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>Past participle of 'to lead' is 'led'
>Past participle of 'to read' is 'read'
Such a poor language.
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I don't know what a participle is
I don't even know what an adverb is
My diction is better than everyone I know
>past participle of "to feed" is "fed"
>past participle of "to seed" is "seeded"
>past participle of "to sneed" is "sned"
i like to read. yesterday i read a red book
the britsh language is a joke and only useful for mercantile activity
An adjective is the quality of a noun (yellow car)
An adverb is the quality of a verb (falling quickly)

There you go
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Why isn't an adjective called an adnoun then
anglos had to piggyback off of latin
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what the fr*ck that pepe purple
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You can tell if he's going to turn purple
>"ruff" is spelled rough
>"tuff" is spelled tough
>"Stuff" isn't spelled stough
what dat tell me doe
now look up how to pronounce the city of Slough
If you can't figure out the meaning from the words themselves you have low IQ I'm sorry to say
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participle... participates
>inserts gh into your word
participles partake as both verb and adjective
Enough! (= Basta! in Italian in this usage)

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