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So I was reading picrel last night, after having spent a lot of time with postmodernist books/videos and being fairly convinced by the arguments they made about capitalism and the systemic problems it causes.

However in the book, Evola talks about how capitalism had effectively fulfilled the promises of communism (at the time of writing) where no one really existed in the proletariat state and everyone had access to a bourgeois lifestyle and material comforts. Now this is no longer true today, but his point remains that the end goal of communism was temporarily achieved and it did nothing to stop the decline in personal happiness and well-being of people. It did nothing to stop the decadence and spiritual decay of the general population. If anything the rate of misery increased.He seems to argue that because of this communism is not a viable solution to the problem we face.

What do you think? Is Evola correct?

I also noticed something else, not related to Evola, but what Marxists call "Capitalism" is exactly what the far right calls Jewish Hegemony. They seem to be describing the same system of inhumane demoralization of people for the benefit of the few. Am I onto something?
>Am I onto something?
Yes, with a catch. The far right engages in some semantic sleight of hand in which they use "Jew" as shorthand for "parasitic billionaire" to make serious complaints about the state of modern society. Then they turn right around and pretend that shooting a random NEET who ate a bagel will do anything at all to weaken the centralized power structures that are actively ruining everyone's lives. If you call them out on this fallacy, they'll even admit that's exactly what they're doing, and then go right back to their bellicose talking points as if you hadn't brought it up. Call them out again and they'll insist, "No! Only leftists/Jews do that — Hitler even said so! How can Hitler be wrong?"

The thing to realize about the far right is that they don't want to dismantle this system. They're just mad that they're not part of the inside group that benefits from it. If anything, they want to ramp it up and increase the rate of dehumanization and suffering in the world, as long as it's pointed at someone else.

Is the far left better? I don't know about that. They talk about eliminating systemic disadvantages, but they've always been total fuckups. They mostly fail to achieve anything at all, and even when they succeed, it's almost always by becoming the very monsters they're trying to fight. That brings us to horseshoe theory, which is also a fallacy, but isn't entirely wrong. But I don't want to talk about that.
Your Evola interpretation is correct, and your last statement is also correct. (((They))) fuck up the free market, call it capitalism, which they then demonize, then offer the solution, which is always socialism or communism, which leads to further misery and poverty.
Evola He wasn't a philosopher, just a racist Satanist. Go to telegram if you want to talk about his slops
Btw I'm a tranny Latinx nazbol If that matters
Nobody says this retard. And you'd struggle to find a far-righter who doesn't hate gentile billionaires who destroy their countries too. It's just rich Jews engage in country destroying to a greater extent.
>m-m-muh Satanism
least deluded Jew worshipper
He literally defended rape.
Struggle? Are you sure? This website is swarming with them. They simp for the X man (formerly the Twitter man) up until it finally hits them how reckless and shortsighted this "gigachad" actually is. Then they do a backflip and declare him "(((one of them)))."

The far right will bend over for anybody as long as he promises to put the screws to someone else. You can set your watch by it.
how is rape "Satanic"? are you low IQ enough to conflate everything you dislike with Satan?
you're a fucking retard, and I can tell you're American
Where? I've read a few Evola books and I've never read anything like that. So I'm gonna have to ask for a soourrcee on that one. I have the distinct feeling that he was talking about something symbolic and you chose to misinterpret it as literal, or talking about war.
Rape is only fine when the jews and niggers are doing it, we get it.
>Is the far left better? I don't know about that. They talk about eliminating systemic disadvantages, but they've always been total fuckups. They mostly fail to achieve anything at all, and even when they succeed, it's almost always by becoming the very monsters they're trying to fight. That brings us to horseshoe theory, which is also a fallacy, but isn't entirely wrong. But I don't want to talk about that.
Your fallacy, and many others' fallacy, is that you're still ensconced within the sphere of materialism, which you must vehemently reject. The doctrine of materialism, despite its veracity, ultimately can only offer all races, ethnicities, and man-kind as a whole oblivion. And that's because it logically follows. If we wish to overcome our plight, then we must reject the enlightenment. We must not be subordinate to the explication of truth. The musing of the degenerate bourgeoisie is ever shifting and worthless, cast it from you.
I think there exists a synthesis somewhere between Evola and some of the postmoderist writers.

Evola's recognition of the failure of communism to solve the problem that we are facing feels like there could be bridges built between him and someone like Nick Land or Mark Fisher who also saw that 'more marxism, but better this time' wasn't the solution either. I think Evola's characterization of communism as just an economic system carries with it the implicit idea that capitalism is also just an economic system, which capitalism clearly extends well beyond just economics. I think Nick Lands ideas about Hyperstition mesh nicely with Evola's recognition of Transcendent reality, of a 'higher order'. We are dealing with entities that are not contained by the bounds of materialism and material reality.
I miss when Evola was popular on /lit/, /x/ and /pol/ before this site was destroyed by latinx, zoomers and discordfaggots.
Communism is bound to a materialistic and economic view of existence. Evola's view is that unless you have a transcendent foundation and economics are subordinated to spiritual and political ends, your solution will just make things worse.

In that respect, neither communism or capitalism are solutions.
I think you're misunderstanding the point of this book, all the stuff you are speculating on has value insofar as it is looked at as a solvent or acid exclusively by which the which the special human type addressed coagulates or re-establishes the fundamental awareness of his being, the double action is what is meant by the "solve et coagula" of hermeticism and relates especially to the elite in the Islamic tradition who is referred to by the dhu'l-'aynayn, the possesors of two eyes

>One eye sees Being and the other perceives nothingness,” which is to say that the individual perceives equally divine immanence/comparability (tashbīḥ) and divine transcendence/incomparability, (tanzīḥ) and thus consistently ‘sees things as they are,’ i.e. as He/not He.
>In the case of perfect man, spiritual realization has opened up the imagination to the actual vision of the embodiment of God when He discloses Himself in theophany. He does not know "how" God discloses Himself, but he sees Him doing so. He understands the truth of God's similarity with all things through a God- given vision, seeing clearly that all things are neither/nor, both/and, but never either/or.
>We are a people who are fond of handsome countenances, and with them God augments His favors to us.
From the Preserver we have an eye, which increases our certainty and insight. We have been passed the wine of divine manifestation, and with it our cup has been filled.

An example of riding the tiger practically by medieval sufis was called shāhidbāzī:
>There were those (tā’ifatun) who used to take the most beautiful possible youth, dress him in the most beautiful clothes and adorn him with the most beautiful attire and place a candle in his hand during the listening to music. Each person then tested himself to see whether he would be distracted by the youth's beauty and his humanity would turn toward him, or whether, because of the psychic state induced by listening to music, his humanity would drop away and he would be so engrossed that the youth didn't occupy him.

Apparently even then many critics saw it as an avenue for the carnal soul to reassert itself in a religious guise.

One traditional author wrote on that
>He who... asserts that this love is spiritual rather than bodily, we say to him: that this is an interpolation from the self and the devil. The devil may make someone imagine that there is no harm in that, and that all beauty in existence derives its beauty from the beauty of God the Exalted. To this we say: He whose beauty you claim to be seeing is the one who has prohibited this seeing.
Evola similarly writes
>Without it (the proper qualification), the path of those who have undergone experiences like Nietzsche’s—and, in general, of those in whom, for one reason or another and with or without their volition, transcendence has awakened in the human circuit as an energy in the world where God is dead—is a path that leads to the abyss. It is cold comfort in such cases to speak of “the damned saints of our time” or of “angels with the face of a criminal or a pervert”; that is pure, gratuitous romanticism.
>Now this is no longer true today, but his point remains that the end goal of communism was temporarily achieved and it did nothing to stop the decline in personal happiness and well-being of people. It did nothing to stop the decadence and spiritual decay of the general population. If anything the rate of misery increased.He seems to argue that because of this communism is not a viable solution to the problem we face.
You are not onto something by the way, because from Evolas POV communism is just a natural action of "Jewish hegemony" (of course evola doesn't consider this an ethnic thing, but of "Spiritual semetism") I suggest you look more into his critiques on individualism in the book.
>Now this is no longer true today
So he was wrong.
>The thing to realize about the far right is that they don't want to dismantle this system. They're just mad that they're not part of the inside group that benefits from it. If anything, they want to ramp it up and increase the rate of dehumanization and suffering in the world, as long as it's pointed at someone else.
bingo. here's a drinking game for you: find a retard who capitalizes White and take a shot everytime he completely conforms to the dynamic laid out in this post.
>you'd struggle to find a far-righter who doesn't hate gentile billionaires who destroy their countries too
Who's voting for Trump then?
I studied Evola consistently for about 2 and a half years during a very long depressive (rightwing) phase I had. I think he's a terrible philosopher and an even worst historian. But the focus of extreme rightwing thinkers and individualist on "spiritual values" and the fact that life should be about cultivating yourself (your mind and your body) hits a fundamental weak spot of some leftist propaganda - especially of traditional marxism. The materialist outlook of the classical left and the focus on improving everyone's material conditions objectively improved the world by shortening people's working hours and giving people access to a lot of material benefits but, as Evola notices, while the promises of communism where in a certain sense fullfilled, everything else was left behind.
A certain kind of individualism and the idea that society should serve the individual and not vice versa - and should at the same time allow for any individual to fullfill their full potential and live a spiritually meaningful life - seems to me to be true. Evola teaches this to a certain extent, but he gets lost trying to prove this is part of a transcendent metaphysical plane, or is somehow supported/implied by all religious traditions in the world (which is false), or that Aryans evolved in the arctic circle and migrate south and all the other symbolic bullshit he writes.
He is a terminal thinker for the terminal linguistic practice that is philosophy, which should be discarded for literature all the way. You'd be more spiritual then him and most philosophers by reading only good literature and good poetry for three years: this will do wonders for your indivudual spiritual growth, trust me. Read Ardor by Roberto Calasso to see why.
The struggle is not against communism, it's about reappropriating your own power to think, contemplate and so inform reality.
Imagine reading "Ride the Tiger" and only getting economic analysis out of it.
> t. plebeian
Evola is still popular on /pol/ among the patricians. Most of the faggots on the chans are incapable of understanding what Evola is getting at though. OP thinks its economic in nature. Literally proves Evola's point.
truth bomb
I decided to visit /pol/ today after five years and the place is straight up depressive. Mostly bots, boomers, facebook wine aunts, discord zoomers, feds, etc.
No wonder why people from other imageboard use the term "cuckchan" instead of 4chan.
You are entitled to your own opinion even if it were all not exactly true, afterall Evola and tradìtion affirms a diversity of individual human natures.... so of course like the book in OP which is addressed to the special type of human, the differentiated man who has had the energy of transcendence descend into his human circuit, will be incomprehensible in essence to you. One of the subtle points is that it's not about empirical proofs as you say, these things are all relative, the work on symbology serves as a means to something deeper, which is not limited to the exterior level which appears contradictory and oppositional
Afterall the only type of knowledge evola really reverse is one of being, outside of that, theory, be it philosophical, political, etc. Is really besides the essential point
Even when he was popular, it was overwhelmingly people who maybe skimmed Ride the Tiger and Revolt Against the Modern World, completely ignoring the esoteric writings beyond "lol he believe in magic???"

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