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what books are the closest thing to danganronpa?
Don't know what that is but I assume it';s tranny related?
It's a "subversive" mystery series, so basically think of a mystery that breaks Knox and Dine and thinks of itself as oh so clever for doing so.
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Search for Murder Mystery authors. That's esentially the genre of each Danganronpa trial. The most known ones are Agatha Christie and Arthur Donan Koyle (Coyle?)(The Sherlock Holmes author). I guess the most similar is Agatha Christie, she follows Knox rules, and has a novel named "ten little niggers" where 10 people are in an island and one of them starts to murder everyone.

Danganronpa is also based on the novel Battle Royale.

Umineko too if you want another VN
Extremely based thank you

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