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Now getting in my 30s, I realized that I wasted all my youth in sterile and barren internet menticide and sterile video games...
Is there any hope for me to read books and limit the damage or is it too late for me and I always will be an ignorant buffoon ?
By the way, any book on video games as an hedonistic weapon of political control? Like this one is on porn...but for video games?
kek ive been reading for the same amount of time and i had to google menticide. i think you'll be fine.

ive always said japan's response to hiroshima was the NES
Marshall McLuhan. The content doesn’t matter. The medium is the message. You already read the book.
It not too late, regular people don't read books, or at the very least literature.
>ive always said japan's response to hiroshima was the NES
Yes, video games and the internet/screens in generals are traps that keep pleple in a fake dis-incarnated simulacrum in this digital matrix, like an artificial spiritual world of ideas, a man-made metaphysical creation, instead of a God made metaphysical creation. That's the internet, the pandemic of unreality.
That's why it is important to embrace the concrete real life, the incarnate life and flee from the fake digital word...It's choosing the live the man-made Cartesian de-incarnated illusion world instead of living in the God-made real and concrete incarnated world.

Herbert Marshall McLuhan[a] CC (July 21, 1911 – December 31, 1980) was a Canadian philosopher whose work is among the cornerstones of the study of media theory.[7][8][9][10] He studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge. He began his teaching career as a professor of English at several universities in the United States and Canada before moving to the University of Toronto in 1946, where he remained for the rest of his life. He is known as the "father of media studies".[11]

McLuhan coined the expression "the medium is the message"[12] in the first chapter in his Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man[13] and the term global village. He predicted the World Wide Web almost 30 years before it was invented.[14] He was a fixture in media discourse in the late 1960s, though his influence began to wane in the early 1970s.[15] In the years following his death, he continued to be a controversial figure in academic circles.[16] However, with the arrival of the Internet and the World Wide Web, interest was renewed in his work and perspectives.[17][18][19]
>It not too late, regular people don't read books, or at the very least literature.
Yeah but II spent my time with young traditional catholics and both men and women are very well read and I feel stupid when near them and it's probably not just a feeling.
Well put. But some of us had to learn the hard way. I wish I knew better.
>I've waisted all my life on screens and video games...
Clearly you did.
But on a serious note, it's never too late to acquire knowledge and entertainment through books. I didn't even get into books until I was 21.
Definitely start with Tolstoy though.
>By the way, any book on video games as an hedonistic weapon of political control? Like this one is on porn...but for video games?
So you stopped playing video games and you don't want to be a loser anymore. So you ask for book recommendations ...on games???
Why the fuck would you read a book on games if you don't play and games are not part of your life anymore? For what fucking reason?
Are you shilling your shitty book in the link? Buy a fucking ad.
>So you stopped playing video games and you don't want to be a loser anymore. So you ask for book recommendations ...on games???
Nice triforce digits.
No, a book about the effects of video games in the population at large.
We're all wasting our time moron. Just focus on your goals.
>hedonistic weapon of political control
lmao what a dishonest piece of shit you are. you know your parents told you to go to college and get a good degree, you know your parents told you to get a job, you know your parents told you to go out and meet people. you CHOSE to stay inside playing video games.
“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”

-Saint Augustine , City of God
Start with the Greeks.
he's right. go jack off to Freud
>it turns out kings were the real slaves all along!
so this is the power of slave morality huh?
Who? Aristotle and Plato? Read some of them already, might want to read more of them indeed.
Yes, that's indeed the case if you are honest with yourself.
people tell you little shit gamer dweebs your whole fucking pathetic lives to put down the gamepad and study, but no you want to play call of duty all fucking day, and then one day you look around and you're a 30 year old loser, but it's everyone else's fault?
it could be your fault, and it can also be true that games and entertainment in general represents an unprecedented proliferation of illusion that few know how to navigate. even non-gamers have their minds completely terraformed by simulacra, both left and right. i don't know why this fries your faggot brains. don't you have a stock portfolio to update or whatever you fags do
Because getting angry at random anons on the internet is such a better use of time than playing a game that you need to create a fiction in your head to justify your anger. I bet you watch a bunch of television, movies, streaming services, and use mainstream social media; and it's not like whatever books you read if you read have enlightened you either.
>it could be your fault, and it can also be true that games and entertainment in general represents an unprecedented proliferation of illusion that few know how to navigate
Absolutely not, games are absolute dumbest shit ever. Only people with underdeveloped brains (underage and retards) can find games engaging. There is no any kind of illusion, no sense of wonder, no sense of discovery. Compared to books, games have no substance at all.
It's NEVER too late anon. I was in your shoes, I developed an autistic hyper-fixation on video games and disappeared into my steam account from the years of 13-20 (I also smoked a lot of weed during this time). I'm 22 now and gave all that stuff away and am set on studying biology and even owning property and/or a business.

I recommend picking up The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy. It's a novella so it's easy to complete, it's written by one of the most recognize authors of all time, & it explores philosophical concepts to such a degree that Heidegger (another important scholar) referred to it when writing his magnum opus as it illustrates the concept of being towards death. Delete your steam account, pick up a book - and while I'm here I recommend picking up a set of free weights too but you can do that whenever you're ready.

Happy reading! Be patient with yourself & remember that forever is NOW!
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>sterile and barren
>weapon of political control
Conspiracy theories are pregnant only with more ignorant buffoonery.
i play video games. i just don't waste my whole life on it and then dream up a conspiracy theory to justify it. the guy admits he is an ignorant buffoon and then immediately shills a utterly inane conspiracy theory book.
I wouldn't get conspiratorial about it. I think video games are just a form of entertainment that is easy to engage with, but I also think it's one of the least rewarding. If you were to spend the time engaging with any other for of media for the same duration that it takes to get good at a video game, you would find it far more rewarding.
I do something worse than playing games, which is shitposting on here/aimlessly browsing the internet. I need a change, but I don't have the strength to do it.
You type in all-lowercase like a retarded atheist. Who cares what you fat retards say?
I disagree, I think it depends on the game. Something like Silent Hill 2 is a genuine piece of art and would be far more rewarding to play and understand than watching most things on TV.
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Never played GTA huh?

Read this to understand why your brain is fucked. The basic conclusion is pretty simple. The brain gets good at what you train it to do; you train it to be an adhd skimming machine and then complain you can’t sit and read for 4 hours. That’s dumb.
You change it just like you got good at scrolling and gaming. Sit down and read. Then do it again. Longer each time. Take notes, do audiobooks, get lectures on the same book, do whatever it takes to have focus on the task and to extend the time doing it; you’ll get better. Simple as.
As with gymming the problem is less knowing what to do but actually doing it.
You get a physical book then walk to an isolated area with just that book and sit and read it. Preferably you do this on a day off early in the morning and just read all day with nothing to distract yourself from the book.
Aside from that delete your steam account or sell it if you can’t trust yourself to not go back to games. Absolutely no games should be on your phone also, if you’re at this point you likely can’t trust yourself to moderate. Much like how an alcoholic recognizes he can’t trust himself to have any amount of alcohol anymore.
Orienting your lifestyle around books is obviously preferable, you don’t need to do the drastic stuff all the time. Figure that out and you’ll become smart. Book curation is also fairly important, you’re essentially playing catch up so there’s no point in stumbling around like most long term readers have done. I’d recommend the selection of books gwern.net has. Or find goodreads users with good taste. Find /lit/ essentials charts.
>le bideo gaems are the reason why I'm a pathetic loser incel
nothing stopped you from enjoying video games in moderation and focusing on irl tasks, you got your priorities shifted and it's never late to get your shit together
it could have been anime/literature/other cheap entertainment for midwit cattle instead of video games, same forms of "hedonistic weapon of political control" (/pol/ cringe btw)
besides, hedonism as opposed to what, becoming a shell that resembles a human made for wageslaving 24/7? again, it's all about balance between the two (surely it's not perfect in the real world for the majority of people that can't do what they truly want and need to wageslave to survive) and you can keep your hobbies AND meaningful work, it only becomes an issue when the balance is tipped one way or the other too much.
also mind you that if you want to succeed in anything it is required that you autistically hyper-focus on that particular thing like a scientific subject or whatever, it can be anything really: lifting, programming, literature, drawing you name it. The main difference is that lifting will allow you to see a tangible result in X amount of time, video games don't but we are still talking about something you would only do for pleasure and for yourself.

Drastic measures like removing anything related to your main stimulus might work but it's like a diet, some people start one and then fail in one week tops. It became such a big part of your life that you can't just pretend that all those countless hours you spent in the virtual world didn't have an impact on you. What you do instead is start to treat them differently as in making it a reward for accomplishing irl tasks or gradually decreasing the time you spend with them.
What also works is finding a healthier substitute hobby (lifting etc) that you will find as enjoyable if not more to make video games irrelevant.
King James Bible - Galatians and Ephesians
>King James Bible - Galatians and Ephesians
Read the Jerusalem Bible or the Douay–Rheims Bible instead.
>, same forms of "hedonistic weapon of political control" (/pol/ cringe btw)
Do you even read books mate? Brave new World, The city of God St. Augustine, The New Testament,... ?
In which way saying that hedonism is way of control is "cringe" ? Only people who don't read books can say that.
>way of control
just stop doing that ----> you are fre ?????????
besides, let's assume for a moment that we are poltards and that joos invented all the cool video games and movies and shit to keep the goyim straight on their ass complacent and docile
why the fuck would they ruin all that? visit any forum related to any form of mainstream entertainment and the consensus is that everything went to shit and the road is only downhill, clearly a contraddiction
You can read the churchfathers on newadvent.org
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>psyop demoralization
>"btw le any books xd?? any books?? that way my psyop is ontopic xDD"
why is this like 90% of this board's threads now
Oh, anon, I...
Fool, games are not a waste of your time. They are the newest and highest form of story-telling art that we have available to us today. The question is what games were you playing, and how did you play them?

If you are a storyfag who avoids pointless grinding, and you only play the very best of CRPGs, you probably have an extremely high IQ and your video gaming experience has been a positive part of your maturation to this point. Welcome to the internet aristocracy, go produce some stories of your own.
Your problem is not that you've spent a lot of time playing video games. It's that you were unable to contextualize it into a meaningful experience. You still follow the conventional wisdom where the only meaningful experiences are interpersonal, romantic, career related, etc.
It's never too late, especially in your 30s, at an age in which it is normal for most men to seriously wonder about the point of their existence and look to higher things.

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