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im doing my Aberration In the Heartland of the Real Walkabout. such a cliche, i know.
I hope you burn in hell.
Are you a day laborer?
Post tits, Wendy
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Aberration Sisters, assemble all the Abbies
You're shilling this again? You took a long break. Remember to report OP for advertising.
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i need to find my copy where Trineday printed it backwards. you can only read it in a mirror.
how does that even happen?
still the best book ever posted on this sad little board.
Tell me more.
I read this immediately after reading CHAOS, the Manson book, and I LOLed out loud out loud when fucking Jolly West turned up again.
He's worth his own book at this point.
Who is this semen demon?
He really is worth a book. Pretty sure he made appearances in MK ULTRA, JFK hit, RFK hit, OK City Bombing, and probably more weird shit.

Do it, anon, trawl the public record and work to date, write the book, and gain a small but dedicated twitter following.
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Wait, it's just some book about an incel shooter? And here I thought you might've been talking about a neat cult story
you ok, OP? did Cornel Aeronautics abduct you again?
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>Abbies on a boat
love this for us all
So what's up with this book? is it just a lit meme?
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I am so fucking tired of the astroturfing.
what the fuck is this book? why do you have a tarot card in your hand?
Grow up you big baby. Get noided.
Lil' Timmy was the darling of the ladies. He also didn't shoot anyone.
>Get noided.
I hate your constant shilling but that was pretty funny.
He was a coward that murdered children then lied about it
Yeah he's right, we hope you burn in hell.
if we read the fbi memo on these matters, mcveigh liked "good dick" and "nice balls" or something close to that
Sounds like jewish people talking about the masturbation machines and the roller coasters that went into the ovens.

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