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Does anyone else think it's weird that in The Canterbury Tales, there's the Sargeant of the Law, who many theorize to be Thomas Pynchbek. I'm not kidding. Pynchbek. Of the law... Thomas Pynchon -- a man already shrouded in mystery, with theorized ties to MK ultra, some even claiming his entire existence is a government psyop. Is that not strange to you all?

Or on line 406, "with many a tempest had his beerd been shake." Shakespeare's the tempest? Does that not strike you as strange? Now consider that Pynchon was guessed to have been posting on 4chan decades ago, filling in weird unnoticed gaps in literary history, like Joyce's connection with Bram Stoker and Shakespeare's authorship debate, including comments on Marlowe's espionage. Isn't this off putting? Or at the very least provoking? Now consider that Joyce, in Finnegan's wake, references Shake-his-beard as Shakespeare, and that the supposed Pynchon connects Joyce and Stoker through that same complicated novel...

Am I the only one seeing this? Have I gone mad? And what does (maybe) Pynchon also point out but Torquato Tasso in the crying of lot 49? A character driven by artistic madness. Are you blind or am I?
and Pope Adrian IV, the only Englishman appointed to the position, done so in the 11th century and what does that poster show us? His real name? Breakspeare. It's all so weird
> In the years 1636–1652, Pynchon exported between 4,000 and 6,000 beaver pelts a year from that location, and also was the New World's first commercial meat packer, exporting pork products.
The Marchant wears a beaver hat in that same prologue of Canterbury Tales. I must be insane
Fucking bump
You're going crazy but you haven't hit your stride yet. Once everything starts to be incredibly obvious, you'll be there.

A couple hints: Parnell and Port Arthur.
Thanks anon. I've turned from the shadows on the wall
Checked and bump. Anyone got links to the supposed pynch-posting on /lit/?
>Finnegan's Wake
That's when I knew it was bait
Phone posting
Dig around. Not bill murray
Pynchon comes off like a try hard when you realize that he's been on the Simpsons two or three times and not even in the good seasons.

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