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was it kino? did you read it when you were smol /lit/?
It is absolutely terrible and condescending but I loved it and still do. Like many books for kids just starting out to read it works under the assumption that that literacy and intelligence are essentially the same thing and offers nothing more than a participation award, good job, you read a book. There is no reason to pander and reduce the challenge to the literal act of reading just because the reader is young. It is a book which is better read to kids before they can read on their own, even Dr. Seuss offers more to the beginning reader.
Ye it's goofy ahh slapped on shlawg
>even Dr. Seuss offers more to the beginning reader
like racism and antisemitic dog whistles
It must have come long after my time but I know what you mean. How you make a graded reader as opposed to a children's book is the difference between art and the process of making sausage in full.
Fitting that you tagged the wrong anon.
It is from around 1980, but mostly forgotten because it really offers nothing. The children's books which actually last tend to offer something more than just a book to read. Making sausage is an art.
I remember I READ the book as a kid but I'd be damned if I could tell you anything that happened.

the bunny (bunnicula) sucked all the juice out of the veggies leaving them as pale white shells.
It's cute I love Bunnicula

yeah i know but looking back on it now do you think they were grooming you, that this is where it started and this is how you ended up where you are?
grooming me for what? eating my vegetables?
>not calling it Cunicula
S: Nighty Nightmare, The Celery Stalks at Midnight
A: Howliday Inn
B: Bunnicula
C: Return to Howliday Inn
D: Bunnicula Strikes Again!
F: Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow

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