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Why's every thread here being polluted by some promoter of the Bible? I mean, I respect your book and everything but stop forcing it into every conversation you come across
Funny to hear that coming from a jew whose culture has only ever produced blind cults like marxism and freudianism. The egalitarian spirit of the european university is wholly foreign ot the authoritarian spirit of the semites. Just look at muslims, semites don't do reason or questions, they demand absolute submission to the ultimate authority.
Ecelebs and lolcows started to push Biblepsyops five years ago and that actually worked with zoomers and millennial losers. Is just like trannism. They are all into it to cope about not being man enough and in desperate need to be accept in discord groups.
Asking Christian niggers not to preach their cunt book is like asking a dog to lay in your bed without shittjng in it.
they're honestly more annoying than vegans. vegans only annoy you when it's time to order food. these guys annoy you at all times.
>asking a dog to lay in your bed without shittjng in it
My dog can do that without a problem

how do we solve the vegan problem?
>Muttmericans actually kiss their pets and sleep with them on bed.
Hypocrite spammer.
>can't even housebreak a dog
I don't know what country you come from, but you probably deserved every historical loss, which I'm guessing are many.
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Do you have at least one bidet in your home? Does your house have a reinforced foundation? No, you live in an overpriced cardboard box stinking of fast food and animal pee.
>one bidet
So you live in a whore house?
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>what the fuck why are people discussing the most famous book of all time on a literature board
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Christcucks all the time try to preach their jewish book on anyone.
People just mind their own business while talking about their own religion and christbots spawn everywhere trying to force their jew worshipping cult with jew originated phrases like "repent!" (from being a bad goy) or "Christ is king!" (everyone know of whom he is king). Then they start playing victim when you call them out and pretend they're persecuted.
Now the US passed or is trying to pass laws to prevent them for acting like this but only when it's done against their masters, the jews.
Atheists should be permabanned from /lit/.

All they do is spam threads and shit up every thread they participate in.

Add a /fed/ board for fedora-tipping, and add a GR15 for retarded atheistgolem posting.
>spam every board that Christians post on when they post on-topic
>claim you're the victim while spamming off-topic garbage and fedora buzzwords
>demand a safe space because your retarded ideas can't withstand scrutiny
Americanmutts don't know what's a bidet, they just rube some paper in their fat butts and go back to eat goyslop.
Sweet kvetch!
Nice reading comprehension, faggot. I'm talking about people spamming the Bible in threads that got nothing to do with it, like the Jung thread that's currently up, for example.
>not a Christian
All that salt because dogs don't obey him...
Are you a american "white" woman?
The Bible is the word of the Lord.
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>The Bible is the word of the Lord.
>Is just like trannism.
Funny comparison that's wildly accurate in so many ways.
Their ideology requires them to become obsessed with spamming the Bible just like how autistic kids can't stop talking about trains or Sonic.
Don't hate them for it, they can't help their impairment.

A psychological contagion which compels hosts to propagate it to new hosts
Snow Crash actually explains how its a mind vĂ­rus.
It would be nice if they wanted to talk about the Bible as literature but that's not what they do.

I thought this was bullshit, because if it wasn't then anybody could make one intentionally to promote their business or politics. But then Qanon happened
QAnon is just the psyop that Boomers have fallen into.

And Snow Crash points out that several isms are part of the virus, including marxism.
You have to flex your mind to create a certain immunity to the virus, or something crude like the Sumerian code. In the book they even say that Jesus was real, but just a human who tried to restore a healthy mental state to Jews who were falling under the influence of the virus again, so followers wanting influence invented the resurrection myth and they spread a new strain of the virus throughout the world with Christianity that went against what Jesus really wanted.

It's an interesting book even though it was made more as a cyberpunk parody a gente that was becoming very stagnant and focused on the same shit over and over again.
>I mean,

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