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*BTFOs Junger*
>...and that's why I had no choice but to burn down the entire south for the sake of negroes and northern capitalists
It is the mark of higher power to be able to coerce the other's will to follow yours without the use of violence or law, and with higher power comes greater freedom.
>... and that is also why I applauded the extermination of the buffalo and the displacement of the plains indians after the war
Only larping faggots idolize war. Nobody who was ever actually in war has anything good to say about it afterward.
you forgot about the working class white families of the south who were being displaced by slave labour
Ancient warfare seemed kinda okay. The vast majority of any battle was fought between professionals or local militia hand to hand and if you won you could usually claim for yourself a lot of gold, land, and women, practically the only things a man would ever really need. Meanwhile in modern warfare you are fighting for reasons that have nothing to do with you or your community, in gay ranged combat where you could get vaporized any moment by some guy using an xbox 360 controller a hundred miles away, in battles that last for months or years rather than a day at max, for absolutely no reward.
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how does that philosophy play into this:
It's an ugly job, but somebody's got to do it.
You don't have to make sense as long as you keep winning. It's always the losers who have to explain themselves to the victors. Just don't lose, ever.
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>War is hell.
War is god.
Only because the idea of paying of negroes minimum wage was so intolerable to greedy southerners they'd rather break the union and start the worst war in US history
"War is Hell so I will cry like a faggot about it boohoo waaaaaaaa." -William Sherman
War sucks and Indians are shit. Where's the contradiction?
Junger went to war, retard. He's nothing like people this hick retard describes.
Disgusting bloodthirsty freak.
Creating wars and then complaing abour wars is peak retardation.
nobody tell this guy slaves literally earned cash wages
I'm sick of retards who keep on saying that Junger glorifies war. Storm of Steel describes his experiences in explicit detail without condemning or judging it, but you can see his feelings on it if you pay attention. Just because the man didn't moan and weep over everything doesn't mean he thought it was the greatest thing ever.
You have to keep in mind though that the final version of SoS and the first couple released editions are very different novels. The older Junger got the more he deleted and the more he sandpapered off the sharp edges of the original novel.
That's true, but the original (at least the first English translation) hardly describes war as a triumph. It's a deep book, and boiling it down to a glorification of war is a gross misrepresentation of everything Junger wrote about. There are moments where he extols the virtue of fighting men, their hardiness and resolve, but there are also moments where he reflects on the cost of war, such as the moment he spared an enemy soldier who showed him a picture of his family in a plea for mercy. I'm just annoyed at all the illiterates who claim or otherwise imply that Junger's thesis is "War is great".
How did one soldier create the war, retard? Use your brain
Is anything he wrote worth reading?
His memoirs are kino
I'm talking about the general genocidal attitude of Americans.
Not really, it's pretty nice desu. You get to sleep in, work in an air conditioned room, and vaporize some retarded conscript. You even get an Xbox controller, it's like playing vidya
what's up with those old yankees and their retarded haircuts?

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