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Has /lit/ read Skulduggery Pleasant? I've been rereading stuff from my childhood.
Apparently these books are still going. Is that true? It says the last one was published in 2021. Wtf?
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Newest book came out this year. I'm still on the 14th book though.
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Holy shit, that's actually insane. I thought it ended in the early 2010s. I remember my school friends being into this while I was into Harry Potter back in primary school.
I never see them for sale anywhere, so surely they've lost their popularity. I dunno what keeps the author writing them. Is it still making money? It must be, right?
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>Is it still making money? It must be, right?
Yeah ofc. And they keep getting new covers.
I think it's a shame though that Landy is focusing solely on SP. His Demon Road series was just getting interesting by the last book.
It was a fun series. Been a while since I read it but I have fond memories. Got a little bloated towards the end there, but what kids series didn't?

I thought it was a second series after the first major arc ended? It was a good stopping point, I haven't read the ones that came after.
Try /lgbt/ or /co/ with this crap.

Around here we only talk about actual literature for adults, so fuck off atheisticgolem.
I enjoyed the first one, didn't read any of the others.
I love it
Harry Potter and Skullduggery Pleasant were easily my favourite novels as a kid and a part of me liked Skullduggery Pleasant more because I was an AGP kid
I've never read this, can anyone give a quickrundown?
By the way, is anyone here a fan of Artemis Fowl? I remember that the first and second books were the first "long" books that I read in my life while I was at a friend's house and after that, I never read them again.
Does the series have any big quality downfalls? Is it still worth getting them to read to my kids?
Secret world of magic and occultism that the protagonist is drawn into
Lots of different factions who are often fighting
Sarcastic punished powerful skeleton who trains the protagonist in magic
I like skeletons and if this has a noir and humorous tone maybe it's my thing.
>can anyone give a quickrundown?
Magic skeleton detective takes a teenage girl sorcerer under his wing and they fight evil wizards and extra-dimensional eldritch deities. The author is fond of using witticisms. The lore aspect of the series is very anime-esque.

Don't know anything about Artemis Fowl, sorry.
Yeah it would definitely have been your thing if you had read it in your early teens but it is written for early teens so keep that in mind
>Around here we only talk about actual literature for adults,
My friend, we have about 15 threads on the bible, at least one lurking on F Gardner (posted by the man himself no doubt), daily threads on Ayn Rand and The three body problem, 5 or 6 threads on which philosophy is right. None of them discussing the literary merit of the works, or they would realise how terrible the state these books are.

I think this series probably elevates the standard of literature on this board.
You say that and yet there's a constant fantasy/sci-fi and GRRM general on the catalog

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