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/co/fag here, is this considered a good library? I can’t tell because I usually only read comics.
the only books with cracked spines are the GOT series
that is a women not a library.
The library is behind the woman my dear esl
so close! but that is a chair
she cute
You can have her.
then why do you even care if you don't read? you and her have a lot in common - neither reads. all of those "books" behind her are just porn
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I’ll crack her spine if you know what I mean
There’s no chair behind her head

No he can’t shut up
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your mom's a slut
we definitely need more female simp threads on this board, good work op.
It's pretty standard taste for a modern woman. The state of contemporary reading is so bad that this might even be "above average" (despite still being filled with trash) compared to what some other women are reading.
I am an elitist who wouldn't call a single of those books good, however.

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