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How do you come up with a good pen name?
What's wrong with your name, faggot?
Why would you want to name your pen? LOL
Common first name, marketable last name.

John Krieg
Thomas Cinnabar
William Glasswater
Good post
Thank you anon
from now on, call me Bob Filigree
My real name is already like that
Basic female name like Kate or Margaret and a slightly ethnic sounding surname like Gonzaga or Sridhar or something. Only contact people electronically or through an agent and rejoice as you get published without issues.
I'd rather not be published at all than to be published under a female name.
Yeaaah. If you are minority or a women you are likely to get more attention from publishers. Just how it is.
Michael Rapeseed
Pronounced "Rapa-seed". Act offended at other implications.
First gf’s pet name for your cock + Name of the street where you lost your virginity
Babby Rupert
How would I get published without a name?
Based advice.
I don't know if pen names are legal in my country.
We have a history of communist hunting and thus pseudonyms are illegal.
Using your real name is always a valid option, and in a lot of cases the best
>How do you come up with a good pen name?
I don't. I have an incredibly dumb pen name that's a remnant of a time years ago when I made sprite comics.
I've simply accepted my fate.
Perversion at heart
I use a name of a different race, that I may avoid racism.
I named my pen inky :3
Little D Marshall
Nothing Nowhere.
It actually sounds profound, but definitely isn't.
Jeff Steelflex
wrote nothing special, published nowhere?
Samuel Diciquer
Made to be a mechanic
Next generation of great american writers in a few decades.
nevermind, its fucking over
The street I grew up on

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