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What a cool book. Finding an old copy with this cover makes it even better. Best modernization of Beowulf. They made a movie from it called the 13th Warrior that is great too.
Sorry friend, but here we just pretend to read the Bible to get upvotes. Try another place if you want to talk about literature.
>Lo, there do I see my father.
>Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
>Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning
>Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!
Yeah it is a cool book and congrats on nabbing that cover. I have the latest paperback edition which isn't much to look at.
This is the only Crichton book that I really want to read. But I can't get my hands on a copy
Like you can't get your hands on a set of tits, incel. Lol. You must be emotionally eviscerated by now.
Btw I'm a chicano. Deus Vult and praise the feet of the Holy Mother!
kuru eh? yeah crichton was a blast
this cover looks like call of the crocodile
Another "so" beloved author who is already fading into obscurity. He was a chud. An anti-women book and another denying global warming.
>fictional retelling of historical documents narrated as scientific retelling of historical documents
Might as well just be My Diary, Desu. It was pretty great when I read it in 6th grade but I did not make it far when I attempted to reread it years later. For works of this ilk, The Secret History of the Lord Musashi is probably the best that I have read.
He was pretty much a ladies man and an environmentalist who did not want such issues reduced to left vs right. He is fading into obscurity, and he should, King of all people called him a pop novelist, lol.

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