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Dostoevsky if he was writing today instead of the 1800s:
op it isnt very nice not to say who that is. other humans aren't privy to the information in your head. maybe you didn't know that.
It’s the French father of Basê
it's just some pic of a homeless person, i googled it
File: Michael_Wellbeck.jpg (41 KB, 480x640)
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It's Michael Wellbeck, an american writer who was accused of racism and kicked off from a uni where he worked as a lecturer. Since then he's given up his career as a writer. Recently there have been rumors going around of him planning to start an anti-muslim, pro-Israel podcast series he'd be hosting with Curtis Yarvin
*Meant to reply to you lol
If you're going to misspell his unFrench name then at least put some effort into it, like "Whelbeck" or some shit like that.
>"Inability to understand irony or sarcasm is a hallmark of autism. The cause is a deficient theory of mind and lack of empathy."
Nah, you're mixing him up with a different author, I'm talking about Wellbeck who wrote darkly humorous fiction about racial tensions in America and who was cancelled in 2018 for "racism" and "transphobia"
No, he's way to hopeless
Dostojewski was fundamentally an optimist, that's like the core of all his writings
And if he also forgot everything regarding his style and point and how to write characters of real depth which evokes empathy in the reader without even them even realizing it. It would be someone like Franzen and possibly would be Franzen.
Dostoevsky would have no hope today
What an absurd claim
He is fucking nothing like Dostoevsky. How dare you
dosto was antisemitic. houlla love kikes. so nah, completely opposite.
inconsequential writer
yes he would, the man had hope when he was jailed for months and got a gun pointed at him he wouldn't be broken down by lack of non-prostitute pussy
>inconsequential writer
You never read him.
Deus Vult and God protect him against the evil muslims! He can haver sex with my young kids anytime he wants.
what's with these posts lately, is it a bot or a schizo? leaning towards the latter due to the typos in most of them
Garbage thread.
a microcosm of the board

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