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We all won today, /lit/. Let's make this a celebration thread.
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I sincerely doubt it. I don't even live in the Anglosphera and almost every book I buy has an introduction written by him.
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Neil's audience is exactly the kind of fragile white woman who believes all accusations, no matter how flimsy they are. He won't recover from this.
Fuck that rapist!
If there wasn't a war in Gaza going on right now, Gaiman would have made the cut on the list of Jews they would protect but unfortunately they don't have the capital to spend right now. Tough luck! That's the biz!
I hope anon, I have some of his books but I never particularly liked him. I mean, I've never read anything by him that I really loved, even Sandman is a bit sloppy with some fine ideas that he copied from other writers.
American Gods has a cool premise but ends very abruptly.
The concept of each country and people having their gods that feed on the mental collective was not even his creation, and that's my favorite thing about his works.
>I ignore women
>I hate women and ignore them

For me, it's the Elder Scrolls.
Thank you frog, this anti-gaimon thread makes a good point. One day, we might be free of all needless introductions.
y'all are seething at him bc he gets pussy and is such a colossus in the literature field
Was the pussy worth it, in the end?
This, but unironically
Considering he was crushing coed pussy since the 90s and this absolute nothing case will have him in the news for a week at most, yeah, it probably was.
He hasn't written any literature lol
Let me guess, for you, literature is boring old farts talking about lolis.
Certainly not his retarded genre goyslop.
/ourchud/ is happy as well

The finger banging Gayman is our guy now and not giving him introductions is cancel culture and a breach of free speech.
Liberal jews and redditors will never be ourguys. His intros have always been shit anyway, Schlomo.
this exact bait but pretend I wrote it instead
y'all are just haters, maybe if you were a little more positive in life you could have become a writer almost as magical as him and also have sex.
Neil, they want willing participants. We can't all be sexual predators like you.
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Colossal fraud you mean
opinion discarded
>'My kin, you have abandonned me...'
>*L.Ron Hubbard's ghost appears.*
>'But now my real saviour has arrived.'

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