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Why do you guys hate him?
there's nothing to like
I like him
The reason /lit/ hates him: because reddit likes him
The reason I hate him: his characters all speak like American high school students regardless of their age or supposed level of intelligence, and they have Hollywoodesque quips and banter. He also doesn't know how to write religion since he is a cultist and projects that onto every other religion, believing that every religion is a cult as well. It's a shame because otherwise he seems good at writing fictional worlds and magic systems.
He created the reddit autism of "magic systems".
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He doesn’t understand what magic is, or the psychology that goes into it.

I keep telling you this, but you retards too don’t know what magic is.

Hint: It’s supposed to be a soft label. It is a subjection. Not a true definition.

Magic is “magic”.
>>23557056 (literally me samefagging)
>Not a true definition.
>Magic is “magic”
This. It’s a description, not a definition.
The word ‘system’ is such a disservice to magic.

There is a system to EVERYTHING, yes, but what makes magic, well, magic, is the veil that covers it…

Leave it to the true, transcendental sage, or the wizard, to understand it, becoming an enigma themselves.

But be careful; when everyone’s a wizard, no one is.
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It really sucks how people have forgotten what goes into, and keeps, the magic.

If mystery, wonder, horror, heresy, all that stuff, etc, make magic, then ignorance is the greatest magic of all.

It starts religions.

At its simplest, you had the ancients who had looked to the bright stars in the night sky, considering them gods.

No different from stage magic on a much, much grander scale. Existence is one big magician. Magic is a magician. You don’t ask a magician for their secrets, I hope.

Religion isn’t supposed to be honest, and definitely not truthful, otherwise the whole point of faith and belief is defeated.

The modern wizard is the mad scientist, poking at the edges of the unknown.

Magic is a black box. Poking at the black box often inevitably puts the poker on the inside of it, becoming black boxes in their own right, and true wizards are enigmas.

Even occultists like Aleister Crowley, who used terms like ‘magick’ to distinguish it from ‘mere’ stage magic, started to see a bigger picture, in the end… (pic related)

Once again, magic is “magic”, and it’s the big bad black pill /x/ refuses to swallow.
he is everything they wish they could be. down to the good looks
you can reiterate this a million times, but it will never be more than a parroted reddit take.
And you will have less power for refusing to accept it.

Because ignorance, lies, the imagination, etc, is disgustingly powerful. You really do not want to know just how powerful.
try converting that into practical, actionable information that isn't just reddit iq. otherwise fuck off
Have charisma. Start a cult. Make art.
please don't ever presume to know anything, ever again.
You don’t need mind control powers to mind control people.

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the philosophical equivalent of "just start a drop shipping business reselling amazon crap at a 40% mark up" You should just kill yourself or something
>how to draw an owl
There was a time when the pope could sentence an entire nation to hell because people believed in God just that much.
Half of America right now thinks men can get pregnant lol.

We can thank retarded social “scientists” weaponizing semantics for that.
I wonder if he's as kind as he looks
He is, but he can also be a pompous prick too I bet.
Only trannies and pseudos with inferiority complex hate him.
But I don't think he is such an amazing writer either, I can enjoy some of his books. At least he grown was organic, not just a kike being astroturfed like Neil Gaiman.
Even some of his fans are finding new slops for overhype. He should stop and judge if he really needs to write tons of books so fast and expand on what he has already created
Saying whites are smarter than blacks or colonization was good is a literal curse of black magic upon leftists
Based Crowley and Lam knower
Some of it is just contrarians and pseuds doing their thing, but it's also difficult to achieve widespread appeal without catering to three lowest common denominator.
sandon branderson...
They hate him cuz his popular.

I bet the people on here would hate Akira Toryiama if he was around making dragonball in the modern era.
>Magic is a black box. Poking at the black box often inevitably puts the poker on the inside of it, becoming black boxes in their own right, and true wizards are enigmas.
Yeah, black boxes may just be white within to the wizard, or varying shades of grey.
Dragon Ball Z is legitimately pure trash.
I am just saying considering how increasingly and potentially Brandon sanderson is probably going to become once his works gets adapted.

>once his work gets adapted

Different anon here but now that you mention it it’s kind of insane that this hasn’t happened already. With the Game of Thrones rush you’d think there’d have been several companies trying to get Mistborn series/film rights years ago.
I don't. I just think that fantasy is a solved genre after Tolkien and magic systems, grimdark and subversion add nothing to it.
I dont read American consumer fantasy so I dont care. I read other countries trash fantasy but I dont pretend its great.
He treats magic like a machine, and even though machines are totally magic, he misses the point of it.

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