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How many books do you read at once?

I used to read maybe one book a year but recently I've started reading a lot more, to the point my reading speed can't keep up with my interests. I hear about and buy new interesting books before I finish the last one and now I’m juggling 6 non-fiction and 3 fiction books at once. I make notes along the way to refer to as I go but how much would you say is too much?
top is read. bottom is currently reading
I probably started about 500+ books now, never finished a single one. It's too late now because I know I will never finish it I just keep starting more.
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Three. Two non-fiction, one fiction.
I imagine most of this bored is in the same category. And the rest don't read at all
Around 5.Tends to be:
A novel
A novella
An anthology of short stories or a play.
Another novel in another language.
A nonfiction book or essay collection.
You've literally never finished a single book? Why do you keep trying?
I actively read maybe three at a time but I drop most of them with intent of returning to them later, about of which there is 15 or so. For that reason, I prefer shorter 200 or less books rather than 500 page tomes which I have enough of.
Let me guess: most of the 65 books you're "currently reading", you've been "reading" for over a month.
How? I finish all the books I start reading.
What makes you stop?
I find 2-3 at a time is best, and never two of the same type (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). If I find I’m reading two of the same type, I drop one until I finish the other. It keeps my head clear and I don’t feel like I’m jumping between too many topics, my mind is already a bit disorganized on its own.

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