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This is your daily reminder to finish the books on your shelf BEFORE going to the book store to CONSOOM new books.

Remember, you already own books that you were initially excited about purchasing, so try and recapture that feeling and give them another shot!

What books are you avoiding right now? Scared of that great big Ulysses tome that's collecting dust?
That's retarded. There are dozens of books I've read just because they were on my shelf for years and I saw them and said "fuck it, I'll read that." I recently read most of Augustine's City of God after it had been on my shelf since I bought it with my mom as an overambitious kid 10 years ago. I never would have gotten sucked into it if I hadn't seen it there and just thought "fuck it, why not."
But what about my Kindle shelf sitting idly with 2500+ books?
>I never would have gotten sucked into it if I hadn't seen it there and just thought "fuck it, why not."

Your own fault for buying it in the first place.

Don't blame the shelf for your own bad decisions.
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>Scared of that great big Ulysses tome that's collecting dust?
Not really, just have some things in the pile that need more attention. Usually I just kick it over and grab what's on top when I can't decide what to read.

You scope the new Being and Non-being? I have Uncles Alick and Austin but skipped Kenny for Andy.
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Also, nice curation there on the lower shelves. The Crowleyana is a bit much for me.
It’s easy to do if you’re buying new books online or some shit. But I get my books from a thrift store for like $2 each and it’s like an adventure finding shit you never knew about. It’s too tempting but I do my best.

It's not bad advice. Your not completely WRONG. I'm sure your council comes from a good place but used books are a helluva drug.
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I have a list of books I want to read and if I find a copy for cheap or a nice edition I'm gonna buy it.
Plus I already read Ulysses
Pure pseud smelly shit.
Midwit take
Reported for cyberbullying
I rarely read whole books. Only bits of them are relevant, or interesting, or certain parts are poorly written and don't deserve my full attention. I don't like narrative literature, maybe with novels that wouldn't work as well. I don't see the merit in propagating the inferiority complex of having to finish books, it takes the joy out of the activity. The more you try to systematize reading the more artificial it becomes. And the more utilitarian is the nature of your reading the more natural, and in effect fruitful, it becomes. What we hate about redditors collecting books on their "read" list, is the superficial nature of their reading, and its primary objective being to feel superior. But as each one has different ideas about superiority, trying to follow through will tear you to scraps. The alternative is to 'bee urself', which is really the only thing you are ever good for.
>Y-you are a midwit!
>t. midwit
Ouch, poor of you.

It doesn't matter desu, yeah you can have a " I bought i read" mentality or you can buy books and read them later. The point of a library is to have a place where you can put books that you're likely to read one day or another or never. The archetype of it is dictionary or encyclopedia, you'll never read them straight but rather will look into it when you need it. Same goes for books maybe one day you'll have a question that comes up in your mind and you'll remember you have a book that is related to it and you'll read it after hoarding it for years because back then you just bought it 1 dollar with ten other books somewhere.
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If I didn't go to bookstores I wouldn't leave the house all weekend long.
Why is it his 'fault' though? Why speak in terms of faults?
>Remember, you already own books that you were initially excited about purchasing, so try and recapture that feeling and give them another shot!
That itself is a consoomer attitude, retard.
Ive only ever bought books in foreign countries thatat I could read the languages and knew getting a copy in the US would be hard. Otherwise buying books is for bitch ass capitalists. You can easily get books from the library or steal from your local bookstore.

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