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I’ve been writing a novel recently. (Wanted to add illustration but I am shit at drawing) It is in the genre of isekai, but with a twist. The story is from the perspective of a peasant farmer named Jack.

Plot: Jack lives a comfortable life in Rorin with his wife and daughter, Sheila and Helen, in his hometown. Aldaraians, also known as Summoned in slang by natives, are humans who come from another world, with no recollection of where they came from. (There is deeper lore, but don't get into it.) Basically, they kinda run the world.

Helen wants to be join a hero guild and be an adventurer, but Jack tries to discourage her. The problem is that he never told his daughter that non-summoned can't compete with the stronger and tougher Aldaraians. He does not want to tell her because it will break her heart.

During a guild event/convention. When the popular hero, Cadrick, is doing Q&A with the audience, Helen blurts out that she wants to join them when she gets older. Cadrick tells her that it would be too dangerous and it crushes her dreams, making Jack feel immense guilt that he led on Helen.

Jack gets into a fight/argument with some heroes, after they falsely accuse him of stealing from them. Jack gets beat up and is made fun of in the town square. His two friends, Marina, know that he is innocent. He comes home to find his family slaughtered, apparently by a monster attack. The area he lived in was undefended. After the funeral, He realizes how corrupt the guilds are and wants revenge for the aldaraians turning a blind eye to an invasion of his home.

Using his wits and plans, he begins a one-man quest to avenge his family.

He makes many friends along the way. Including a black witch who wants the same thing as him. To destroy the guilds.

He knows he probably won't make it out alive, but even if he doesn't, he will leave them a scar so they don't forget the man they wringed.

A story about power and responsibility that comes with it. And the truth about those who abuse it. Will never expect their downfall.


What do you think? Opinions?
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>Q&A with the audience
a press conference in a medieval setting? is this going to be sort of like the game thief where they have advanced post industrial inventions and quircks such as offices and assembly lines in a medival setting?

i'll be honest anon, sounds very generic and i personally would not be interested in reading that. there are tons of generic manga out there. if you want to stand out from that boring slop that japs write, dial everything up to a million.
>Including a black witch
fucking woke mind virus. DROPPED
convert this into an elevator pitch; this for both you and me.
Seems on par with any other isekai webpub garbage. Go for it.
I've read a billion manhwa exactly like this.
There is nothing Isekai about this. The genre you are writing is "fantasy". Isekai is when a character from a world suddenly travels and gets stuck in another world.
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Part 1/2

Ok comments want me to get o
Into the DEEPER lore. (Didn't wanna spoil it but you haven't got a good story in a long time here is go)

The video attached shows some of the things I came up with.


You see I always wondered if magic really existed, could it be weaponized conventionally?

Yes it is mechanized in some areas also a lot of political tension between certain kingdoms

There are the proud and strong
There are the ones minding their own business and have no quarrels
There the 3rd world towns that get pillaged/invaded by other occasionally

No, I wouldn't call it medieval, most of the world before the volcanos and ice walls have been mapped. Every conventional tech component is more or less substituted by technology. Basically they are in the industrial age sort of.

Scientists have been trying to figure out what makes the Adaraians tick. They haven't found much, as obviously summoned won't be lining up to get experimented on or evaluated.

There is also two subplots involving a Federal agent/detective Hadwyn (he is a Adaraian) and his intern, Kela, a half-elf. They follow the trail of killings of summoned. They both work for the AFHA, a government guild. Another thing, is that the AFHA has been losing funding to the independent guilds. Like the iron legion, and the Blood Cult.

Long before the great summoning began, there the knight of the horizon, led by the religious figure called the Halonar. Malevolent gods, sports and deities roamed and demanded sacrifice and tribute. The knights formed and killed the Divilamu the god of evil. There was an era of peace. But governments began to get sick of the Knights of the horizon because they would expose corruption and couldn't even be bribed. So the governments got tired of the Knights and made up a lie (the public does not know) that the knights were evil and criminals and they were rounded all up and executed. The last knight to die was the legendary Halonar. He willing allowed himself to be executed. As they brought an axe down on his skull he said that the cycle would happen and eventually a great evil will come and go. No one listened and the knights were killed and erased from history books. The public to this day is still convinced that the knights were evil all along and that their extermination was justified.

Anyways with the Divilamu gone in the underworld, there was a power vacuum, which allowed the first demon king to come to power.

When he did, he ravaged the land. The government officials who were already experimenting with summoning. Got sorcerers together to open a branch to another world, a one way branch. (The sorcerers might have gotten a little help from the Versurdi)
Spoilers probably: the summoned are all from modern day Tokyo!!

Story seems pretty generic because the isekai genre has been mined to death. I feel like you have to have some really crazy twist to make it interesting.
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Part 2/2

Then there are the Versurdi, supposedly a super intelligent race long ago. Since people were afraid of their intelligence and since they worked with the knights, they were driven to near extinction. (Some legends say they “left this world” whatever that means)

(Lore is that the Versurdi are the product of aliens who engineered them to live on the planet.)

There are a few Versurdi still alive, they are intelligent, but nowhere near as sophisticated as their race once was, with all their knowledge does with the bravery of them. There is a few pieces of Versurdi tech scattered across the world, but no one understands how it works or what it is so there's that.

The power system isn't really set. There's chakra, elements, psychics, potions, elixirs and other magics like spirit and “the language of the palm” (a type of magic using hand gestures)

Despite this might seem generic, I actually have lot of stuff I wanna write but I wanna take it slow for the first book, introduce characters, conflicts, stuff like that.

Main characters:

Black witch Belladonna, wants revenge against Lord Calvin Boneh. Will help Jack. Return he helps her kill the king.

Alex the gladiator. He is a short human creature that is very strong and fast and has been fighting in a ring his whole life. Jack kills his slave master of the Tarnished raven criminal syndicate. And frees Alexander. (Alexander has a long lost brother who is a powerful mercenary)

Liriel, an elf scout from the forest, runs Into Jack (in the second book I might write) after her friend was shot dead by hunters in the forest.

Also Bel and Jack will have their character arcs and will begin to disagree with one another.

By the way there are two interesting villains.

Konnor Goldshire, adopted son of a rich noble, he is a first gen summoned. He is a typical spoiled brat, but his powers are healing.

Bren Nightwell, a mute swordsman, carries nothing but a single-edged blade on his back. Wears black camo, doesn't talk because he got his tongue cut off by his father.

Konnors backstory is that he was adopted by two rich parents at age 15 who wanted him to increase their social standing. They eventually get tired of his antics and send him off into the world to make a name for himself.

Bren was adopted at age 12, by two poor peasants. His mother thought that Bren would help brighten their family, but the father did think so. He would often get mad at Bren and beat him. He even cut off his tongue one time. Bren gets a job as an executioner (the masked guy with the axe who executes).

Bren and Konnor are partners. And usually do whatever they want to get what they want.

Both are bad guys despite having opposite upbringings
I think this story will stand out because of Jack’s fighting style. It isn't your typical who's a higher level, as Jack frequently fights people Who are higher level than him. Usually he ambushes/ sets traps since he is the only member of his team that doesn't have any strong abilities. He was trained by Wyatt, a Adaraian he befriended despite his bad experience with summoner initially, near the beginning of the book.

Jack usually has to spend a lot of time preparing for combat. And he doesn't always win.

The Divilamu was inspired by the Greek story of Cronus, where he was immortal, so in order to kill him they had to cut him into little pieces. The Divilamu has been waiting all this time to be reassembled and eat the world. In order to do this, he takes advantage of the fact that the Adaraians, while strong and powerful, have a weak mind. He enters their minds and tells them to kill people then to kill themselves. This is known to other Adaraians as going “Rogue Razor” (they don't know that the Divilamu is speaking to them, they just think they are crazy)

Here is the twist:

Once the Divilamu has managed to convince the Adaraian to kill itself, he takes over their entire body, making them a soldier for his new army. Evil can only corrupt, not create, after all.
It's pretty interesting right?

I personally think this story stands out because:

It is told from the perspective of a native.
It says realistically, that OP main character is not going to “be a good guy” because realistically if you are OP you are gonna exploit the fuck outta it.
There isn't a “generic main character” because Jack isn't a teenager and is fed up will pretending everything is normal, when there is suffering happening that people ignore.
Gets into the mechanics of the technology of this world.
Main character has literally no fighting experience besides hitting people and kicking. Has to be trained by a summoned. He has to prepare for each fight, and most of the time he doesn't win. His fighting style revolves mostly around setting traps/ambushing his enemies rather than a battle of who is higher level, as Jack frequently fights people higher level then him.
Not everyone is a villain or a hero, some are evil for the sake of being evil, some are good for the sake of being good. Some are bad but think they are doing the right thing, and others know that they will cross a few lines.
Story makes you question who is good and bad.
By the way I will NOT bullshit you if I write this series, I will kill off main characters, I will subvert your expectations. I will not write cheesy dialogue.
Not necessarily just Japan, but anywhere in the earth. Also that isn't a spoiler, it is implied the entire time they come from earth be it different versions but they are from earth. This is something that only the reader knows. So it is familiar. What isn't familiar is the direction I will take this book.

Imagine if all the stuff da vinci wanted invent were invented and used conventionally?
That basically the state of technology in the world.

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