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Books on debating?
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Try this one
Anything by Cicero
Tip one: don't listen to your picrel retard. He doesn't know how to debate, he just shouts over people and calls them retards. Also he went to israel and got scared.
Schopenhauer- The Art of being Right.
POST more
I doubt there's any books on debating that would apply to modern politics but if you want to debate like him just practice these strategies with retards on discord or with your relatives if you want them to hate you.
>Talk fast and fire machine gun talking points that will take a long time for the opponent to address individually
>Mot and bailey, gaslighting your opponent when they call out your bullshit, accusing them of strawman or other fallacies
>Ask them retarded rhetorical questions that you can use as leverage against them and say "see, he didn't even answer my simple question!"
>Cite multiple sources like books and Harvard studies even though the shit you're saying is made up since it's a live debate and they probably aren't going to look it up.
And this one is the most important of all:
>Have 100% confidence in your own bullshit. The second you walk anything back, you have lost.
Debating is pretty easy if you have no shame or sense of honor whatsoever like destiny. It's like being a lawyer or a used car salesman.
>he just shouts over people and calls them retards.
Are you sure you're not thinking about your daddy Hasan?
op here. i was actually requesting about books that teaches how to be a cuck.
The Holy Bible.
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Here's another to turn you into a CHAD debator
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Is that an American classic? Is there a Buck breaking book that you like?
OP this is a prime example of a bad debate tactic and it is everywhere now, where if you critique a public figure or group they will "other" you and assume you're on the other side of their ridiculous argument.
For example, this anon is so stupid that he fails to realize that all debate streamers are gigantic faggots that should be ignored and one is no "better" than the other. The fact that he refers to one of them as "daddy" should indicate the cult of personality these people fall for.
What's up with this guy, is he the guy that painted his hair purple, i've seen him debating some right wingers on youtube.
Who's this ugly midget
yep it's the guy that dyed his hair, got into an open relationship with a thot, married her, then got mad when she "cheated" on him. He's the worst kind of guy to listen to and completely lacks integrity.
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More about changing peoples minds than debating. But this is the best book on persuasion I've read.
I'm not a fan of this guys edge-lord behavior, but i will say that he is probably the only internet political figure that I've seen not rely entirely on twitter for all his information.
He has well reasoned points that are backed by evidence. Not that I can change your mind because you are already opposed to him so nothing I say or do will change that
I've seen that he does a lot of research, but the way he delivers his arguments is some of the most childish and cringe-inducing delivery I have seen in a "serious" debate. It's not about being opposed to him it's being opposed to what he represents: the screeching know it all on the internet that shouts over everyone but thinks he is the most mature person to ever exist.
Twitch "debaters" are inherently awful anyway.
Oh yeah I see what you mean. I do think that the time and style he delivers his arguments is extremely cringe. It is really fun to see him destroy retards who haven't done any research THOUGH
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Tone* not "time"
Read anything that Low Testiny has not read, desu. Destiny literally only gish gallops or spergs loudly over his opponent. It looks as if he wins to his sub-IQ audience because they legit think making smug remarks are arguments. If any person beats Destiny, they always cope by saying they only won "optically", no exception.

Also, It's hilarious how he's the best the left has. Really shows what a brain dead ideology that is. Thank you for reading my blog.
>Have 100% confidence in your own bullshit. The second you walk anything back, you have lost.
Unironically this. If you look like you believe it, whichever side favors you will think you won
>He has well reasoned points that are backed by evidence
Kek. Are you one of the retards that gives Destiny talking points through his live chat? It's honestly so pathetic to see Destiny on a live chat during debate
He's a willing cuck. I'm not sure how I am supposed to accept that.
debating is a form of masturbation and people that debate like this are not serious people, just terminally online addicts that search for some meaning in life through narcissism.
Neoliberal zionist retard = leftist
Oh boy
Whatever makes you sleep at night buddy
>I'm too retarded to defend my ideas
>But I totally could if I wanted to, I'm just above it
nta but if you think anybody's ideas have been "defended" on a fucking twitch debate then you are so retarded you are beyond help
>defend ideas
debating is not "defending ideas" its a form of masturbation where you put yourself in public space to try and gaslight, ad hom or deflect rather than seriously sit and consider. people who debate have no actual interest in anything except clickbait and narcissism. and all these terminally online leftist faggots like vaush or destiny are nothing but cancer to the planet, creating little cultists who star tsobbing and shitting their pants over minute differences in opinion. shove your debate up your ass masturbator
>visibly starts googling on Piers Morgan while getting spanked by Michael Knowles
Nice adhoms bro. Go march for lgbtqia+ Palestinians this weekend instead
>he is probably the only internet political figure that I've seen not rely entirely on twitter for all his information.
>He has well reasoned points that are backed by evidence.
>I've seen that he does a lot of research, but the way he delivers his arguments is some of the most childish
>Also, It's hilarious how he's the best the left has
These. I don't watch Destiny but anybody trying to argue that their e-celeb is better is a brainrotten retard. It's not a high bar to compete with, but probably all of the Destiny hate I've seen are from seething retards who are mad because they follow an even dumber and more obnoxious lolcow eceleb.
>debating is a form of masturbation and people that debate like this are not serious people, just terminally online addicts that search for some meaning in life through narcissism.
Also this.
no, i dont think i will march for any of those surrogate hobbyist "causes" for a bunch of upper middle class homosexuals to feel better about their failed and empty lives.
>The fact that he refers to one of them as "daddy" should indicate the cult of personality these people fall for.
>It's not about being opposed to him it's being opposed to what he represents: the screeching know it all on the internet that shouts over everyone but thinks he is the most mature person to ever exist.
>Twitch "debaters" are inherently awful anyway.
Defending your gay e-celeb and calling other people brainrotten for liking some other gay e-celeb makes you a spastic with 3 IQ.
ESL thread or 4chan has a lot of fellow burgers up and early before a productive work day.
Do you really have the balls to say Destiny doesn't look up shit while he debates? I really hope he's paying you well.

>unabashed coomer
>literal fag
>sucks the State cock as much as he can
>believes the narratives every alphabet agency shits out
>believes in "le women are important for the economy" meme
People like him are the ones that enable leftists to exist, yes. He can call himself whatever he wants but at the end of the day he's promoting brainrot (i.e. leftism)
Online "debates" rely more on charisma and timing than rationality. They should be viewed as slop entertainment for pseuds to jack themselves off to and nothing more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9eysmFS7QU
>I don't watch Destiny but anybody trying to argue that their e-celeb is better is a brainrotten retard
I never argued over any e-celeb being better. I do like watching Deatiny get btfo but the e-celeb space is beyond retarded
OK rightoid. Come back when you have arguments
Got an argument or just more adhoms? Why are you debating about not debating being better?
Kek I pointed out several of Destiny's real positions (I'm embarrassed to admit I've watched him debate a lot) and you didn't even address one.
Yes. I said come back with arguments kek. Can you read?
Hi OP, another tip from me. This is what it looks like when you get into "debates" on the internet:
Do you feel the second hand embarrassment? It doesn't matter which one is correct because they've both outed themselves as blithering retards. And do you see how quickly it devolved into shit slinging rather than a good faith argument?
Better to avoid the allure of pointless "debate" and just focus on educating yourself further on the subjects you are interested in.
He's a leftist because he's a coomer? wtf
He's a neoliberal zionist, that he purports to be pro gay rights doesn't make him a ''leftist''
Just because you don't understand the arguments doesn't mean that thats all it is lol
>He's a leftist because he's a coomer?
>that he purports to be pro gay rights doesn't make him a ''leftist''
>arguing over his politics
>when he was a willing cuck
if you guys had integrity you would have written him off immediately
go suck off another ngo leftist trash
What arguments, retard? You want me to hold your hand and explain each position or is that a bit too hard for you?
>Accuses me of avoiding debate.
>Doesn't address my argument.
I was very clear.
there is nothing to argue. your first statement is an assertion and the second is an adhom. do you know what an argument is?
In your schizophrenic mind maybe.
Let me break it down for your zoomer twitch brain.
Destiny = e-celeb
e-celeb = brainrotting oxygen thief
Destiny = brainrotting oxygen thief

You can apply this same logic to any other e-celeb. Debating which e-celeb is "best" is the activity of somebody who supports brainrot, therefore you lose the right to call anybody else "brainrotten"
Ok you are retarded, got it
Use your brain cells and you might understand what is being said
The thread started funny...
go suck off an ngo i said you dumbass leftist terminally online HRT injecting future suicide statistic
This is the end result of "debate"
You're just spamming more schizo babble. I don't watch Twitch, Youtube or any other streaming service.
I don't keep up with e-celeb drama and have no idea what you were spazzing out about in your first reply.
>Books on debating?
/lit/ can't debate, too many pseudo-intellectual fedoralards/pinkotrash who think quips and strawmen are a form of debate then they cry about "muh ad hominem" when you call them retards for acting like retards.
You acted like Destiny is better than any other e-celeb so I called you a spastic for caring. It's really not hard. Is this the power of the debate brain?
There's no way you just got trounced by a proposition from the first chapter of every logic textbook on the planet. God bless you anon, buy a logic textbook and unplug your router.
>everybody in this thread is 0 IQ
>now let me repeat the talking points from half the posts in this thread
How to read a book is unironically a great read.
Do you know what basic logic looks like? JFC
>your first statement is an assertion
My first statement is evident the moment you actually tune into those monkeys on a live debate. If you want a more fleshed out argument you should watch the video I linked, which I did because there's no point in restating an argument that has already been competently made.
>second is an adhom.
An insult isn't an adhom. An adhom is specifically when you use an attribute of someone to say that they're wrong. E.g. You're stupid therefore you're wrong. This is not my argument, my argument is that due to the time constraints the live format isn't conducive to legitimate intellectual discussion, on the contrary, it permits bad faith sophistry (but you would know all this if you actually watched the video I provided). My second point was just an observation on the audience that this type of content attracts.
>inb4 But you said 'timing' not 'time constraints'
That's because I didn't see any reason to put in any extra effort in elaborating my point when there's a video already explaining it. But thanks for proving my point that time constraints (even if they're self imposed in my case) effect the quality of the debate.
See this is the problem right here. The 0 iq nidgger doesn't know how to read.. Indeed, he can't even categorize the post. He can't see that his cocksucking cuck messiah isn't even the topic at all. I am not surprised someone with tiny's rhetorical skill would attract such nonces as the one sampled here. another way to improve rhetorical ability is to play word games that grow your vocabulary. Some like scrabbles, but crosswords tend to be the best.
How miserable is your life that you get your kicks "debating" people? Nobody has ever changed their mind through dialogue.
>unironic retards
Read that anon's first reply and tell me what he meant by whatever "daddy" nonsense he was talking about. That's what I'm talking about. I never disagreed with e-celebs being retarded. If you filled your head with anything other than air you would realize that
>anon says something is true =/= thing is true
Man all I wanted was good books on debate. Now it has devolved into a /pol/ tier trash thread ;_;.
your fault for posting an a twitch streamer. What did you expect?
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>Is that an American classic
It's not but it should be
>Buck breaking book that you like?
Hard to pick the best but here's my favorite
You said:
> but probably all of the Destiny hate I've seen are from seething retards who are mad because they follow an even dumber and more obnoxious lolcow eceleb.
which means you don't agree with all a-celebs being retarded, you think there is a difference. Hence my first reply and all replies that followed it.

If you don't get it at this point go back to school.
>which means you don't agree with all a-celebs being retarded
You quoted a text that proves your claim wrong, retard.
>an even dumber and more obnoxious lolcow eceleb
This implies that Destiny is a dumb and obnoxious lolcow eceleb, and that dumber ones exist. I don't know in what world calling someone a dumb, obnoxious lolcow eceleb is defending them.
Are you retards really trying to lecture me on logic?
Explain that spastic "daddy" rant you went off about in your first reply instead of just dodging it like you have been for 20 replies.
I don’t like him because he’s a lefttard.
>This implies that Destiny is a dumb and obnoxious lolcow eceleb, and that dumber ones exist. I don't know in what world calling someone a dumb, obnoxious lolcow eceleb is defending them.
Because you think he's marginally better. My whole point is that he is not.
>Explain that spastic "daddy" rant you went off about in your first reply instead of just dodging it like you have been for 20 replies.
I wasn't dodging anything? You were failing to understand the basic premise of what I was saying to you, so why would I bother explaining that I posted quotes from this thread that you conveniently skipped over when you were doing your attention seeking mass post? You probably still won't get it after that.
That’s the thing, you don’t.
>Because you think he's marginally better. My whole point is that he is not.
Marginally less-bad, I think so. You're still a freak for posting lies and spazzing out this entire thread.
>You were failing to understand the basic premise of what I was saying to you
You text dumped a bunch of shit without any context whatsoever. No post number, no quoting the parts of the text that add context, no nothing. Text dumping a bunch of image board filth that doesn't directly respond to what I posted isn't the big BTFO you think it is.
>what I posted isn't the big BTFO you think it is.
Fuck me, you haven't read a word of what I wrote. I don't care about whether I BTFO'd you or not. Well done, anyway, you've proven to OP the retardation of internet arguments better than I ever could.
>you've proven to OP the retardation of internet arguments better than I ever could
Text dumping things that aren't responses to your opponent, accusing your opponent of claiming things never claimed WHILE quoting a post that disproves the same accusation, and insecurely posturing in the end pretending you've won. Yeah, I think online debate is based.
Nerds like you only look up to "Destiny" because you see yourself in him and you are like "if an ugly midget nerd who plays videogames in his basement all day has money and a wife then there's hope for me too!" forgetting that he gets shekels from his "debating" and online controversies while you low iq clapping seals get nothing in return
>online debate = making shit up
Don't look up to Destiny. Don't watch him. Don't see myself in him. Don't play videogames and don't have a basement. Don't care for money as long as I'm not financially destitute. I have a wife. Not a single thing of what you said is true.
This thread needs more of this and less pseudo slapfights.
>and insecurely posturing in the end pretending you've won.
>pretending you've won
how stupid are you?
If every poster above me dropped dead the quality of the board would improve overnight
You're posturing.
I wish I'd just drop dead after participating in this thread
>can't even type properly
If this anon dropped dead the board would instantly be saved and the global GDP would multiply x1000.
>My first statement is evident
We hold these truths to be self evident.
>An insult isn't an adhom. An adhom is specifically when you use an attribute of someone to say that they're wrong.
Only pseuds, terminally online addicts, and narcissts like debates therefore debates bad.

You must've trained in the agora
I got you fren, here's one that should put the final polish on your debating skills
Why debate, I know my truth as for the rest of you and your truths.. well y'all can go fuck yourselves
Holy modern bugman
Came here to post this.
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You didn't even bother to watch the video, didn't you? It's genuinely stunning how audacious you are to think that you can pull shit that I never said from your ass and expect it to be believed.
I'm more of the Kaczynski edgelord type but fair enough.
That wasnt me (OP). Go seethe somewhere else
>links a video and thinks it suffices an argument
educate yourself sweaty. i'm not going to do it. i could because i know what i'm talking about but i just won't. ok?
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>Anonymous 07/05/24(Fri)23:51:30 No.23559961▶
>>>23559952 (You)
>>links a video and thinks it suffices an argument
>educate yourself sweaty. i'm not going to do it. i could because i know what i'm talking about but i just won't. ok?
I know it wasn't you. I was showing you an example of what "debate" looks like.
>Go seethe somewhere else
I will. Everybody in this thread is moron.
and you're the biggest one.
god-tier comeback bro, you win the debate crown, all the zoomers think you're the smartest
>he's still responding
Holy cope
This is a good point. Is it fair to just drop links to the entire western canon and then just sit smugly because you won?
I think so.
This board is a joke
>this thread
Is this what Euromutts are doing while we're asleep?
Anon, americans woke up just before the thread was made.
Who the fuck wakes up at 5am to post on 4chan?
I assume you've never had a job
>my job is to post on 4chan at 5am pacific
hello JIDF
Sorry your made up version of leftism doesn't gel with cold, hard reality.

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