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Guys, i need essential chudcore reading books
Help me out
The people around me who were vaxxed are already dying, unfortunately. Do American channels still praise that rat as a prophet?
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This is what peak chuddery looks like.
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Here's some late stage chudcore.
A middle aged woman gave me a copy of this book and insisted that I read it, but I never take reading suggestions from women. It's probably full of porn.
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The things Patrick S. Tomlinson says about black people...
t. vaxxed retard who can't read a few papers to save his life and will suck cock for the rest of his life because it didn't have any negative effects on his ass
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That's because they have comorbid or severe variation of Covid-19 infected them before the mandatory vaccination.

I got vaccinated three times with Pfizer, and I am fine.

Virus can become dangerous, and stronger by mutation as adaptation mechanism. Immune system alone can't beat it. The white blood cells feel overwhelmed. Thus we need vaccines.
No offense, but I can't tell if you're trolling or using chatgpt or whatever. The board it's full of shitposting atm people wanting to create baits.
Because you prefer when a moron doesn't contradict you.
Probably a moron NPC midwit with a college degree and stuck in a polyamorous relationship.
As retarded as I think vaxxers are, anyone disagreeing with you doesn't automatically make it bait
You missed biology class. I can tell it. Seek the total number of vaccinated people. Are the majority of people dying?
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It's about the next generations.
In this book that you will never read because you are scared to Jonas Salk says very clearly that the plan is to use vaccines to control the world's population by inserting heritable traits.
>that can't happen
Okay. But Jonas Salk says it can and now they are giving you mRNA so I'd say it can and is happening.
is this good?
Based on how this tame post made "so many" anons mad.
You're short sighted like cattle and has the arrogance of a midwit.
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It's just like this one.
Incredibly well researched and I'm not saying anything can be irrefutable, but if you were going to claim something was, it's this and the pic related I'm posting now.
We're talking over a source per page from as reputable of sources as you can possible get.

The US would be lucky to get him as president, which is why he wasn't allowed to be in the D primary and why he isn't allowed in the debates.

My pic related book got Thimerosal removed from child vaccines and likely saved literally millions of children from debilitating injury.

The only problem with the books is that they are so thorough that you get the picture by page 100 and they are 500+ pages.
In this book, Salk only addressed how overpopulation couldn't sustain a decent life on earth -- given the scarcity of resources and the high demand for it.

He didn't say the purpose of vaccine is to implement a gradual depopulation. Show me something from this book that will refute this post. I'm waiting here.
imagine trusting a Kennedy
My copy is at home. I used to make pol threads on it for years so I have the screenshots. He says specifically that vaccines and viruses can be used to insert heritable traits that will present in following generations.

Now, I said "very clearly." If you can't read between the lines that in a book about overpopulation he talks about using vaccines and viruses to insert heritable traits and control fertility that this is a suggestion and a plan then nothing will help you.
But I'll follow up maybe with a pdf screenshot.
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I'll just post a few. Again, of course he doesn't say it directly, and being "clear" is based on intelligence. If you aren't WISE enough to catch his drift, then well...that's what the book is about.
Now stop coping about having taken the vax.
I'm a business owner and busy so I'll not go on all day. One more shot if I can find it.
I have a first edition but am using a pdf found online just real quickly looking for keywords I remember.
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I love when people (midwits) attempt to refute me because it gives me the opportunity to post this stuff.

Again, if you can't read between these lines, he thinks you are an idiot (not Wise) and you will not survive.
Now remember all the studies about this stuff going to the gonads preferentially?
No you don't because you are an ill informed midwit or a paid shill frantically consulting your database for a response.
>Mutation can be natural or experimental
>Implying all experimental mutation is bad
Not all experimental mutation is bad. The effect of variola immunization proves this.

>Virus can be included in sperm and egg
>It can create a mutation

No shit. Mothers with HIV virus inherited their unwanted genetic characters to their son or daughter -- making mutation possible. Same with Zika virus.

If there is no explicit explanation then it's just false association.

If Jonas Salk really wanted depopulation, he would not come up with vaccine. Vaccines have been increasing life expectancy rate since the invention. Make a comparison of life expectancy in the 19th century, and 21st century. You will be shocked.
t. a dysgenic freak who's better off leaving the gene pool
Col. 3
I think you know absolutely nothing about vaccines.
They never saved anyone. Hygiene, plumbing, medical care, washing your hands and etc. saved everyone.
You've been sold a bill of goods.
By all means vaxx up.

Scarlett fever disappeared at the exact rate of all the other diseases that were "ended by vaccines" and there was no vaccine.
Living conditions, health conditions, and general squalor is what causes outbreaks of disease.

You are highly confused.
Thanks for making a sincere helpful post. Idgaf if it's "reddit" to say that.

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