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what did he mean by this?
He (correctly) thought fascism was a modernist movement.

Why don’t you guys try actually reading the authors before asking really obvious questions about them? I realize it’s summer so you undergraduates come around to ask questions about meme authors (mainly Nietzsche and Evola) without reading them first, but you really ought to read them first because the sooner you read them, the sooner you can have your questions answered and then move on to the other writers they mention and who influenced them that were far superior.
Fascism, the Italian kind, held it's basis in socialism, I won't comment on where it ended up but you can check out people like Corridoni, a syndacalist that was highly praised under fascism.
Also Sorel had respect of old uncle Benito so.
It's easy to understand why that retard wasn't satisfied with it.
Fascism is populist and celebrates the masses whereas Evola was an extreme reactionary whose views were more aligned with feudalistic elitism

If Nazism was "traditional" then it would've put the Kaiser in charge and Christian clergymen.
You could try reading the fucking book you're referencing, considering it's like 60 pages.
>"tradition" is when you support whatever random monarchy happens to be the most recent one in your country even if it was a modernizing one with a shit dynasty, plus the decrepit modernizing church
Evola ideally wanted something like the Ancien Regime that could've withstood the French and Bolshevik Revolutions.

He viewed Fascism as the best of a bad bunch, but objected to it's demagogic nature, and viewed the totalitarian aspects as too centralising and levelling, and the inevitable outcome of its democratic-socialist origins.

The organisations he was most in sympathy with were the SS and Codreanu's Iron Guard.

The Nazis viewed themselves as doing something brand new in human history (which it was). If right wing is defined by that which seeks to preserve current order, then they weren't right wing.

According to Democrats, left wing and right wing is based on how much you support immigration, atheism, and gay people. According to Republicans, left wing and right wing is based on how many economic regulations you support. Hence why Nazis are both far left and far right depending on who's discussing them.
Evola was a typical contrarian.
Anything that isn't an absolute monarchy with a leader divinely appointed by the Church is unironically left wing.
Why was Evola a modern artist?
>Hence why Nazis are both far left and far right depending on who's discussing them.
it's called third position
>The organisations he was most in sympathy with were the SS and Codreanu's Iron Guard.
This lil nigga would've loved Discord.
didn't he admire national socialism more over Mussolini's fascism?
Literally all he meant is "oh no pwease mistew amewican twibunal pwease don‘t punish meeee q_q"

Spiritual coward.
not really, he wrote against certain factions of fascists during the regime, and never got the party card despite being a big deal back then, pretty sure they got to close down some journals he was writing for because of it

now dilate and rope
>literally walks around town during air raids
>Doesn't let americans hang him for being "too right wing"
yet he wasn't a traditionalist?
Oh wow, petty disagreements at the office.

You know, a lot of people didn‘t give implicit moral sanction to the zionist occupation.
I think he preferred italian fascism in general because he was opposed to national socialist emphasis on eugenics and extreme nordicism (although evola by no means rejected biological racism as is often believed).

But Evola did really like the SS since it embodied his ideal of a military order, rather than a political party, and had somewhat taken up an pan-european imperial ideal by the end of the war. Evola worked with the organization and in one of the essays in handbook for right wing youth he strongly hints that if the axis had won the war the plan was for the SS to take over after Hitler's death.
Christcuck bros, we keep embarrassing ourselves.
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This is me btw if that matters.
If you want a class analysis, Fascism is firmly in the camp of the middle class. The middle class western societies supported it and made up its most devoted followers. The actual elite Junkers of Germany barely tolerated it because they had to and not out of some firm devotion to it. Really any of the traditional elite it was just “enemy of my enemy” to Bolshevism.
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Evola is proven correct by simply observing what cuckchan has become over the last few years.
Real question here:
If I thought Evola interesting, will I get something out of reading Ilyin?
Holy cringe
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Have you seen Christianfag memes? Most made by obese Americans and Brazilians?
national socialism drew heavily from socialism. it was technically a leftist movement
>Acient Roman rites
Roman kingdom right? Because Republic and onwards is essentially a globalist modern state with more assassination.
he never said "right-wing" you retarded direction brained zoomer mutt
stick to spic fuentes and groyping

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