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File: brideshead_revisited_4.jpg (273 KB, 900x1360)
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>In an early draft of Brideshead Revisited, an endnote explained that Charles Ryder shot himself in the chapel shortly after completing his memoirs, and that Julia used her influence to secure a Catholic burial for him, despite all evidence. When Graham Greene learned of this, he opined: "If only that passage had been retained, Brideshead would have been the best English novel to come out of the war - full stop - rather than merely the best English Catholic novel. You cannot really mend a man like Ryder, and it saddens me that Evelyn knew that, wrote it, then papered over it in furtherance of his tract."
>You cannot really mend a man like Ryder, and it saddens me that Evelyn knew that, wrote it, then papered over it in furtherance of his tract."

But the entire point of Christianity is that you CAN mend a man like that, not through any act of humans but by the grace of God, unmerited. It's a supernatural transformation, and there are multiple instances of it in the history of Christianity itself. Saint Paul is the most famous example, but there are also others. Mending the unmendable is part of the core of what Christianity even is.
I hate myself for liking the 20c Anglo-Catholic novel and for being like these people
>the world is moving fast but I stick to muh eternal truths
>good solid common sense like that fat guy with the tweed and pipe said
>ooh naughty me, I'm sinning!
everything about it is narcissism and cope for silly people passing away
I don't get the ending.
So Charles ends up back at Brideshead, sees the chapen and becomes a Christian somehow?
I found it pretty unsatisfying. Charles after the recollecting the tragedy of the decline of a Catholic family launches on soliloquy of the beauty and endurance of the Church. It doesn’t really follow.
I guess so but Brideshead Revisited doesn’t really succeed as a redemption drama like Peer Gynt or Wagner’s works. People remember it for the richness of the prose and vividness of the memories. It’s a pretty brutal tragedy. A suicide to finish it off makes more sense. This pseudo-conversion seems random, though grace could very well seem that way.
Midwit theist dogshit.
Waugh was a lot of things, but not a midwit.

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