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Since other anon posted bait assessment, here's a good one. https://miller-analogies-test.netlify.app/
Post your scores, so we can judge you appropriately.
SCORE = 65 / 100
IQ = 130
this was fun thank you OP
if you knew nothing about european art, you would score 0, this isn't an iq test
You're welcome anon.

Post your score, this is one of the better verbal assessments out there.
it's too hard
Too many questions about le high culture, this isn't an IQ test
150 (143 tested)
who gives a fuck about irrelevant sri lanka
ram ji saar
IQ 121
Honestly a lot better than I thought, I was sure I wouldn't crack 100
this is trivia, not an IQ test.
literally just a trivia test, anyone who thinks the IQ score means anything has a low IQ
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7 is half an sd so it isn't an outlier.

Check picrel.

who cares? the fact it's used on entrance for some faggy social clubs seems like the main thing they are testing for
I was going to shit on it without trying, but while writing I got too curious. Got 73 right, for a score of 136. Can't post images. All the vocabulary was very obvious for an ESL like me, but the cultural references were fairly difficult. Some questions were strangely specific, some too vague, and some made me think it shouldn't be used outside the US. All in all, it might have decent correlation to intelligence/performance, but I wouldn't put much stock in it for individual cases.
Also, if 100 is supposed to be average, the scores are probably very inflated, and though the pattern might be good for verbal testing (I admit I love it) these specific questions are not.
it's a test to tell if someone actually reads and knows things. and considering that trying to gauge actual intelligence is flawed, this is probably just fine for whatever they use it for.
that being said, i didn't really know half of it. that's besides that easy correlation/relation aspect of it.
yeah it's "used" because it measures what those people are looking for, but it's not iq. knowing that jason was looking for the golden fleece or who wrote dracula has nothing to do with iq. it's a "who paid attention in high school" test
SCORE = 57 / 100
IQ = 125
More of a test of how cultured/educated you are than a test of pure IQ. I don't know shit about African history, European history or philosophy.
The only one I was certain I got correct was the anime one. Am I gonna make it?
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Literally got the exact same score, amazing coincidence
fun test
Its normed correctly, and statistically sound.

It's mainly for Americans
I'm about to get 100/100
See you all in 30 minutes or however long this takes
What the fuck this is just a trivia quiz
What does knowing what kind of flower is annual have to do with IQ?
Finished in ~20 minutes
Whenever I do this kind of test I get 120-130, so I feel I'm onto something here
high intelligence ---> curiosity about the world and fact retention ----> high general knowledge
it's a proxy like vocabulary, school grades or number of criminal convictions.
It can correlate but it's not absolute. Access to education and resources, and someone might have a narrow scope of interest like a savant.
sure, but doing Raven's progressive matrices all the time is boring.
>SCORE = 65 / 100
>IQ = 130

As an ESL with no knowledge of the meaning of some of the words in the analogies, I guess it ain't that bad.


A couple are seppostani. A couple are outside of my areas of interest. A couple the test itself is wrong. A couple if I'd bothered I'd have been able to read the seppostani use of words, but I'm not bothering with cross-cultural English when I just use the Greek anyway.
Yes anon. That was the actual test
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>> 25. POL POT : CAMBODIA :: IDI AMIN : [s4s]
[s4s] is the property of Gippo Dudee

I am a member of poofy social clubs where you're expected to be able to explicate teleos without falling into eisegesis. A true greek society, where greek is used as the best way to talk about objects of study in their thrownness.

I'm happy to induct you into dike, the good life, but you're going to have to read a lot of German Idealism.

Also the test is continuous, and you can be knifed if you can't play a Kristeva double down over Zizek and Lacan to drive back towards a Marxist theory of the family as a place of the reproduction of labour power in an expanded form as contradicting the reproduction of solidarity and love in an expanded form. No butt-stuff.
I used to do that in middle school, by high school I was already reconciling the Talmud and Marxism in Cyrillic, Hebrew and German simultaneously in my head, while fingering my butthole.
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You had me until you mentioned Cyril's script and fingering your butthole. Nothing before Tito of any significance was written in Cyrillic. I would rather have new feminine orifaces cut into my manly body to be fucked in new cunt holes than finger my bottom. My bottom is so powerful I can make myself abjectly come by clenching alone.

OP's test is a good test for hyperreferrentiality, but as we've just demonstrated it is only the exam for "entry" to the University of Banter.

whc 2hu wdl u fugq?
>SCORE 76/100
>IQ = 139
This doesn't tell me anything. It's just a test for english nerds half the questions are for people who are the very model of a modern major general
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forgot pic
Can someone explain the degrees question. I also got the 3:5::?:11 wrong with 9 which is silly to me.
>The degrees question
I interpreted it as both sets needing to add up to 180, but I didn't go back and check if I got it correct. I also interpreted 9 as the answer for the 3:5::?:11 one.
>I interpreted it as both sets needing to add up to 180
Yep that's it, thanks. I thought they were coordinates and I had pick the right latitude to make them both the locations of capitals or something, haha.
>3:5::?:11 wrong with 9
I put that as well, but I guess it's sequential primes instead.
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I noticed in the degree question that 60 was 25 away from 35, so I just selected 120 because it was 25 away from 145.
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thank you because I was ready to an hero at how confused I was at that one
>You had me until you mentioned Cyril's script and fingering your butthole. Nothing before Tito of any significance was written in Cyrillic.
As if... I was only using it to translate my thoughts from German to Hebrew.

>finger my bottom
It's perfectly fine if you do it with good intentions, for the sake of the truth at least.

>as we've just demonstrated it is only the exam for "entry" to the University of Banter.
This test is where I periodically refuel my intellectual validation tank.
whc 2hu wdl u fugq?
Anon, respectfully, what the heck does this even mean?
>it's a "who paid attention in high school" test
Unironically sounds like a valid proxy for g
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I'm a retard
how will I ever recover from this failure?
After sitting on the experience of having taken this test for a day I actually kind of like this test. It filters out the high IQ mensa redditors who haven't read anything outside of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or their atheist/antinatalist books, and worship pop sci icons like Nikola Tesla or Elon Musk.
You needed both points to be equidistant from 90, the first one from below, the second from above. 35 and 145 are both 55 away from 90. 60 is 30 away from 90, so you choose 120.

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