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Why aren't we right now in a perfect state of bliss,harmony and unity instead of looking for whatever here? How do you explain it yourself? I believe i have experienced perfection,being one and the same with it,but ego showed up from somewhere and identified with it and life started reforming until i "returned" where i was before. There have been other iterations of what i call perfection but either forms started showing up,trying to put a "face" to love or in another case the hand of evil showed up and plucked the humming circle of perfection and i was human "again". From where? If all was one in perfection then how did it happen? Is it some form of entropy? Most religions blame man but in my experience of it the perfect was disturbed and then humanity came about. Was it a force from outside perfection? I'm curious in how you'd explain it in your own ideas.
The fall of man, original sin
can you explain it with other myths or arguments? Even if they say the same
Everyone lived in harmony until the fire nation attacked.
where did this retarded idealistic notion of perfection come from, its almost like listening to a child speak, how can a grown man be so naive?
Having experienced it. And the way it felt turning into a human experience. And the current undulations of being. I'm looking for explanations that aren't part of know frameworks.
so it's plato's fault, why am i not surprised
if it were actually perfect it would be incapable of being disturbed. there never was perfection. learn to deal with that.
>I believe i have experienced perfection,being one and the same with it,but ego showed up from somewhere and identified with it and life started reforming until i "returned" where i was before.
No, that was you finally coming down from acid and returning to the "real world".
The experience is greater than the causes that can be applied to it. The idea of a drug or any other causal event is merely an excuse the human mind uses to explain how it got here.
It was made manifest to me that that which is corrupt is yet good, for were it not good nor were it perfectly good could it be corrupt.

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