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Let's see it, /lit/. How good is your vocabulary?
English is not my first language. The last time I took this test, the vocabulary part fucked my ass and made my average drop.
perfect proof the average /lit/ poster is a midwit
I got a 113, 35 correct
This test was very clearly conceived by stemjeets with no grasp of usage or connotation. Discarded
definitely whoever made this was ESL or just dumb
>said the person who got 2 wrong
>You got 44 questions right and 1 questions wrong, which produces a raw score of 43.65 and converts to an IQ score of 133.
I only missed one because I was going to fast. I picked 'memorandum' and 'catalog' without noticing that 'note' would have been a better choice. The only word I didn't recognize was 'fugacious'.
a raw score of 39.6
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what the FUCK were the 2
butthurt (synonym: affronted)
But then again I'm ESL.
Moot and faggot
It says I got 32 IQ
126, 41 right 4 wrong. What where they!
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I got tested by mensa a few years ago and got top 3% and 7%, but this test seems sketchy.
113 as an esl albeit one who learnt english intuitively and by osmosis through media, if I were a dictionary fag like I am with my third language maybe I'd get better vocab
You are so insecure it's insane
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i thought i was better than this.
I think people would be tripped up by Epistle, Dowager, and Stanchion the most. There's nothing crazy about the others
Brother you missed a question
Epistle is in the bible tho
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Surprised desu
There is no way you are smarter than me.
>get 6 wrong
>that’s pretty good, let’s see how other anons did
>everybody else in here is utterly assblasted about getting 2 wrong
Peak pseud behavior
Meh, im ESL literal braindamaged tard so I feel fine, also the last boon I read was 8 months ago lmao
This thread is nothing more than a vanity project and a waste of time. Are we on Reddit by chance?

IQ is a myth that borders on eugenics. You should be more concerned about whether you are able to memorize and quote the words of the Bible with true faith.
>This thread is nothing more than a vanity project and a waste of time. Are we on Reddit by chance?
New here? IQ threads are always dick measuring/humblebragging hotspots, with the occasional "I'm not retarded just sleepy I swear!!". It matters not how big the number is but what you do with it.
t. 134 IQ genius with a successful family business
Uhhhhh anon, I...
Not bad for an ESL I guess
Absolutely oozing with cope
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>134 genius
My hairline on the right
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188 IQ and my life is a complete disaster. AMA
Do you have a family?
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Man, I should've done better than this. At least a higher tier of midwit. Heh
106, French, willing to take risk and try answering some questions by elimination. 8 wrong
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Fugacious = fugace, évidemment

I knew what niggardly meant even though it's not transparent. Or is it ? Love that word. The best word.
Yes, I do
Why are you such a failure?
Well, not that bad for an ESL I guess.
I got 119 as a non-native English speaker. Not bad.
I usually score 130 on verbal IQ tests but got 105 on this lul
A confluence of things. Ill luck, grief, illnesses
124 not native, but I've spent most my life using English akin to a first language. I don't know how this "test" was standardized, also since they offer another 20 "tests". Wtf is the shit in picrel.
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I should get a +20 for being an ESL though. Atleast now I know Niggardly = behaving like a nigger. I should have know but it seemed too stupid to true.
Niggardly means selfish, moron
I recognize that this is clickbait, ergo my IQ is higher than anyone else ITT.
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According to google if you dont tip enough you are behaving niggardly so...
I hate that /biz/rael made a pain in the ass to post so all the frogposting jeets and tards are now a diaspora ruining once decent boards.
>It matters not how big the number is but what you do with it.
kek, good shitpost.
Would have gone with primitive or savage but still fits.
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41/0 not bad. I've come across all the words but didn't know all their meanings.
I sorta want a QRD but I sorta half-ass understand you
I hate that lit doesn't know actual words, goddamn
The survey questions at the end were interesting. Have they released their analytics yet?
>41/41 - 128
>41/43 - 127
This doesn't make sense.
Thinking you're right when you're not is low iq behaviour vs being aware of your ignorance and selecting "don't know"
Checked, but winging to see what happens next is a staple of genius.
Penalty for getting it wrong is very low. I actually thought the penalty was a whole point and went conservative and didn’t guess anything.
128 IQ *smug emoji* yeah that seems right (i cheated on a couple)
apparently it wants you to believe "deal" and "sale" are the same thing... I think "claim" and "plea" are more similar to each other.
yeah thats fair
it isn't more similar, but it should be dropped as a question.
Not according to their GloVe embeddings.
103 as an ESL
How the hell are you supposed to get 145 then
145 isn't the "max" IQ. It just means 3 standard deviations above the average.

A test of 45 questions is probably underpowered to determine IQ more than 135 anyway. That and they're using their own scoring metric which doesn't map directly to g factor intelligence.
94 IQ as an ESL. 27 right. So many words I’ve never heard before. I’m a complete retard.
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110 IQ, native English speaker.

That's how you know it's accurate. I wonder where I score on the "nerdy" scale. Am I an "Einstein" or a "Jock"?

Great taste :-)
92. I wasn't expecting more since I'm an ESL who has never studied english, but has only learned through videogames and 4chan
Also, what the fuck is the word "Niggardly"??
Use Google ffs

Hail 130 bro.
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I bet if I took this test in my native language I’d have ‘150+’ iq, not 77.
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Can you write like a fancypants, /lit/?

That would ruin the niggardly mystery
113 esl
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i wonder which one i got wrong? i got bored and zoned out halfway through.
but i'm a big dummy, i just have the specific type of autism that made me enjoy reading dictionaries as a kid
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I got 112. I'm ESL btw, though mentioning it shouldn't matter as the test took that into account anyways
>no time
>random ass questions like "do you think le police is heckin corrupt and ACAB FUCK ALL COPS??" and if you say no you're given an IQ penalty

this is such a shit test, goddamn
>IQ score of 133
>still doesn't understand indirect questions and puts a question mark in "I wonder" statements
further proof that website is garbage t b h
You're right. Let's get niggardly up in this piece
purest distillation of reddit tourist
Leave him be. He was trying to humble brag about an online IQ test on an anonymous message board. That's sad. Have pity.
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Fairly certain the two I got wrong were
I knew what all these words mean but didn't see the connection between any of them and just picked related + intrinsic. Pertinent + related does make more sense, but my problem was I wasn't thinking of related in that context. Still feel kind retarded for this one
For whatever reason I thought "abscond" meant "reprimand" so i picked abscond report
should have picked another insult because this one doesn't apply in the slightest

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