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Good or just sad & realistic ?
sad and unrealistic.
like, the main character is so unbelievably smart, talented, and competent (on top of experiencing incredibly horrible things constantly) that its basically impossible to take seriously. There's no realism
emotional and physical rape porn on 700 pages, possibly fueled by subconcious hatred of men. Cover already looks like a dude unwillingly fucked in his arse.
Sounds a lot like typical gay fanfiction written by teenage girls
this.if only Jude wasn't a prodigy it'd be so much better, it gives YA vibes to otherwise well balanced novel with much depth
Pretty sure the cover is actually a photograph of a guy having an orgasm.
>Asian-American female lit
>About faggots
This man looks like a bitch.
It's shit.
Not even sad, it's just torture porn.
horrible vulgar book cover

i was really close to reading this book just to be informed of what was popular/create a point of commonality with normies.
this 1hr video essay talked me out of it definitively. its shocking and embarrassing this type of book is well-regarded

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