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Do muslims genuinely believe no one has ever produced a better work than the Quran? Dostoevsky, Dante and all of the top European writers have produced far greater works
Only the ones who are so perfectly insulated in their world. Many probably don’t read more than the Quran and even the ones living in the west don’t really dig in to Western culture much. Takes a generation or two usually id think.
Do you know that it is the Quran itself that makes this claim?
Did you know that Muslims see this as the self-verifying miracle of the Quran?
Do millions of people memorize Dostoevsky succesively for hundreds of years, and create exegesis upon exegesis of his works?

Did Dosto's work define how a language would be used for 1400 years, being of a totally unprecedented "genre" and perspective in a completely different literary milieu, so unanimously viewed highly among partisans and experts of grammar, eloquence and poetry?

Did Dosto's work unite warring tribes and create an empire out of a backwater which would defeat both the largest empires of their time?
all cultist think that about their holy scriptures. atheists think that way too

About which book?
On the Origin of Species
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Tell that to the french people, muslims don't integrate, the first generations are weirdo alibaba tier and their sons are basically drug sellers/abusers and criminals
not yet
Unless something drastic happens, Islam is the only salvation for Europe.
all science is darwinism is the new all psychology is freud
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are by all accounts far superior works.
Just so you know, 90% of muslims cannot read or understand the quran. They are simply forced to learn how to recite it vocally in exactly the same way a parrot learns how to repeat words.
The vast majority of muslims cannot read the quran in Arabic they simply look at the text and make sounds with their mouth.
Yeah, that's all bullshit.
Science is a religion just like all the others. It requires faith and all religions have that.
lmao@u brownoid
The entire scientific process is based on not relying on faith. I don't expect you to know that because you get your information from facebook memes kek.
Nah, second/third generation tends to be more religious, more extreme and more hostile to their host country.
No but Shakespeare literally did all of this
Buddy, you are a Muttmerican zoomer.
Have you ever seen an atom? All scientific experiments do is provide conjecture, nobody has ever seen an atom, never mind the alleged curve of the so called globe Earth.
oh you're a SPASTIC spastic
Shakespeare was the foundation of a religion and a theocratic empire?

The Qur'an gave birth to the Islamic State immediately
Yes, America.
those aren't praises for the quran, thats just pointing out how backwards the arabs where/are
the only salvation for Europe is Europeans
islam and mudslims are the problem not the solution
the arab conquests predate the quran

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