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How can I understand Trumpism?
>trust the plan
>2 more weeks
Give yourself brain damage
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Nixon made an appeal to working class voters who were to be abandoned by the Democrats by the 90s. Reagan and the Chicago school won the economic argument and the uniparty became apparent with the Clinton administration. Right-wing populism arose in response to Obama and the political establishment alienating voters (they contained leftwing populism via a fraught coalition based on identititarianism). The GOP is more open when it comes to the promotion of candidates outside the traditional establishment (i.e. versus the Dems with their superdelegates). Trump came to power riding the populist wave and the establishment hasn't had a real answer to him besides promoting TDS (which works fairly well but is very overemphasized in the media). Alongside that you have the democratization of information outlets via social media and the continuing failure of the legacy media to cover anything in earnest.
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Drink bleach
Go to tvchmoe /dup/ board. Around there they are adapts of esoteric Trumpism
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Why not Evangelical Trumpism? Did you know the Book of Esther in the Bible is a prophecy of our newest prophet, Donald J Trump?

We really need a /pol/ candidate meme chart.
Christcucks are so stupid
country that had high homogenoity, stability and wealth now getting muttified, destabilised, and poorer. so the people search for a leader whom they believe can restore (MAGA) the realm to its former stability and affluence.
>constantine von huffmeister
If this is his real name I'm buying the book.
If it's not, I'm buying the book.
offtopic. just because there's a book involved doesn't make it /lit/. fuck off to /pol/
>Book has politics I don't like...
>Must go back to /pol/.
Fuck off fag.
Yes, go back already
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>Yes, go back already
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>understand trumpism
Read about the end of the Roman Republic. Not trolling it's truly the first thing you need to understand
But minus his protectionism, his personality cult, and his stupidity and inability to keep his mouth shut, Trump governs like a generic tea party republican. The GOP was using racebaiting and nativist rhetoric for decades. His economic and environmental policies are a massive gift to the globalist elites he rails against (deregulating the environment means more pollutants and microplastics in the water). Many of the small business and national elites that support him use illegals as cheap labor (and same goes for the small business/national elites that support other right populists like AFD, Reform UK, or RN) He isn't even that anti immigrant, he is allied with tech libertarians that staunchly support mass legal immigration of a ton of cheap labor coders.
I dislike the groypers but I will give Fuentes and his like credit for calling out Trump's fraudulent rhetoric. The BAP crowd larp as based nietzchean fascists when their leader is a gay Jew and they simp for one of the greatest grifters.
Idk how anyone ever fell for the BAP meme other than having serious mental and emotional deficiencies.
>other than having serious mental and emotional deficiencies
That's pretty much it. You can say the same about Jordan Peterson. They take timeless cures for improving life (exercise, lift weights, read widely, get good at something) and repackage them with a political spin to gain a following and sell products

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