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The Bible >>>>> Nietzsche and “The Iliad”
>I love you so much I'll die for you
means nothing when you're god- i mean, when you're the son of god who is not god but is still immortal (still the same thing btw), also who doesn't let you blaspheme against the holy spirit
Did Jesus poop?
Hating on the Iliad just because of twitter neo-pagans is cringe. Agreed on Neetzsche thoughbeit.
Imagine it like he switched his gamemode to survival but still used commands to make himself powerful.
Do christianchans really eat this slop up? Do you look at this image and say "haha so true!"?
Based zoomer theologian
Do neopagans really eat up sonnenrad chudjak edits?
Go back to twitter doll-playing tradggot
On both sides, people gravitate toward reductionism.
Hating on Nietzsche because of cringe Nietzscheans is equally cringe. In general, hating on anything as a reaction to a certain “type of people” only tells that you’re an insecure bloke whose thoughts are conditioned by those of others, and you live in fear of being associated with others (perhaps you have no identity for yourself?). You might as well be a teenage girl. Fuck back off to reddit
>Do neopagans really eat up sonnenrad chudjak edits?
I have no idea what you're talking about
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>>I love you so much I'll die for you
"If I must be pitiful, I dislike to be called so; and if I be so, it is preferably at a distance.
Preferably also do I shroud my head, and flee, before being recognised: and thus do I bid you do, my friends!
Since humanity came into being, man hath enjoyed himself too little: that alone, my brethren, is our original sin!
And when we learn better to enjoy ourselves, then do we unlearn best to give pain unto others, and to contrive pain.
Therefore do I wash the hand that hath helped the sufferer; therefore do I wipe also my soul.
For in seeing the sufferer suffering—thereof was I ashamed on account of his shame; and in helping him, sorely did I wound his pride.
Great obligations do not make grateful, but revengeful; and when a small kindness is not forgotten, it becometh a gnawing worm."

>I don't like you, I'll kill you
"—for hundreds of years the aristocratic Greek posed this question to himself in relation to every horror or outrage incomprehensible to him which had defiled one of his peers. “Some *god* must have deluded him,” he finally said, shaking his head... This solution is *typical* of the Greeks... In this way, the gods then served to justify men to a certain extent, even in bad things. They served as the origins of evil—at that time the gods took upon themselves, not punishment, but, what is *nobler*, the guilt..."
>at that time the gods took upon themselves, not punishment, but, what is *nobler*, the guilt
sounds like Parsifal
honest question
do christians not know that Thor (and Odin more tenuously) are said to sacrifice themselves for humanity when they make shitposts like this, or do they know and just not care?
>sends you to hell for eternity

bro. you realize in the first few pages of your bible god literally throws a temper tantrum and floods the earth and kills everyone except 8 people?
What version of this do I even read? KJV? NSRV? NASV1995? What includes all the Apocrypha? idc about readability.
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cool kapparot
literal human sacrifice
that's the basis for your faggot ass pay your taxes and turn the other cheek death cult
Didn't the Christian god wipe out most of humanity because he didn't like how they used the free will he gave them?

Or was that the other Christian god?
Bro you don’t get it bro he can’t just change his mind and make new rules even though he made new rules in the OT, he had to sacrifice himself to himself as the perfect sinless sacrifice because he himself set up a rule with the jews about how sacrifices can take away sin so like obviously he had to do it? What do you mean, of course he’s impotent. Look, ok, he could just “change his mind” if he really wanted to but this was like a super important rule so. What would have happened if they didn’t do it? Are you stupid he’s omniscient he knew they would. Uhhh yes there’s free will that’s the most important— well uh, he knew they would do it because uh it just happened that way and it was preordained bro. God can manipulate people’s minds like the Pharoh. Umm yes everyone gets free will and a choice he just didn’t like that guy. Or Job no. Ok what’s your point????
“Just like the polytheistic Gods”? Nah bro it’s totally different. Uh because free will.
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I was literally playing and doing woosh-swoosh with my action figures until I was 18, but at least I'm not enough of a retarded niggerfaggot to ever play dolls with wojacks, so there's that. Seriously, is there an actual, tangible, human audience for nonsense like this?
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OP. I'm a closet fag and chicano. Viva La Raza and Deus Vult!!! Jajajaja
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they absolutely do lmao
>i love you so much i'll banish you to an infinite pain dimension if you don't follow rules i've never bothered to clearly explain
The Jewish god of the bible and torah is the most insecure and pathetic god ever created by humanity. But let's be honest.
It's no wonder that only the vilest people worshiped him for a while. Until he became so popular with women and slaves/cowards in Europe
say the line OP
crusty dey kang!
Every wojak you post is another 800 years in purgatory.
The difference is that the pagan gods didn't create man whereas the Christian God created all humanity so it wouldn't make sense for the christian god to hate his own creation.
yes because today most of them are low IQ browns and mutts

gay weakness

why would a Christian actually know something, and why would they ever be generous to it?
>The difference is that the pagan gods didn't create man whereas the Christian God created all humanity
which pagan gods are you talking about? The norse gods explicit create humans in voluspa, and imbue us with intelligence and reasoning.
Kronus created humanity and Zeus destroyed most of it with a flood
After denying the bible for so long, I've started reading the psalms and my life got better. it's comfy and well written, reads like Shakespeare's sonnets. The only thing preventing me from becoming a Christian is my hatred of Jews. Can I conciliate that or I'll have to cope and find my own reading of the bible? I like to think that the Jews of today are not the same as those from Jesus' time. Also, it's inconceivable to me how the Jews today act completely opposite from the teaching of Jesus - they love usury and carnal desires. Help me out, Christbros
You have to wade neck-deep in cope.

I don‘t know how people even defend the different jews story when almost from the start, the Jacob/Esau chapters are clearly about how the strong and industrious have a moral obligation to submit to those who get ahead by trickery. Then there‘s a bunch of kritarchy and pre-holocaust persecution story inventions. The ethnographic historiography of claims such as those the book of Joshua usually amounts to saying a few jews peacefully moved in and then, somehow, the dominant ethnic group prior lost its hold.

Jewish tricks: a tale as old as time.
>it's comfy and well written, reads like Shakespeare's sonnets
you should thank the many, many, many learned people who painstakingly translated - and in a number of cases took some liberties with - the source material, which is not at all so flowery and wonderful.
I'm reading the King James version. Can I get more "original" without learning Hebrew or Greek?
hebrew as a language was invented roughly a hundred years ago, so your only choice is ancient greek
which I'd recommend, honestly, if you like learning languages. my high school latin teacher was a huge fan of the language, and his enthusiasm rubbed off.
>for you
No, Jeshua would have never moved a finger for a filthy barbarous gentile, that is something made absolutely clear through the Bible yet people like to pretend he would die for some anglo or some african dude, absolute delusion and revisionism made by braindead morons.
I'd like him to do it again as long as I'm one of the 8.
Didn't the "God" of Jews/Muslims/Latinx killed a few kids just because they are making fun of some bold pedo? Oh, bravo, Bible! Such beautiful lessons for life!
>pagan gods
>life is hard and unfair. Suck it up
>the Old Testament
>life is hard and unfair. Suck it up
>the Christian god
>you are so fucking special. You deserve the Universe to die for you. Whores and beggars with leprosy are as valid, or more valid, than the great men of society. Can't we just, like, get along?
Christianism is a religion for women.
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>God arrives at the hotel to kill Moses (1500 BC, colorized)
god literally personally showed up to an inn to kill Moses for not circumcising his son
It's social engineering to keep the plebs docile, adminstered by gay men to ageing nag-hags and idiots.
yes, all humans do
Not even really being facetious here, how the fuck do christians reconcile the old testament god with the new testament one?
Do you really think an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient perfect being would care about jewish foreskins and animal sacrifices?
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>The Bible = Nietzsche and “The Iliad”
>I love you so much I'll die for you
>but I'll be back in a few days lol
Jesus talks more about hell and damnation way more than in the Old Testament, so this whole concept of Jesus-as-peace-hippie is pop culture nonsense. Furthermore, the role of God in the Old Testament was to prepare a desert people, the ancient Jews, into understanding holiness by separating themselves hence circumcision and the theme of sacrifice (Abraham and Isaac) and the eventual coming of the messiah, who is to deliver mankind from original sin as it happened in The Fall, Adam and Eve's banishment from the Garden of Eden

Remember, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the messiah (literally the meaning of the word "Christ" the anointed one), so when Jesus fulfilled his passion starting at the Garden of Gethsemane (paralling expulsion from Eden, we find Salvation at another garden), he teaches how to love God and love each other as oneself. He also sacrifices himself in order to fulfill the promise of a son being sacrificed just like Isaac. There are so many connections and parallels in the Bible it is truly a gift

so yes an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient perfect being would care, because he created me and you for a reason, and all of it had symbolic and thematic meaning in the Bible for us to understand and fulfill our purpose and place in this world
>I love you so much I'll take unnecessary suffering out of the world
>SIKE jk lol I'll die for you (not really die cuz I'm immortal but like die you know what I mean)
You can literally read 10 pages of Basic writing of Nietzsche and find out why Nietzsche hated Christian God.
In ancient Greece, people had it really easy. If you committed adultery, it was Zeus' fault. If you masturbated while thinking about someone, it was Venus' fault.
Now in this Christian morality, everything sinful is only YOUR fault. But it's actually not your fault, at least masterbation.
But we created this. Because while humanity can cope pain, they can't cope pain without meaning.
the top one resonates with my inner caveman
the bottom one makes me feel like I'm being played by long-nose tribe
>muslims moving to europe in their tens of millions. burning down thousands of churches with impunity. christianity likes to be deleted from Europe within 10-20 years
>"haha! lets attack those dang dirty pagans!"

Proof of the anti-European biospirit that dwells in the heart of every christian. I guess they have no reason to fear muslim rule when they're both worshipping the same tyrannical jewish god.
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>so yes an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient perfect being would care, because he created me and you for a reason
"The fact that we have not rediscovered God, either in history or in nature or behind nature: this is not what separates *us*. Rather, we are separated by the fact that we view the thing worshipped as God as pathetic, absurd, and harmful, not as 'divine'; the fact that we do not treat it as a simple error but as a *crime against life* ... We deny that God is God ... If someone were to *prove* this Christian God to us, we would believe in him even less. - In a word: *deus, qualem Paulus creavit, dei negatio*. [God, as created by Paul, is a negation of God]"

"What is the only teaching *we* can have? - That no one *gives* people their qualities, not God or society, parents or ancestors, not even *people themselves* (- this final bit of nonsense was circulated by Kant - and maybe even by Plato - under the rubric of 'intelligible freedom'). *Nobody* is responsible for people existing in the first place, or for the state or circumstances or environment they are in. The fatality of human existence cannot be extricated from the fatality of everything that was and will be. People are *not* the products of some special design, will, or purpose, they do *not* represent an attempt to achieve an 'ideal of humanity', 'ideal of happiness', or 'ideal of morality', - it is absurd to want to *devolve* human existence onto some purpose or another. We have invented the concept of 'purpose': there *are* no purposes in reality . . . A person is necessary, a person is a piece of fate, a person belongs to the whole, a person only *is* in the context of the whole, - there is nothing that can judge, measure, compare, or condemn our being, because that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, and condemning the whole ... *But there is nothing outside the whole!* - The fact that nobody is held responsible any more, that being is not the sort of thing that can be traced back to a causa prima [first cause], that the world is not unified as either a *sensorium* or a 'spirit', *only this can constitute the great liberation*, - only this begins to restore the *innocence* of becoming ... The concept of 'God' has been the biggest *objection* to existence so far ... We reject God, we reject the responsibility in God: this is how we begin to redeem the world. -"
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>i love you so much ill torture you for eternity if you don't slavishly worship me
Ftfy, Christians cannot tell the truth.
im stealing this metaphor
>Do you really think an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient perfect being would
What kind of retarded hubris pushed you to think that you can even begin to guess? You can accept God's will or perish, that's all there is to it.
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>You can accept Azathoth's will or perish, that's all there is to it.
Well, yes. But if this is the reality then you just perish either way.
>What kind of retarded hubris pushed you to think that you can even begin to guess?

"Evidently, Gnon-Theology cannot be dogmatic, even in part. Instead, it is hypothetical, in a maximally reduced sense, in which the hypothesis is an opportunity for cognitive exploration unshackled from ontological commitments. The content of Gnon-Theology is exhausted by the question: What does the idea of God enable us to think?

And ‘the idea of God’? — what in the name of Gnon is that? All we know, at first, is that it has been grit-blasted of all encrustations from either positive or negative faith. It cannot be anything with which we have historical or revelatory familiarity, since it reaches us from out of the abyss (epoche), where only time and / or the unknown remain.

Glutted on forbidden fruit, Gnon-Theology strips God like an engine, down to the limit of abstraction, or eternity for-itself. Does any such perspective exist? We already know that this is not our question. All such ‘regional ontology’ has been suspended. We are nevertheless already entitled, through the grace of Gnon (which — remember — might (or might not) be God), to the assumption or acceptance of reality that: for any God to be God it cannot be less than eternity for-itself. Whatever eternity for-itself entails, any God will, too.

What it entails, unambiguously, is time-travel, in the strong sense of reverse causation, although not necessarily in the folk/Hollywood variant (which has also had serious defenders) based on the retro-transportation of physical objects into the past. Knowledge of the future is indistinguishable from counter-chronic transmission of information. This is perhaps the single most critical insight in realistic time-travel research — we’ll get back to it."
Why should we accept the will of a cruel and arbitrary god? Isn't rebelling against such an abomination righteous, even if it's ultimately futile?
Saying the will of God is arbitrary is ridiculous. God is the ultimate arbiter of everything by definition.
>Isn't rebelling against such an abomination righteous, even if it's ultimately futile?
God is the one who defines righteousness. I think you aren't appreciating the full extent of the futility here.
>God is the one who defines righteousness
To most people, forcing women to marry their rapist, genocide, taking child slaves, etc is bad.
Either god is evil or the overwhelming majority of people are evil. If the latter is true, then god willingly made us evil by nature and is punishing us for it. In that case, isn't worshipping him futile anyways, considering he made us unrighteous by nature
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
>God is the ultimate arbiter of everything by definition.
"The spirit of revenge: my friends, that hath hitherto been man’s best contemplation; and where there was suffering, it was claimed there was always penalty.
“Penalty,” so calleth itself revenge. With a lying word it feigneth a good conscience.
And because in the willer himself there is suffering, because he cannot will backwards—thus was Willing itself, and all life, claimed—to be penalty!

And then did cloud after cloud roll over the spirit, until at last madness preached: “Everything perisheth, therefore everything deserveth to perish!”
“And this itself is justice, the law of time—that he must devour his children:” thus did madness preach.
“Morally are things ordered according to justice and penalty. Oh, where is there deliverance from the flux of things and from the ‘existence’ of penalty?” Thus did madness preach.
“Can there be deliverance when there is eternal justice? Alas, unrollable is the stone, ‘It was’: eternal must also be all penalties!” Thus did madness preach.
“No deed can be annihilated: how could it be undone by the penalty! This, this is what is eternal in the ‘existence’ of penalty, that existence also must be eternally recurring deed and guilt!
Unless the Will should at last deliver itself, and Willing become non-Willing—:” but ye know, my brethren, this fabulous song of madness!

Away from those fabulous songs did I lead you when I taught you: “The Will is a creator.”
All “It was” is a fragment, a riddle, a fearful chance— until the creating Will saith thereto: “But thus would I have it.”—
Until the creating Will saith thereto: “But thus do I will it! Thus shall I will it!”
But did it ever speak thus? And when doth this take place? Hath the Will been unharnessed from its own folly?
Hath the Will become its own deliverer and joy-bringer? Hath it unlearned the spirit of revenge and all teeth-gnashing?"

>God is the one who defines righteousness.
"Did ye ever know this? Shared injustice is half justice. And he who can bear it, shall take the injustice upon himself!
A small revenge is humaner than no revenge at all. And if the punishment be not also a right and an honour to the transgressor, I do not like your punishing.
Nobler is it to own oneself in the wrong than to establish one’s right, especially if one be in the right. Only, one must be rich enough to do so.
I do not like your cold justice; out of the eye of your judges there always glanceth the executioner and his cold steel.
Tell me: where find we justice, which is love with seeing eyes?
Devise me, then, the love which not only beareth all punishment, but also all guilt!
Devise me, then, the justice which acquitteth every one except the judge!
And would ye hear this likewise? To him who seeketh to be just from the heart, even the lie becometh philanthropy."
not wrong
>“No deed can be annihilated: how could it be undone by the penalty! This, this is what is eternal in the ‘existence’ of penalty, that existence also must be eternally recurring deed and guilt!
>Unless the Will should at last deliver itself, and Willing become non-Willing—:” but ye know, my brethren, this fabulous song of madness!
how can someone read this and not see it as schizo babbling? its just words stuck together to sound deep.
it was just a preparation, then it became the real spiritual deal and universal, and jews rejected that and kille God incarnated. Also lots of quotes from Christ. Maybe read more the old testament.
Lots of heresies are judaising though (and becoming jew-boot lickers) so go for orthodoxy
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Why did god make this?
they're the same retard. they're called the synagogue of satan and enemies of mankind. all the good jews became Christian when Jesus was here and the ones that didn't are evil. you're mind shouldn't be fucked by this.
That’s just a rumor
>how can someone read this and not see it as schizo babbling? its just words stuck together to sound deep.
Sounds likes the Bible
Zoophilia and dickstuff is part of the Bible.
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What the fuck is this cope? YHWH directly kills more goys than any paganlarper deity. He gleefully tortures their souls for eternity if they do not submit to him. He acts like a immature BPD whore just like Zeus/Hera except he pretends to be virtuous while doing so and if you dare question it he'll torture you like Job.
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>is there an actual, tangible, human audience for nonsense like this?
Christianity was historically the religion of the underclass. It stands among the echelons of communist brownshirts, antifa and whatever else; people who are the architects of their own misery built for little else beyond base survival and parasitism off healthier cultures or systems of belief. Although the worst part is that it's such a reliable way of erasing someone's prior personality (because it's just that good at offering "conclusions") that even intellectuals often fall victim to the trap.
Atheists are mentally ill and should be admitted to institutions.

Back to your containment board, now >>>/lgbt/
Disgusting "god", imagine worshiping this thing instead of anything else.
>account named templarpilled, the most based heretics of all christianity, posting this faggot shit
o i am laffin
Would Diomedes be able to beat Jesus? Assuming no divine intervention, Diomedes in full kill everything mode and Jesus in full whipping every motherfucker mode. And neither have weapons, it's a hand to hand fight, some good ol' prankration
Jesus wouldn’t fight back but any wound Diomedes inflicted, Jesus would immediately heal like that Roman soldier’s ear whom his followers had chopped off and he put it back on.

Diomedes can go toe to toe with gods but Jesus has magical healing abilities. It would become a stale mate easily.
He seems a BBC enjoyer
And you are the same idiots who say "lol you love Marvel characters" when someone tries to seriously discuss paganism.
Read nsrv. Also you can't find all apocryphal books in any of those translations, apocryphals are usually in their own books
As a Christian you shouldn't hate anyone, but you can easily -like the vast majority of churches- see and understand the Jews from the correct biblical pov. A rebellious group of people that God promised to help-nit for their own sake- but for the sake of Abraham and his son and grandson, and David. You also from the bible understand how god punished and chastised them multiple times. The Bible itself acknowledged that the behaviour of the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews was a reason which the nations would blaspheme God.
ezekiel 36:20. Romans 2:24. Also modern Jews/rabbinic judai is directly the continuation of Pharisee thought which Jesus warned against and attacked. Tl:Dr don't hate the Jews, hate their Jewishness/behaviour which has a lot of precedent in the OT and NT
What about chokeholds? Does Jesus loses consciousness or does he not need to breath air?

Let's say that neither Jesus or Diomedes have ascended to the heavens yet during this fight

Come on, don't be a killjoy
Jesus can keep going while Diomedes wails on him. It would be that SpongeBob episode where Flats the founder tires himself beating up SpongeBob because his sponge substance renders him invincible.
>crusader avatar
>god is love, killing is wrong
go away twitter creature
Human beings as such practically all deserve eternal punishment and destruction, the cruelty of any given creator is ultimately an irrelevant quibble
Christianity recognizes the inherently fallen nature of Man which makes it broadly more relevant than paganism, however, it then engages in the perversion of a redeemer god, which is unjust and insane
but Rabbi Yeshua lost his faith when he was about to die and he told everyone that he will be back very soon in their political pamphlets, the books in the bible state how he will be back in the first generation of believers, the first christians who wrote those books were scamming people. christians are so cringe and stupid
People who cry "whataboutism" are typically just bothered by being called out for their hypocrisy.

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