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To me, they same a collection of short sentences together who sometimes rhyms... I just don't get it.
It feels like some sort of gnostic secret knoweldge to "get it" like poems lover...
What I am missing here? I'm fluent in french and english and I've read the poems from Robert Frost a long time ago and I just don't get it?
If it's a flaw on my part, help me to understand poems and why I should read them.
Buy an introductory book about poetry which explains to you what metre is, and read plenty of poets who are good as introductions to poetry, like Shakespeare, Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Kipling, etc. That's not to say these poets are only for amateurs but their charm is easy to be appreciated by amateurs. The point being, just read a lot of poetry, find poems you like, and then analyse why you like them. One way of looking poetry, though not at all serviceable as a standard definition, is as compacted and concentration language.
Poetry shouldn't be approached as prose cut up into short sentences (which is incidentally one of the reasons poetry is so shit today).

Poetry, is, above all, a rhythmic style of communication, almost musical in form, and you have to read it as you might read a song. Pay attention to the words and their meaning, but also pay attention to the rhythm, the flowing of words together.
You need to read aloud

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