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Are there any more old anthology books like 1001 Nights or Canterbury Tales?
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Decameron
Petronius’ Satyricon, The golden ass and the collected Milesian tales are other bawdy, fragmented stories of the same nature.
Aesop's Fables
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Aesops Fables
The Tales of Count Lucanor.
Panchatantra, the origin of the the tradition
The Book of Good Love
holy shit britishoid scum can't even one thousand and one nights

holy shit you are so evil
>Konjaku Monogatarishū (今昔物語集, lit. Anthology of Tales from the Past), also known as the Konjaku Monogatari (今昔物語), is a Japanese collection of over one thousand tales written during the late Heian period (794–1185).[1] The entire collection was originally contained in 31 volumes, of which 28 remain today.[2] The volumes cover various tales from India, China and Japan. Detailed evidence of lost monogatari exist in the form of literary critique, which can be studied to reconstruct the objects of their critique to some extent.
Not all of the stories have been translated but there are a few anthologies out there (pic-related).
The mabiningion
Kai Lung
Time and the Gods

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