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How do I actually learn about these niggas? They seem like cool people.
The slot machine guys?
t. gambler
They are demons or feverish creations in the minds of Europeans who were possessed or sickened by filth.
> they seem like cool people
christcucks just won't let anyone have fun huh?
you can play the game that picture is taken from, its called Age of Mythology. When you are playing the game you can right click on nearly every unit icon and button and it will give you a basic mythological encyclopedia entry on that thing. It often links to other pages in-game too.

This is a good and fun start.
>le demons man
Christcuck mantra
Pick a Pantheon and read their sacred texts.
The Eddas would be the choice for the Northern gods. Everything else you might see is just conjecture or interpretation of the Eddas, just read them directly and draw your own conclusion.
Poetic Edda: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0308
Prose Edda: http://vsnrweb-publications.org.uk/EDDArestr.pdf

Homer would be a great intro to the Greek Pantheon, but there's no origin myth in his tales - that comes from Hesiod (Theogony).
These are not complete pictures and you might need to check the glossary for a brief description of creatures where there aren't any in the main text.

That or you can just play the god of war games and say you know what's up.
Best of luck
he's retarded but abrahamic religions objectively btfo ye olde indoeuropean pagan religion. the latter are insanely retarded, the former is at least only hard to believe in.
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>christcucks just won't let anyone have fun huh?
>How do I actually learn about these niggas? They seem like cool people.
I never get an answer from any of the LARPagans. They'll talk about how kewl they are but I think they just like those stupid comic book movies.

I've repeatedly tried to press them for information on their beliefs and why others should believe as they do, but all they ever do is whine about the God of the Bible, and the Christ and his followers, and this thread isn't really much different.
Edith Hamilton for a brief of all the mythology that matters. Then primary sources
>he thinks it was about bringing out the rain
Historylets and absolute brainlets like you deserve beatings.
Who are you quoting? You're literally getting violently buttmad at some fiction you just created. You Godless fools are always so mentally unstable.
Mahabharata cover to cover, every relevant IE mythical archetype is already in there. Iliad and Odyssey for the relevant ones in western civilization. Aeneid, Theogony, Apollodorus's Library of Myths if you looove greco roman stuff
>he doesnt know
Oh no no no christcuck bros, we were supossed to be the thinking men.
You're a very low quality poster, all you're doing is proving my other posts right.
Why don’t you try reading you stupid fuck? The gods weren’t fun. They made people their playthings, killed men and women, destroyed cities, made people act in ways they might not have really wanted to.
You so obviously don’t read. I can’t stand half educated pseuds like you.

>why others should believe as they do
Do you seriously believe that people who read mythology actually believes in mythology?
People whine about the bible in mythology threads because, despite being ancient /lit/erature, people like you come here to call everyone a pagan and recommend the bible instead. Which, if you are in /lit/, you have probably already read.

Apollodorus mythology, Hesiod, and Homer for greek
The Edda for nordic
The Kojiki for japanese
Genesis for abrahamic
The epic of Gilgamesh for sumerian/mesopotamic
For egyptian and hindus idk
>Do you seriously believe that people who read mythology actually believes in mythology?
They claim to believe it. Also, obvious you can't/won't be intellectually honest to anyone involved who doesn't think like you.
No. There is no single person nowadays who claim to believe in mythology. And if they do, they haven't read mythology. And in case there is someone crazy who does, the chances for him to be in /lit/ are exaggeratedly low.
Edith Hamilton

lol it does have a slot machine aesthetic doesn't it
>No. There is no single person nowadays who claim to believe in mythology.
Yes, there is, and they don't call it mythology.

You're an ignorant fool. Just stop posting, bro.
Can you show me one example of a /lit/ post of someone who believes in mythology?
bruh. the iliad, the odyssey, the aeneid, metamorphoses,
none of the cool gods like the egyptian ones
the correct thing to do was to uplift mankind to be their equals and befriend them like any other biological life forms so we can jointly conquer the stars, not turn the planet into a mulatto stud farm
Same way the people did. Listen to the iliac, odyssey. They were the Sunday schools of the day.
investigate them so deeply that you realize they are just distorted reflections of the one
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So did yours.
And that's fun while it's fiction, which mythologies are. Now, is Genesis fiction or not? Because the 3 things you mentioned happened there.
>killed men and women
Like in the flood?
>destroyed cities
Like Sodoma and Gomorrs?
>made people act in ways they might not have really wanted to.
Like asking Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?
Is this gay porn? I have only seen characters like this in gay porn. I think this is gay porn.
You don't understand, anon, it's just brothers in Christ cuddling together while killing Muslims.

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