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is there any books or subjects on Apollonianism? I watched spencer back in 2016 and just searched him up now and found out its some pseudo religion or cult? wtf is this and where did it come from, I see some guys on twitter too worship him...also they like nato
They made a really shitty comic book that went for one issue.
qrd? i got off 4chan in 2016 and usually only go on /tg/ these days so I dont know anything about the mid 2000s rw culture anymore
they are all in jail or strung out on drugs
i knew at the time majority were grifters, but why does richard and mark brahmin have a cult following them
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Nietzsche basically, and ancient Greek mythology. This might be wrong in some way, but I think he got disillusioned with the right and basically went to live in Montana and do this Apollonian thing which in practical terms is a private club that is elitist (and thus selective) by design where they write articles and chat about philosophy, religion and politics, and I heard him say they were doing some more organized classes on those subjects. I don't know if he still does that part but that's basically it.

The elitism reflects a certain philosophical point of view. Apollonian is like: logic-oriented, orderd, structured, calm, rational, and about making analytical distinctions. This is in contrast to the Dionysian which is chaotic emotions, sensuousness, raw feelings, unrestrained passions, instincts, drunkenness and madness. So I think what he'd say about the right is that it's Dionysian, and he's not that. The alt-right which he had a sour experience with was pretty Dionysian if you look at what happened to that. He would say the same thing about the liberals btw but I don't even know if he'd describe himself as a nationalist, like that is actually too narrow, he is an avowed imperialist. I don't know if that's totally accurate but was my general sense of it. He now really dislikes populism.

There's also a relationship between the Apollonian and Dionysian though but one that exists in a kind of tension. I figure he would want to try to achieve some kind of synthesis between the two but I don't know if that's his intention. Depeche Mode is his favorite band though and I think you can see both of those things interact in their music:
It makes sense that that faggot would support the Kike Nazi Bandera state. He wants a Nazi state of ethno nationalist Jews and Slavic mongrels headed by shithead cuckold Zelensky
Isn't he gay?
What does that have to do with 90% of european culture, and dionysus, actually being fabrications created by Jews to destabalize the white man? Mark Brahmin also talks a lot about cuckoldry for some reason
>What does that have to do with 90% of european culture, and dionysus, actually being fabrications created by Jews to destabalize the white man?
Apollo is Lúcifer, LARPagan.
Bro. Have you even LISTENED to a single video with that guy? Better yet, have you read is blog? The entire history of man is just a story of semites literally cucking aryans
His debate with Jay Dyer was like watching a trainwreck in slo mo
>The entire history of man is just a story of semites literally cucking aryans
Only a bastard without a good relationship with his own family would come up with something that shits on the entirety of the West, while also deluding himself that he's defending it. People who lean on abstracts and ideals of culture are the biggest products and victims of Jews themselves. It almost always comes down to something as simple as poor family life. They're not grounded. They have nothing tangible to feel or touch, and end up rewinding back thousands of years to find meaning. And they know how to tap into the angst of fellow bastards, at that (like on 4chan).
I dont like dyer but mark didnt even make a point and than started screaming and chimping out at the end
This sounds....very gay

NO BC he made it up
Literally go back to the beginnings Read Ride the Tiger, skip Richard Spencer and Mark Brahmin, Jorjani etc. For now if you read Ride the Tiger and still feel restless enough to care about these people then find go on
I am sure that (you-insert your name here) have a very strong point there.
Upon closer examination, one can see how Bikini Bottom is an allegory for the destiny of Faustian europe. Squidward clearly represents the Apollonian aryan man, stern, cultured, full of the creative Hyperborean soul and solar aristocratic character, and yet there is a tragic aspect to his character, in that his spiritual and creative passions are given no place in the degenrate modernistic kosher bacchanale that is modern (((Krabs)))-run Bikini Bottom. Spongebob represents the Dionysian aspect of aryan culture- he is the unawakened gentile, who has succumbed to cultural marxist brainwashing. Always maintaining a cheerful, carefree demeanor, and yet fawning and servile before the semitic crustacean power structure. Patrick represents the introduction of the primitive negroidic blood into the formerly pure white ethnos- He is an utter buffoon and unproductive anti-social drain on society, and yet the good goy Spongebob has been conditioned to accept his friendship, unaware of how his own way of life is gradually succumbing to the cthonic, subterranean negroid elements. As I’m sure we’re all well aware, Mr. Krabs represents the eternal merchant himself, as while not only is he a filthy money-grubber, it is shown, in season 1 episode 12, that he is pushing race-mixing upon the racially unaware Spongebob by trying to set him up on a date with his ball busting yenta whale daughter Pearl. Clearly, this show was ahead of its time.
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After it had overcome the raw religion of its Asiatic birth−place, built upon the nature−forces of the earth, and had set thefair, strong manhood of freedom upon the pinnacle of its religious convictions, the Grecian spirit, at the flowering−time of its art and polity, found its fullest expression in the god Apollo, the head and national deity of the Hellenic race.

It was Apollo, he who had slain the Python, the dragon of Chaos; who had smitten down the vain sons of boastful Niobe by his death−dealing darts; who, through his priestess at Delphi, had proclaimed to questioning man the fundamental laws of the Grecian race and nation, thus holding up to those involved in passionate action, the peaceful, undisturbed mirror of their inmost, unchangeable Grecian nature, it was this Apollo who was the fulfiller of the will of Zeus upon the Grecian earth; who was, in fact, the Grecian people.

Not as the soft companion of the Muses, as the later and more luxurious art of sculpture has alone preserved his likeness, must we conceive the Apollo of the spring−time of the Greeks; but it was with all the traits of energetic earnestness, beautiful but strong, that the great tragedian Æschylus knew him. Thus, too, the Spartan youths learnt the nature of the god, when by dance and joust they had developed their supple bodies to grace and strength; when the boy was taken from those he loved, and sent on horse to farthest lands in search of perilous adventure; when the young man was led into the circle of fellowship, his only password that of his beauty and his native worth, in which alone lay all his might and all his riches. With such eyes also the Athenian saw the god, when all the impulses of his fair body, and of his restless soul, 'urged him to the new birth of his own being through the ideal expression of art; when the voices, ringing full, sounded forth the choral song, singing the deeds of the god, the while they gave to the dancers the mastering measure that meted out the rhythm of the dance, which dance itself; in graceful movements, told the story of those deeds; and when above the harmony of well−ordered columns he wove the noble roof; heaped one upon the other the broad crescents of the amphitheatre, and planned the scenic trappings of the stage. Thus, too, inspired by Dionysus, the tragic poet saw this glorious god: when, to all the rich elements of spontaneous art, the harvest of the fairest and most human life, he joined the bond of speech, and concentrating them all into one focus, brought forth the highest conceivable form of art the DRAMA.
The religion of the Ancient Greeks was a parody larp.
Enlil and Ninlil. Those are the signifiers for these forces of spirit. It pre-dates the form of humanity in this Universe, so describing based on human actions and feelings is like describing the stars as camp-fires in the sky.
One (Ninlil) joined this Universe to make new friends. One (Enlil) joined this Universe to try and protect the former from all the suffering it knew was contained here.
Holy shit
Genuinely the biggest retard I have ever listened to. Presupp is so fucking stupid.
and yet mark brahmin had a chimp out and started screaming against gay dyer
Are zoomerfaggots unirocally worshiping Jay Dyer?
>Mark Brahmin
This is probably the biggest pseud I have ever come across in my entire life. Dude is insanely high off his own farts and schizophrenically links everything to everything.
> "Art and Religion are one. Both are mating call."
What the fuck does this even mean? Art and religion aren't "one", and neither of them are a "mating call", this is the most asinine shit. Anything can be anything in these kinds of schizo tarot readings: "Hot Dogs and Caterpillars are one, both are of light", "Clouds and rivers are one, both are from love", "curtains and puppy dogs are one, both are ascended" Dude is the biggest fart sniffer windbag I have ever come across online.
All nazis are. The soviets were right when they said destroy homosexuality and you destroy fascism
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>All nazis are. The soviets were right when they said destroy homosexuality and you destroy fascism
Commies are just as big as sodomites too
But are they Gomorrites?
Because it‘s pretty obviously the jews‘ primary MO. Their religion has derailed the entire history of the Aryan, caused millions to die in bumfuck desert expeditions, and perpetually kept them from getting the permanent boot while they‘ve conspired with the financial and political apparatus for 1500 years.

I don‘t know why basically every mention of this material circles back to a debate from four or five years ago. I don‘t know, maybe Mark did embarrass himself. I didn‘t watch it because I find Dyer‘s brand of seemingly EMJ-derived christoidanity as neoplatonism which needs to come with the jewish mythos for some reason absolutely intolerable. It‘s telling to me that nobody actually dissects Brahmin‘s symbology for counterexamples or anything.

The worst that could maybe be said is that he makes some pretty adventurous claims but it’s the kind of thing that if even half is true, would be a massive paradigm shift. And going back through TAT articles time to time, I never really find flaws in the reasoning.

Having said which, the years-on-end silence is becoming tedious. The Crete book which is supposedly in the works would be massive for providing a fundamental substantiation of how the theoretical mythos frameworks came to be but as best I can tell we just have an announcement from 2022.
Whites are not aryan lmao. Now arab semites are running europe
Mark Brahmin is a mid 50s bald manlet with no kids who simps for french single mothers
No one has proven that.
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he is the same as greg johnson
there is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality, abrahamoids ruined the idea of healthy and enjoyable sex for men and hate real sexual liberation
This 11 year old tweet was concurrent with the news item of the week being that the Duck Dynasty guy was talking about how much he was grossed out by homos is meant to be read as homosexuality, as an issue—and primarily opposition to it, being a deflection for White identity sentiments.
Unfortunately I still have headspace to remember him talking about this on a B-tier TRS podcast in 2016 or 2017 because people will absolutely never stop quoting out the context no matter how old it gets.
the guy is a fag, all larping ytbois are
i can't believe the feds arent bringing him out of retirement for the election
he is a democrat voter now and goes on about biden on twitter/ he has always been a lolcow
That's far from being a proof of one's homosexuality.
Mischlings and browncels stay seething
Why can’t I dislike trannies. I’m ok with the odd based fag like Mishima.
all homosexuals are diseased and should never be taken serious and ignored or put in prison

keep coping.

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