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Who are some truly nihilistic and fatalistic philosophers? Like straight up nihilistic. No "open to interpretation" shit. No hope, no cope, no self help bullshit, no "life is what you make it" nonsense.
Thomas Ligotti
And his fiction works are good too.
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>It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late
>A book is a suicide postponed.
>Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?
>I endure myself
>Only those moments count, when the desire to remain by yourself is so powerful that you'd prefer to blow your brains out than exchange a word with someone.
>We are so lonely in life that we must ask ourselves if the loneliness of dying is not a symbol of our human existence.
>Although I feel that my tragedy is the greatest in history—greater than the fall of empires—I am nevertheless aware of my total insignificance.
>True confessions are written with tears only. But my tears would drown the world, as my inner fire would reduce it to ashes.
>Sometimes I wish I were a cannibal – less for the pleasure of eating someone than for the pleasure of vomiting him.

lol, I'm floored, it's way worse than I remembered. This guy is peak cringe.

I found it interesting
I though fatalistic meants bound to the destiny ie what is meant to happen will happen? Like in Jaques the fatalist?
Take your depressive whining to >>>/adv/
Unless you're starving to death in Rwanda or something, you've got it great
>oh noes but my sovl
Fucking pansy.
>was this book written by a renowned philosopher or a clinically depressed teenager

Sigh. I'm not here for "advice" or "things can get better".
t. normalfag optimist scum
Nah he's right these quotes could be printed on tshirts and sold to teenagers, but some other quotes are more respectable.
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Teenagers dont have this kind of afflictions, most adults even are oblivious to a lot of stuff Cioran says, the problem is he uses a lot of pathos infused prose so it sounds corny but the point stands, severely depressed people tend to be very animose and emotional like that, they lack the need to contain their gall so it is let to sprinkle everywhere with no further thought
>lust-provoking image
/lit/ need to stop pretending nihilism exists. There are only different flavors of edginess and angst. Nothing-ism doesn't exist.
That’s a very insufficient definition of Nihilism, and nihilism is just a word to describe something. So in that way it does exist. Mostly having to do with the values of god leaving society and leaving a vacuum of meaning behind. This implies we create it so that’s great but the transitory phase is something that must be gone through and will be a challenge.. There are many aspects to nihilism itself though in which we could identify such a thing
If one writes and publishes stuff then he's not the most nihilistic, because it's an act of creating and producing something. The most nihilistic nihilist won't even bother become a famous philosopher and just plain nothing.
neither are the faggots on /adv/. off with you now
Never read him, but Philipp Mainländer was as nihilistic as they come, and he ended up hanging himself. His philosophy basically revolves around the universe arising from a singularity called God and that the will to die is the fundamental driving force similar to Schopenhauer's will to live.

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