whether or not you're any different in spirit.

And remember - being a Jew back then was radically different from what being a Jew is today. Being Jewish in the Old Testament was being a member of a tribe that sought God and tried (on paper) to incorporate divine teachings into their daily life. Being Jewish today inherently involves defending the demand for Jesus Christ to be put to death at the hands of strangers, and arguing that it was the correct thing to do at the time.

Many of the Jews from back then ultimately ended up converting to Christianity, and they were persecuted for it for centuries. The Jews today are the ones who still deny Jesus Christ and continue to shun God despite being given every opportunity to do otherwise.

I would recommend reconsidering how you view and interpret the Bible as a whole, because (and I don't mean this insultingly) it's an immature way of interpreting the most influential collection of literature in human history. Maybe look into the Desert Fathers, at the very least read some Wikipedia synopses on them before determining whether or not to read their writings. If you like Stoicism or Mysticism, they are a fantastic hybrid between the two and have a great message especially for today's world.
>wasting this much time on the scoffing fools
I don't know why you even bother. They don't want to learn about the Bible, they just want to shit up threads and get them shut down for discussing the Bible; hence all the false-flagging discord spammers spamming "deus vult" recently. The wisdom of the Scripture tells you not to waste your time with them.
How did KING JAMES reconcile, Leviticus 20:13 with his own actions?
A bunch of obviously made up, intra-contradictory books made up by savage desert lunatics. The pain and misery this book caused pales in comparison to any of its supposed literary qualities, of which there are few. The main character (Yahweh) is an ignorant, genocidal maniac who demands you mutilate your foreskin before you can become friends with him or he will order his friends to genocide you. There is no actual knowledge in this book. No mathematics, no science, no substantial philosophy has ever come out of it. It's a book written by and for ignorant rubes.
>There's really no point in explaining anything to subhuman atheist/socialist trash like you
Equating atheism and socialism is very dishonest. Socialist are as epistemically dishonest and lazy as christians. You probably hate them because they remind you of yourself.
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Let me guess: "you" need more?
>getting your "facts" from social media/tiktokkers who think having private meetings in the most secure place in your kingdom means you're having gay sex
Always with the Papists/Atheists. Such depraved minds.

The Papist coward and terrorist Guy Fawkes literally tried to blow up Parliament because King James wouldn't bow to the antichrist popes.
Yeah the Church Fathers
The church fathers wrote the books of the new testament, that's already in the Bible, but you shouldn't call them "fathers" anyway.
>Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Either you believe and obey the Lord Jesus Christ or you don't.

Your "church fathers" are just heretical Alexandrian priest cultists anyway, and the fruit of the cult they started is mass torture and murder and war and bible-burning and covering up for pedophile priests/nuns.
>no math
Revelation 13:18

>no science
Deuteronomy 23:13

>no philosophy
Colossians 2:8
>and the fruit of the cult they started is mass torture and murder and war and bible-burning and covering up for pedophile priests/nuns.
Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
So KING JAMES didn't have multiple boyfriends?
What Bible?
>Luther, Calvin, and the other “founding fathers” of Protestantism were disciples of the early church fathers. They had a special regard for one father in particular: Augustine of Hippo. Luther belonged to the Augustinian order of friars and found life-transforming resources of theology in his order’s patron saint. Still, the Reformers were widely read in the fathers generally.
>If we are Protestants, that very fact should give us a bias toward knowing the early church fathers. We are simply doing what the original theologians of the Reformation did. They considered the fathers to be much better interpreters of the gospel than the medieval theologians were.

>Revelation 13:18
Numerology is not math, it's extremely delusional and disordered thought process.
>Deuteronomy 23:13
That's not science. Covering up your own excrement is common sense. Cats do it instinctively.
>Colossians 2:8
That's openly and explicitly misosophy, not philosophy.
Calvin burned someone at the stake. Of course you'd appeal to someone like him since Popery killed many Christians in the same manner for owning Bibles.
Are you ever going to stop spamming this thread with your cathoschizo nonsense? You were just answered and you proceed with the same schizo spam.
A response is not the same as an answer.

Did, KING JAMES have multiple male lovers?
>common sense. Cats instinct?
What about the black plagues? People should have adhered to the science in Deuteronomy 23:13 instead of their common sense that told them if it stinks throw it out.
Not literature
Wherever 7-85 of you are gathered, it is time for a new denomination.
King James 5:1-2

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