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This nigga was a resentful, lier piece of shit incapable of understanding nature, love and compassion because of his ugly face and weak body and character. All people taking him seriously are deformed niggas and faggots like Foucault
Opinion rejected.
Stopped reading immediately.
It's alright OP, let your hate out, you will feel better. The Nietzsche strain has no vaccine so it either changes you or your body rejects it, of course the rate it mutates at means it is highly likely you will be exposed numerous times throughout your life. This process makes you more powerful, or you die.

>We do not belong to those who have ideas only among books, when stimulated by books. It is our habit to think outdoors - walking, leaping, climbing, dancing, preferably on lonely mountains or near the sea where even the trails become thoughtful.

Doctor's orders OP.
>This nigga was a resentful, lier piece of shit incapable of understanding nature, love and compassion because of his ugly face and weak body and character. All people taking him seriously are deformed niggas and faggots like Foucault
So 99% of post 18th century philosophers? There's a reason why the depressed Nietzsche gets all the credit and philosophical renown for stealing the ideas of the optimistic and life affirming Emerson who is left forgotten in the philosophy world.

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