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uhh /lit/bros, your response?
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What Henry James story was this? One the redditor pulled out of his ass?
>No Lord Byron
Byronbros, we're so back
>marrying a 15 year old in the 17th century
There is nothing wrong with marrying a 15 year old today even, it's legal in parts of the USA.
History buffs, how different was 16 years old in days of old? It seems agreed upon in our age that 16 is too young, yet it seems that in older times, you were essentially an adult with adult responsibilities.
Why does it seem gay pedos outnumber straight ones among writers? I noticed this among SFF authors mostly preyed on young boys, with straight ones being fairly rare.
There's an ancient saying: annis satis sneedere, annis satis breedere
Most of that is gay and reddit (oh no muh adult male finds 18 year old girls attractive). Pretty funny that the worst thing they wrote about Sartre -- whose whole philosophy was finding justification for sodomizing Algerian boys -- was that he signed a petition to lower the age of consent. Even Chomsky called him completely amoral.
Even 30 years ago a 16 year old was treated with much more autonomy than nowadays, lol.
He fucked his half sister
>was that he signed a petition to lower the age of consent
Beauvoir was also a signee iirc, among other French intellectuals of that era but she had a penchant for teenage girls, whom she would abuse sexually.
I remember when Britney Spears first came out when she was 16. She was a total sex symbol and most men were open about wanting to fuck her. Only fat, ugly old women were upset about it. Nobody else was upset. That was only 25 years ago.
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>read Holy Bible
>read the Book of Enoch
>travel to the nearest exposed plain and and survive a night of cold and thunder
>claim a man of Adam as husbando
>prouduce heirs
>defend heirs from Nefilim predation

It's just that simple.
Ease of access and, having post-nut clarity from something that could be considered SFF, aesthetics culminating in a kind of Thanateros, an externalized self love and self destruction as one.
Remember, they're definitely not coming for the kids.
[reported to the Eurpean Union league of cultural acceptance]
[forwarded Europol for purposes of law enforcement]
pederasty is gay but the age of consent is bullshit dreamt up by ugly old hags. every fine and proper chud like myself should be married off to a hebe.
Yes it turns out when your philosophy is deconstruction the arguments lend themselves quite easily to abolishing the age of consent
>It seems agreed upon in our age that 16 is too young,
Historically sex was considered ok after the onset of puberty, it wasnt until very recently (early 20th century) that this changed. Moden attitudes towards age of consent are literally the product of evangelical christianity and feminist moral panics around prostitution, not science, there is no evidence I am aware of that an age of consent higher than the advent of puberty is actually beneficial to anyone. Google the Social Purity Movement
I think he's talking about The Pupil, but that's not how the story should be interpreted.
>More, Milton, Moliere, Dickens, Heidegger
I really don't think these are that bad. The age of consent should be about protecting children and should not be focused on the age gaps between adults.
Rejected that in his later works. Not good, but he at least improved.
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me on the right
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All goyim are pedos! Everything wrote or created by them is trash!
YWNBAW, latrinx sister.
McCarthy was definitely in Epstein's Elite child sex cult ring. It makes me wonder how old these elite rings really are and how many canon writers belong to such rings.. made a thread about it months ago and got banned for it for "trolling" despite being totally serious.
This kek
>Source: QAnon and the fact I hate him for not siding with nu retarded views
I dont keep up with contemporary politics very much and I still don't entirely understand what "QAnon" even is. McCarthy and Epstein mention each other in interviews. They described themselves as friends and McCarthy was always getting Epstein donations.
Interesting, explain.
Marriage in Medieval Europe, in the North was usually about 23-4 for men and 21 for women and a few years younger in southern Europe. If you went to Republican Rome it'd be skewed quite differently with most men marrying in their late 20's after military service and women about 16 years old.
>As a scientist I always judge things on empirical evidence and he always has women ages 19 to 23 around him,
Quote from McCarthy in an attempt to defend Epstein sometime during/after Epstein's 2008 conviction.
It's kind of a crazy quote, especially from an "intellectual." Do you think McCarthy was checking the IDs of every girl Epstein had around him? Especially in the 2008 landscape where the "pedo" word wasn't as much of a hot topic as it was today.
I think elite child sex rings are probably as old as civilization, but only in the information age are all these connections recorded and analyzed. I do really wonder about how many past canon writers were involved in these sorts of things.
>people obsessed with using their own thoughts to impose control systems on to reality did not respect the consensual rights of the most vulnerable
you dont say
>All these nomes and not Stephen King who killed and molested hundred of kids and women
separate art from artist
it's not difficult
>Groomed Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
Do Americans really?
>not science
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