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File: Dracula.jpg (705 KB, 1536x2048)
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How do I know if I'm a writer or not?

>inb4 "If you can write you're a writer"

Yeah, no, I mean how do I know if I'm a REAL writer or not?
the greatest proof is doing it
Check the >inb4
You do it and find out. This thread is over.
Yeah, but I'm writing right now. Am I a REAL writer?
When you don't actually enjoy writing and don't want to do it.
>REAL writer
>inb4s the only real proof
fuck around. find out. do or do not. there is no try. /thread
following the spirit of the post, how cringy is to write in a film-like manner? in first person but you know, as a film
You mean a script?
Base it on volume of output.
And time invested in the writing endeavor.

So if you have to ask the question, If your a writer or not, that may be an indication that the volume and time metrics haven't been met.
Not a script itself, just a first person book but picture it closer to a Narrator from Fight Club kind of monologues
Why do you find that cringy?
Just wondering. I've never wrote anything longer than 2 pages and honestly, I'm a procrastinating mess (been with the writing a book idea since last year) so I don't have a "style" altough I know it develops itself while creating. Just wondering, if I make the book I'll post it here anyways. Not like I want my name with the shit my brain is baking.
Which style are the two pages you've written in?
>/threading your own post
If you get paid, then you're a writer.
Marcel Proust never got paid for his writing. Was he not a writer?
This is the Folio Society edition of Dracula from a couple if years ago.
Wrong, it’s the Folio Society edition of Dracula from DECADES ago. They did reissue it a few years ago though.
what do you want me to tell you, you inb4d the answer
The answer for writer, but what about for REAL writer?
get published? I'm assuming that's what you mean. Or you're just baiting with semantics.
Does self-publishing count?
Write about your interrogations about whether or not you're a writer:

See this poem by Pessoa for instance:


>I've done nothing; never will – but see
>How this nothing’s educated me:
>Doing all and nothing is the same;
>I’m the ghost of what I’ll never be.
>Under dereliction’s will we creep,
>Truth attends us not, nor masters keep;
>Life is good, but wine is better still;
>Love is good, but better still is sleep.

This is how one can accomplish something, writing about not accomplish anything.
>Love is good, but better still is sleep.

You’ll never know because you’ll constantly shift the goalpost as to what a “real” writer means.
Better question: who cares if I’m a “real” writer?
I’m a fake writer, it’s great.

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