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This book was overwritten and pretentious. It's like DFW was trying to cram every trick he'd learned in his comp courses onto every single page - reminds me of late antique writers like Martianus Capella or Fulgentius in that regard. I don't have a problem with avant garde fiction even if it's not my main gig, I love Faulkner and Sterne for example, but this book is overrated. Footnotes? "Oh man so deeppp man" give me a break. Latin/French puns? "Whoah so le erudite". Also addicts are boring people in real life and it turns out they're boring to read about, too. Go ahead, convince me I'm a pleb.
at first i thought he had just gone overboard after hearing the remark that "gibbon lived out most of his sex life in his footnotes", but then i saw pale fire. total rip-off.
All you're doing is describing what distinguishes high IQ art and entertainment from shit for average people. It's usually jagoff bullshit. Unlike what extremely smart people achieve in logics or maths, in the arts, the heights of their productivity are anchored by predictable, boring emotion. Intellectual art is invariably complex but not fundamentally more engaging nor interesting renditions of cheap tricks.
Self love was not the right word for it, since love did not enter into it. By this point it had evolved into a purely mechanical process, a routine climb from the base to a state of heightened arousal, limbic apotheosis, that would conceal the noise, whatever form it had taken on this time, with an ambient and pulsing pleasantness that would then be carried out to a spiked fruition that would manifest upon discovering the right video. At that point he would contort his legs into such a position that his erection would feel firm, mastlike, and work up and down until feeling the onset of that oceanic reverie that was really just a shadow of what it had been, but would nonetheless evacuate thought for a moment before allowing it to slap back like the reverse twang of a rubber band.
is this dfw? i dont remember reading this
No it's me. I'm an addict and I'm inspired by him
i would switch ambient and pulsing, the alliteration kinda took me out of the flow

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