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He is literally me...

Why is this novel so underrated? It is as good as the best from Dosto and Tolstoy.
I particularly like one of my favorite "classics", Op. It's on my pile of books that I plan to reread over the winter.
Did the person who made the meme borrow the author's name?
Nu/lit/ It's full of midwits acting like pseudos and repeating the same shit over and over again because they think it makes them seem unique and intelligent, but they demonstrate a flawed and short-sightedness in both literary fiction and nonfiction.
I would say that Oblomov is better than most of the books that the pseudos around here put in their top 5. And I don't even think the book is the best thing ever written. Yes it is underrated, danse and funny while still being a great social critique.
Overrated you mean, this is like a weaker Dead Souls - he's very clearly thinking by human types rather than actual characters, and Gogol mogs him all the way through
I think it's much better than both, but I guess the uneventful aimless life of a middle-aged russian neet does not make for a canonical classic. You need to be a young french bohemien neet
Sorry friend, but here we just pretend to read the Bible to get upvotes. Try another place if you want to talk about literature.
you're a noble with your own village and serfs? damn
It is painfully mediocre and one of the few "classic" books where i feel i can write something better.
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"Goncharov" was badly OCR'd from "Gomorra" and printed on a shoe label. The meem trend started two years later
I'm an obese american who loves blacked btw if that matters. You must read my cuck fantasies.
The book is an exact critique of the modern faggot using /lit/, and that is precisely the reason they hate and avoid this work.

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