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Who are all these women who keep following Jesus?

Is he like an ancient Charles Manson?
They were the help.
groupie helpers.
I'm an actor (minor celeb in my country) and I get some of those as well from time to time.
>Who are all these women who keep following Jesus?
His mum, his wives, and his whores. Yes I did just say that the 12 were his whores.
The early Christians were an attractive alternative to the Roman world. Women and children were actually respected in the early Christian communes, unlike the dog eat dog society of the pagans.
Rich bougie women didn't become the fastest and surest vectors of intellectual cancer only with the advent of capitalism, anon.
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Christianity along with Judaism are the two most feminist religions that exist. It is no wonder that the majority of Christian converts in Europe during the first millennium were slaves and weak "Nobles".
All women care is about status. Doesn't matter if you're a communist, fascist, Christian, pagan, etc. As long as you have status you will attract a certain section of women.
Christianity is entirely patriarchal.
That's like saying all men care about is power.
God dick enjoyers
Islam allows women to inherit money and shit
In Christianity, women can't inherit anything, only be inherited
it's true. I've seen it.
Funny that you automatically link feminism with material goods.
its weird but once you notice how infrequently women are mentioned (especially where men are involved, women are basically ignored), you start thinking how maybe there were women around the whole time in these stories but they were never mentioned unless of direct importance. Like, maybe every apostle brought his wife and this was just never mentioned because they weren't doing anything.
Duh we live in a capitalist society
There was some britbong and a mexican in the audience?

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