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Name a worse /lit/uber
There are legions. Even if you ignore all women. I would say that one of the worst is this gen x faggot who always makes speeches against authors he doesn't like because he has some political opinion that he disagrees with.

that one basedboy coffee drinking doomer libfag guy
worst combo
He seemed a bit sensitive to me, but tolerable. He's not obnoxious, which I was expecting. Shame. I was hoping to hate someone new today.
close but not quite
hate the way this guy talks. not even necessarily his accent but it sounds like hes speaking faster than he should be and getting tongue tied.
i watched his video shitting on A Little Life though, that was nice
Yes, this is the one. Hated him immediately: snobby and slightly pretentious, assumes I'd watch his one hour video essay on Lolita.
the video is just him going through every nabokov book and detailing every instance of underage sex
There's something very shade about this guy, not specifically in this video. But he's looking crazier and crazier every year.

And there's another guy I liked his reviews even though he was also very strange. He was unironically arrested for pedophilia, the pederast kind.

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Why did the video about his son dying randomly appear in my feed? I have never even seen anything prior from that.
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T2darlantan is the best imo. Anyone else watch him?
POST two good videos of him. We will see.
Okay anon I'm going to watch this since I'm kind of an AGP expert too

This faggot that, thanks to women, has 1 million subscribers and the worst takes I've ever seen
>he's looking crazier and crazier every year
Happens to everyone who is into literature anon
There was this one guy who gave Conan 1 star for being too manly for him to handle.
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I hate this pompous faggot more than you could ever possibly know. I hope that the One Piece guy comes out as racist or Sanderson eventually fully embraces his Mormonism and goes mask off homophobic so I can watch this cunt squirm as he is forced onto his knees by twitter/reddit to denounce his favorite goyslop and begin shilling for woke Jewish shit harder than ever before, every shred of his humanity gone.
What did he do to you anon?
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>assuming that LDS men aren't closeted dirtpipe-sledders
If those are FUTURE classics, I guess /lit/ is indeed very dead (and that is actually a good thing)
Why? He seems alright.
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this guy
>I hope that the One Piece guy comes out as racist
he still supports his pedophile mentor fwiw
>I hope that the One Piece guy comes out as racist

He won't. The authors leftism is the only thing keeping his reputation afloat. The manga has been shit for like 10 years. This used to be widely known by everyone. Breadtubers like Greene read it during the pandemic and were all like "OMG!!! LGBTQ representation!!! Its a story against the 1%!!! Colonialism!!!!!!". Their voices dominate now. This is Odas only audience. He wont turn on them.
He also hated Blood Meridian and thought LotR was mid. What exactly does he like?
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probably Game of Thrones and Stephen King
>pic related is your average Game of Thrones fans
This guy makes me laugh so much. In his video about Boris Johnson he uses the example of "Yomp" as wordage that shows how out of touch Bojo was with the working class. Ironically, for any burgers, "Yomp" is a very common term amongst the working class especially in the military. So in trying to prove how far removed Blowjob was from it, he only showed, in fact, how far out of touch he himself was. Couldn't take him seriously after that. In fact, I couldn't before either, but that's not the point.
>positive review
>all the comments disagree with it
>positive like to dislike ratio
I meant to say that
Do zoomers and women really believe at that?
He hecking loves Sun Eater aka the Star Wars of literature that will ruin sci-fi for the future generations.
Kings of Wyld
More modern fantasy sci-fi like Fonda Lee.
And Malazan above all else because makes he fell smart.
constantly gives slop 5 stars. i assume its grift
Jesus what is wrong with women...
Like him or not
He's the real deal.
A Book Slayer
Book hauls, Book reviews, constant up loads.
What's the problem?
the first guy is you, isn't it? either way seems fine
Most of these guys don't seem real. As in, not human. Uncanny valley vibes.
His obly bad opinions are Gene Wolfe and Cormac McCarthy.
Are you no only schizo, but also a faggot?
All this time watching booktubers when you could just be reading a book instead. Is that what you guys do? Glean a book's contents from a booktuber and then intone their opinions as your own?
the dude is just giving a tierlist and you've listed him a thread for 'worst /lit/uber'. what's going on with you man? where does the schizo come in?
Time for you to look up the exact definition of that word, little guy.
What the fuck is dudebro lit?
For Steve, it's anything he can't read in 2 hours. He claims McCarthy is not literature and akin to junk food. He makes the same claim for many post-modern authors. I asked his opinion on William Gass during a livestream and he almost turned red-faced angry
>He hecking loves Sun Eater

is that just book of the new sun for normies?

Also, he gave Legends & Lattes a 5. lol. I see that in the book stores and think that something like this can't possibly be real. I just thought it was a meme.
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>ctrl f
>no waldun
Wtf is this board anymore?
Is this the worst BookTube video ever made?

BTW, this guy just can't stand books with big words. Dickens is as far from "dudebro lit" as you can get and he hates him because he's to hard.
Jesus what a pussy lol.

Imagine reading all those books all those years and still having the same worldview as your average cable news addicted boomer libtard. And proudly wielding the cookie cutter identity you've draped yourself in.
god i hate how youtube videos are always designed to waste as much time as possible, get the fucking point, you fuck. also, this guy is a fucking idiot. melville didn't "think whales where fish". the narrator in moby dick says he believes whales are fish because that's what it says in the bible. it's clear this guy can't read and he can't think. not gonna stick around for this dude's opinion on "dudebro lit".
Okay but who are the good /lit/tubers?
Why do we need that?
holy BASED. let me guess, he makes anyone under 30 seethe?
YouTube recommended me some broad who only gets like 20 or 30 views per vid and has dozens of videos because she reviewed a book I read. She thinks she's an edgy witch and is obviously retarded. Her videos were so bad I was going to subscribe to post her in one of these threads but I didn't want to give her attention. Wish I had of now.
Imagine reading as much as this guy purports to and accidentally admitting you were filtered by Fight Club...
What book did she review?
Why would you not post this lolcow? Anon, you tease.
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>Wish I had of
>how do you do. fellow kids?
what are you implying here?
Is booktube slop like Star Wars mixed with Gladiator mixed with Game of Thrones mixed with Starfield
The author shit two books per year and those retarded fags give it 5 stars ever single time

that video is his best, most of the time he just cries about no liking good books because the author is some "fascist nazi from outer space"
Dude's channel is basically dead at this point, his videos struggle to get over 50k views these days

You probably watched related book tuber stuff while that particular video of his was popping off.
That you shit on people under 30 despite adopting their corny way of typing like a a middle aged guy who takes up longboarding
Didn't read the argument you're in but you need to calm down, bro. Stretch your fingers, take a breath, close your laptop.
i invented 'based', and irony
It was something I read out of left field as a means to broaden my reading habits. I think it was Exquisite Corpse but it might have been Monkey Beach.

You'll know you found her by her black background and she dresses like a goth.
FYI: you can find a lot of cringe just by searching for reviews of Poppy Z. Brite books.

e.g. https://youtu.be/eE1Y4ZNamjE
Stoic /lit/

Was he joking? He tends to be a smart ass.

Did he do a review on a book from an author
that shills his work on /lit/?

Kinda. He gets opinionated and mouthy but its funny most of the time.
Nevertheless the channel is full of /lit/ content
>FYI: you can find a lot of cringe just by searching for reviews of Poppy Z. Brite books.
Performative. Just read the damn book, you sassy queer.
FtMs are the performative sassy ones whereas MtFs are performative aggressive. Both are hilarious.
Oda's audience is Japanese kids. Wouldn't matter in the least if the tiny audience of twitter "cancelled" him. Also Oda supports Shimabukuro so it makes no sense he is not already "cancelled by twitter" except they just don't know anything about it, look it up.
>Japanese audience: kids
>30 year old booktubers and political commentators.

How are these people not embarrassed by this?
You are welcome OP

Any sense of self-awareness that could lead to embaressment evaporates via a vicarious sense of dignity that is itself projected onto those they label as oppressed.
>those comments
>all lowercase video title
>and then there were none
Call by it's proper title you coward
Also Fugitive Telemetry looks cool, is it any good?
As much as i would worship her ass, Leo is a dogshit booktuber
The killer robot slop is filled with Reddit humor, you decide whether or not it's worth trying to read it.
Kek, wtf
I imagine myself making videos when pondering subjects concerning literature or philsophy.
What was the name of that neo-nazi booktuber who got booted off youtube and had to immigrate to rumble or something?
Col. 3
Hello, Matt Shaw.
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>hated Blood Meridian because he wanted it to be like Red Dead Redemption
Conversely I’ve never been a liberal in that sense my entire life.
idk but a few years ago there was a normie girl booktuber who dared to say that she didn't really care about "POC representation" in YA and other booktubers bullied and harassed her so much that she deleted her channel
God, what a queen. Any source?
Write Conscious is decent.
it’s bleak out there tho my dude
I’m going to use that in my play.
Watch for it.
this guy almost breaks down crying in a recent vid because of the trump immunity decision LOL
Lol literally.

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