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Any French people who read this that can give me some insight? What the fuck was that ending Félix is alive and it was Louis-Phillippe who was dead the whole time?
Sounds like the noises jap bitches make in me pornos
Thank you for this high quality post.
French anons, why have you failed me? Do none of you read Echenoz? His prominent billing by Les éditions de minuit make me believe he is one of your great living writers.
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greek ESL , i'll read it in the original and if the thread is up in two days we'll discuss this further
Ok, I can wait until Saturday. This thread will be dead by then, so make a new one when you're done. I'll look for it on Saturday.
or it’ll need some bumpin’
It's evening in Greece. Did you at least start it yet? What are your thoughts so far? I like the simple nature of the story, which makes it easy to read, but I didn't really get much out of it. I'm wondering if you're noticing anything about the language/word choice that might have significance. I don't want to get too deep into the narrative structure, but the text's sole purpose seems to be detailing Victoire's steady descent into homelessness and vagabondage. My question is why? What made Echenoz want to tell this story? A metaphor for guilt and what it does to the body/soul?

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