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What's the most frightening, disturbing, fucked up book out there, /lit/? I want to feel the bugs crawling under my skin...
Learn bloody English, you cunt.
my diary desu
Thomas Ligotti, be his fiction or philosophical nonfiction.
Clive Barker
Lovecraft depending on what you consider scary

If you're more into serial killers, there are some good noir ones like Jim Thompson.

There are some sci-fi that are also good, if you are interested I would say Blindsight by Peter Watts.
Thanks for the recs, anon. I've read a lot of Ligotti, and he's easily the best horror writer I've found yet.

Probably Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner, but the entire series is a masterwork of horror.
I can confirm. F. Gardner is a master of our time.
le cows
le hogg
le slob
nice try. shit still sucks btw.
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CotC is the most schizo one
Collector by John Fowles made my skin crawl. I know it's more thriller than horror but damn did it make me angry and sad.
God dammit, who let Gardner out of the kimono store?
Yeah, for me os was really sad. I felt awful. Surprised it did both perspectives. Really well written.
Is this the guy who kidnaps a girl? I've been interested in reading it for a long time, but I always thought of it as a humor book.
I read Conspiracy Against the Human Race during my first and only real existential crisis/confrontation of death.

In hindsight, probably not for the best.
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When I was an edgy atheist teenager and Wikipedia was in its infancy, I skimmed the article on the Marquis de Sade and decided that, because he was just some perv and had repeatedly escaped from prison, he must have been a champion of freedom and the liberal spirit. I and my greasy 6' band sludge girlfriend went to the local public library with a friend of hers to elucidate my impression. I'll never forget cracking that book and coming across some gruesome passage about mutilation. It was so embarrassing, and probably the first moment of true pseud self-btfo I administered.
Nobody cares about your blogposting, Christfag
He should stick to short stories. Conspiracy was so dumb
Read it. It will finger your soul's butthole without lube and when it's over it will whisper "I will return" gently in your ear.

A Maggot is another great book by John Fowles. It's one of these "what the fuck did I just read" books but very well written.
I honestly don't think it'll affect me that way, anon. I've been through a lot in life and I'm not easily affected. Is the prose good? Would you say the book has some intentionally dark humor?
trips of truth
The most I've been scared (or the closest I've been to getting scared) by any piece of media is The Andreasson Affair by Ray Fowler. Scary because it's not fiction but it's not for normies.
You have to be either retarded or a colossal faggot to be scared by a book about ghosts or monsters
He started writing this the second he saw the word girlfriend btw
Almost none of the books mentioned in this thread are about monsters or ghosts.
Revival by Stephen King
House of Leaves by Danielewski had some pretty eerie moments, like the parts in the dead dude's apartment and the segments braving the labyrinth. The sheer size of parts of it were pretty discomforting. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was frightening, but maybe disturbing.
Will I like it if I didn't like The Magus?
not that anon but i think the color out of space was actually pretty scary desu. that said i don't think its what the op asked for.
Colour Out of Space was pretty creepy. I can't think of anything else that I considered scary.
It's always been twelve days of Turin or whatever it's called. Where invisible "brings" hurt humans just for fun.
There was also one where humans just multiplied endlessly by a kind of entire body cell division, piling up everywhere, but I can't remember the name of that either.
When I was younger anything about the devil used to scare me wicked
This is one of the few modern King slops I'm willing to buy. Is actually worth it or not?
>invisible "brings"
Invisible beings, they were also giant I think
A biography of your worthless life.
OP isn't the zoomer loser creating bible threads
>There was also one where humans just multiplied endlessly by a kind of entire body cell division, piling up everywhere, but I can't remember the name of that either.
Terminal Park
I felt like it wasted some of its potential. I wanted more of the bizarre dark endless labyrinth and less of the le wacky postmodern romp with passages about a dude getting his butthole fingered during a blowjob and whatever the fuck.
Selby’s The Room.
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The Egg by Andy Weir
People keep shilling Andy Weir, but most of time I saw people saying his books are literally midwit slop for little girls and fat redditors. I got Project Hail Mary, I still need to read it, but I honestly don't think I'll enjoy it,
Yeah I skipped all the shit I didn't want to read. I can't think of a better hook than "family comes home from vacation and finds a door in their living room that wasn't there before" but here we are
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