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/lit/ - Literature

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What the fuck I just read
Pagan trash.
Let me guess, he should be reading the Bible instead
Yes. Honestly, you should go ahead and read the Bible as soon as possible. The rest that you have already read or are planning to read is nothing more than vanity and meaningless words, at least until you take the "trouble" to accept the Gospel.
You need to return to /pol/ and stay there, vermin.
You have already demonstrated that you are sick. I don't like /pol/ because that place has always been contaminated with hate and racism.
/lit/ in turn has always been a bastion of The Holy Words on this site. Go back.
I felt like I was reading the first step of a cultic initiation when I read Prometheus Bound
It was a teaser of genuine Divine revelation
>calls other pagans
>muh hate and racism
Fuck off
I don't really gets it, was Aeschyllus trying to make the greeks feel simpathy towards Prometheus for disobeying the new king Zeus? He was a Titan so it just makes sense he hates the new gods and disobey even if that means what it meant. Also I'm not sure Aeschyllus wanted to deface his own gods and/or the gods of his city or throw some speech against hierarchy, picking Zeus as the prime figure of tiranny is bold for a greek.
Death sentence > life sentence
A confession by Tolstoy is heaps better then the bible
>enters /lit/erature board
>get mad and recommend the bible when someone is reading theater plays

If you don't have knowledge about greek myth you won't understand the beginning or the end of the story. I always recommend Apollodorus Mythology. Hesiod's works and days will work too in this specific tragedy.
Promethus Bound. An ancient play, one of the oldest we have. About a simple man who was horrifically punished by the powers that be for the terrible crime of trying to bring light to the common people. In the words of Ascyllius, "No good deed goes unpunished." I cannot tell you how much consolation I find in these slim pages.
/lit/ has also been a bastion of ancient literature. Why invade the mythology threads, when no one really believes with faith in mythology?
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This race, in every branch, in every unit, was rich in individuality, restless in its energy, in the goal of one undertaking seeing but the starting−point of a fresh one; in constant mutual intercourse, in daily−changing alliances, in daily−varying strifes; to−day in luck, to−morrow in mischance; to−day in peril of the utmost danger, to−morrow absolutely exterminating its foes; in all its relations, both internal and external, breathing the life of the freest and most unceasing development. This people, streaming in its thousands from the State−assembly, from the Agora, from land, from sea, from camps, from distant parts, filled with its thirty thousand heads the amphitheatre. To see the most pregnant of all tragedies, the "Prometheus," came they; in this Titanic masterpiece to see the image of themselves, to read the riddle of their own actions, to fuse their own being and their own communion with that of their god; and thus in noblest, stillest peace to live again the life which a brief space of time before, they had lived in restless activity and accentuated individuality.
I know what you mean by consolation. It's a deeply reassuring thing to see the human condition "laid bare" in all its sorryness; it's confirmation that your sufferings and sadnesses are not figments, but part of the grand and tragic sweep of time and fate.

I get the same feeling from Flannery O'Connor, from Dost. It's indulgent in a sense, but an indulgence you partake in alongside the many many others who have known and felt the wretched world as you do. And it's holy in that way.
fpbp and based

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